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Posts posted by BlackSocksRedTops

  1. Interesting to see Copenhagen winning 2-0 away to Galatasaray in the CL. I wonder what their budget is compared to ours. 


    Anyhow...here's my team for Thursday for what it's worth.










    Doubt it will happen but God knows we need a reboot/refresh. Our football is slow and turgid. 3 at the back offers more security IMO



  2. 49 minutes ago, Scott7 said:

    I wish they had to pay for a ticket for that god-awful drum. Moderately priced at £200.00 a match - per half.

    To be honest, I would choose the sound of those drums over the non stop dirge about Bobby Sands anyday of the week. That stuff is embarrassing.

  3. 15 minutes ago, Sutton_blows_goats said:

    Its not just the actual training, its the recovery and medical facilities. IIRC we have a cryro chamber at the training centre to help with post training recovery.

    I presume we are not just giving them it for nothing....💰

  4. 1 hour ago, Gonzo79 said:

    I would normally agree but I'm not looking forward to the match at St Johnstone. We've had a few slip ups there recently. 

    Can't say I've ever enjoyed us going to McDairmad Park. Much like Rugby Park, games always seem to be turgid affairs. 

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