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Posts posted by BlackSocksRedTops

  1. 3 minutes ago, Gonzo79 said:

    We returned to the top flight seven years ago.  Out of a total of 21 trophies, we have won a grand total of 2. 

    What's your point? The 7 years prior to this season are irrelevant to what we can achieve this year. 

  2. 5 minutes ago, Sutton_blows_goats said:

    No, losing two massive cup games

    to Celtic and being behind in the league already means we haven’t done well domestically. Let’s hope for a change in fortunes moving forward. 

    That was last season for goodness sakes. It means nothing now. We need to look forward. We have a great chance to top of the league (or above them) on Sunday. That's our only focus.

  3. Some fans need to get a grip FFS. Sunday was always going to be the most important game of this week. Tonight was hugely disappointing but IMO they are a CL level team and we are a team in trying to find an identity. They were dramatically better than last year and have a hugely experienced coach. I get the rewards and status attached to the CL but is it worth getting spanked 6 times for a little bit more cash? Tonight was too soon for this team and it was always going to be. 

  4. I've voted for Lundstram as he is playing every game with the bulk of fans already writing him off. Still think he has a big part to play this season as Jack can't play two games in a week IMO. He was good on Tuesday and really good today as he moved the ball quicker. 

  5. Just another post script from Tuesday. We go into the 2nd leg on Wednesday having won every two legged tie since getting beat by Malmo. The irony being Malmo were .

    nowhere near the level of the teams we went on to beat. 



    Red Star



    Union SG.



    In the meantime I believe the Tims haven't won a two legged tie in Europe in over 20 years. 

  6. Dear Rangers, 

    I'm a simple man with simple needs. I don't ask for much from my weekends. Maybe some quality time with the kids. A wee glass of red and nice food with the good lady. My football team not losing the first goal again. My football team not getting to half time after 45 minutes of goalless drudgery. My football team making the opposition keeper make saves. My football team not making me an anxious bag of nerves for 90 minutes on a Saturday. Can you kindly oblige with helping me enjoy the weekend?

    Yours faithfully,

    Black Socks Red Tops


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