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Posts posted by BlackSocksRedTops

  1. 1 hour ago, ian1964 said:

    I always watch the match back, not so much when we get beat, but you do see a lot of things you miss watching it live!.

    I watched the Motherwell game back and it was worse the 2nd time around. I then watched Pasolini's Salo to cheer me up...🤣🤣🤣

  2. I may go against the grain but I like it. Its an obvious cash grab but at least its new and different. Words not often associated with our club of late. Most of our strips seem to be rehashes of old 9 in a row strips and it's became stale and boring. I wonder what the shorts are like? 

  3. 31 minutes ago, Sutton_blows_goats said:

    Thoughts on Cifuentes last night, and past couple of games?


    I've yet to see anything of real quality from him other than a good ball to Danilo in Servette. Another one who doesn't look to be better than was already here.


    Lundstram is looking like our best midfielder at the moment, which worries me. He is never far away from his form falling off a cliff.

    Thought he was better last night and from what I could see was willing to take the ball in crowded areas with players around him. 

  4. We are a hard watch at the moment. I genuinely hope Aberdeen bring their shithousery A game at the weekend. This might get us playing with a bit of tempo, drive, passion, pace, ambition. Its all so bloody aimless and ponderous. Too many passes for passing sakes. Very few of our players are being brave on the ball and that for me is a very worrying sign. 


    The only identity I can see forming with this team is basically bore the fans, opposition to death with relentless and aimless possession. 

  5. If we could increase our tempo by 25%, take 2 passes instead of 5, get players turning on the ball, try something different at corners, make runs off the ball, be braver on the ball, be more clinical in front of goal, take more shots...we would be a tidy wee team. 🤣🤣🤣🤣


    So let's see... from the last 4 games...

    Plyd 4

    Won 4

    Goals scored 8

    Goals conceded 0


    Does that constitute a run of form...?

  6. 55 minutes ago, Gonzo79 said:

    When paying respects to a Rangers great, is there really any need to criticise a current player?  Plenty of room for that elsewhere. 

    Apologies. You're right Gonzo. I'll leave that for the Lvingston thread tonight. I'll edit accordingly. 👍

  7. I don't know what's worse. Matondo being injured or the fact that we're taking about a player who appears vital to our team but was basically on the way out the door 2 months ago. 


    Man City are currently playing without Stones, De Bruyne and Silva yet have started the season with 6 wins from 6. I get that they are on an altogether different level but IMO it just emphasises that a team/squad with a true playing identity will not suffer as much when players are injured. On the other hand, it's no great surprise that our aimless playing style which relies on small moments of quality here and there will be heavily impacted by a few injuries. 

  8. 10 minutes ago, Bill said:

    It's certainly not good. A must win game and we leave Jack, Sima and Roofe on the bench. Cifu and Lundstram in midfield should ensure another turgid and low tempo game. Or am I being too pessimistic?

    Harsh on Lundstram Bill. If anything, it was Lundstram that upped our tempo on Thursday with his drive and energy.

  9. 1 hour ago, Bluedell said:

    Davies made a few great tackles and interceptions and was the one player who didn't misplace a pass when the rest could only find Betis players, plus he "scored" in my opinion lol.


    Butland had a great game, the one missed cross at the end apart, and Lammers made a big difference when he came on and was instrumental in the goal.


    Got to go for Davies.

    The fact that there are multiple options for MOTM can only be a positive. Many games of late have had no outstanding candidates. Long may it continue. 



  10. 3 minutes ago, alexscottislegend said:

    Why not all three? Souttar, Goldson and Davies to me seems potentially a sound back three which allows more freedom for Tav and Bara to rampage forward. 

    Agree. I thought we might try that last night tbh. 


    Souttar and Davies quite accomplished at taking the ball out from the back also.

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