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Everything posted by BlackSocksRedTops

  1. Trying to upset them suggests to me that they are getting under your skin. Just ignore them for goodness sake.
  2. You are specifically chosen by an elder (22 years old) who will see a vision in mystical blue smoke inside a Buckfast bottle. A manilla envelope will then be slid under your door by a young man wearing a black balaclava. Alternatively you can apply via their Facebook page.
  3. Not very Bayern like if that's the case. Did they strike the deal during Octoberfest?
  4. A group of fans have made a banner that uses more energy making a statement about being anti-Irish than being pro Rangers. It suggests they think about Celtic a lot. I prefer to simply bloody ignore them.
  5. Instant image of 26th OF riffling through packed filing cabinets looking for his "dossier"...🤣🤣🤣
  6. I like this guy a lot. On the manager front, was it just me or did anyone else think MB a bit more animated than usual last night?
  7. Which have been great. It was just a suggestion. I get the mixing it up thing but let's not kidd ourselves on. Last night's banner was aimed at our neighbours and had an anti-Irish slant. The Warriors display on the other hand was great.
  8. The more I read and listen to about Rangers this season, it seems some fans are expecting us to play the perfect game of football every time we enter the pitch. A lot of fans have been quick to crucify Beale about his failings this season but I've not seen many lining up to give him praise for the way played last night and how we used our subs.
  9. As much as the detail, the scale and visual impact of the display was undoubtedly impressive, I did wonder why they chose a character that was famous for making an anti-Irish sentiment in a film. Dare I suggest a display showing our great managers, players or victories would have been more inspiring and appropriate? There's a museum across the road showcasing this in great detail. Ultimately, it seems to me that a lot of energy and time has gone into trying to wind up the other lot rather than celebrating something that we've achieved. And we call them obsessed.
  10. I thought Raskin struggled tonight. So did the rest of the midfield tbh.
  11. I think Danilo is not getting the same grief as Dessers simply because he's Brazilian.
  12. He's still not 100% fit but in my opinion he's a clever player. His pass to wee Rabbi was a beauty.
  13. I'm reading that so many of players are "confidence" players...whatever that is. Surely all players are confidence players? Anyhow, my point is that it's evident that Matondo was low on confidence. I've said it before, if MB is looking for a wide player with pace, why continue if you have one on your doorstep? Back to the game. I would have taken 2-2 before the game in a heartbeat. A lot of players of the pace tonight but we still get the draw. Definitely think we will go with 3 at the back over there to cover the space behind the full backs. Oh and Goldson was immense.
  14. Have faith my fellow bears. We have hardly laid a glove on them and are 1 up. I feel we have defended well and if we press them they have (more) mistakes in them. I feel we need to play 15 yards higher up the pitch. Beale made the necessary shape changes before in Geneva. Hopefully he can do the same. And FFS lay off Dessers. He effectively pressing on his own. We need to press as a 3.
  15. I think any magic it had was lost when Bayern played Barca for the 25th season in a row...
  16. Sima has a good record at Ibrox on Eurooean nights. Played 2 Won 2. Oh wait...
  17. Call me a defeatist or a realist (you decide) but I can't see us going through this tie. It's come too early for this team but what I'm looking for more than anything is a really good performance that displays desire, speed, cohesion and energy. I think a lot of fans have the knives out for MB so if we go out without showing any of these attributes, I can see the pressure mounting. (which I disagree with btw)
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