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Posts posted by BlackSocksRedTops

  1. 9 minutes ago, Thinker said:

    It's a tough one.


    I'd argue that Muscat's loyalty to his current club is a positive trait. And there are great value signings to be had in the Asian market, so his knowledge in that area could be a real positive.


    What do we do for the next few months though? There's too much at stake for us to have a rookie caretaker manager over that period.

    The league race maybe over before December 5th but your concerns are valid. I share those concerns but I think we would regret not getting him. The rise of Ange in the EPL will only cast the spotlight further on Muscat IMO and someone will grab him in England.


    Knowledge of this market could be a game changer IMO. 

  2. 17 minutes ago, Rousseau said:

    Have you got a link?

    Check the Rangers Review podcast on You Tube. They are doing separate videos on potential managers linked. They are also doing one with Thomas Buffel talking about Clement. Derek Clark on there can be rather annoying but the other guys are very astute IMO. (Joshua Barrie, Adam Thornton, Stevie Clifford etc.) 


    Not sure if I'm allowed to post direct links to rival podcasts?

  3. I think Muscat is worth waiting for tbh. I was already keen on him but after listening to a podcast with a Japanese football expert I'm 100% sold. He sounds like the perfect antidote to aimless and passionless rubbish we've had to endure. I also get the feeling that if we don't get him, someone else will.

  4. 48 minutes ago, compo said:

    And enlighten me we’re have all the twats that play your so called modern play it out from the back put us I’ll tell you on the slide downwards at least Sam knows how to set a team up not the shambolic excuse for a team I’m watching.

    It might be okay playing tippy tippy play it out of defence if we had players like Madrid or Barca but we’re a wee Scottish club struggling to put out a team to get the point tomorrow at Paisley.

    Sam Allardyce sets teams up to not lose games of football. Rangers need to win. Please remind me of what big Sam has won in his career? He is a dinosaur and the idea that he is the answer to our problems is beyond bewildering. 

  5. 3 minutes ago, yuddie said:

    Bided time and I've voted Muscat.


    Clincher was that he's won with budget constraints in Oz and Japan and he'll have to do the same here (relative to Celtic).

    He also seems like a head strong guy who speaks English. We need someone who will not suffer fools (or lazy f**king players).

  6. I've heard a somewhat bizarre comment on Muscat on 2 Rangers podcasts today which has left me scratching my head. It was stated that Muscat could potentially be a problem "politically" as it looks like we are copying them across the city. Who actually cares? If he was to come in and sort out the squad and play attacking and winning football, does it matter if it mirrors what they did with Ange. Let's be bloody honest here, the majority of Rangers fans would have loved to have had Ange as a manager. We need a strong character to make strong decisions regarding our squad IMO, so Muscat ticks the boxes.

  7. 6 hours ago, Rousseau said:

    My issue is whether he can implement that style on his own, from scratch.


    His success has come following directly from Ange. 

    Evidence suggests he can as he had to bring in 6/7 new players to the team in Japan. I'd rather take a chance on that compared with serial managerial failures like Frank Lampard. Muscat knows how to win trophies. Most of the names on the list have been nowhere near trophies.

  8. Wilder and Lampard? No thanks. Does not inspire me in the slightest. 


    Muscat on the other hand comes across as no nonsense kind of guy who won't take any shit from under performing players as well as the media. He's straight talking and has worked under Postecoglou therefore that for me is a win, win. IMO he has been unfairly labelled as lucky as he inherited Postocoglous teams but during his time in Japan he lost 5/6 starters yet still won the title with team with a small budget whilst playing pressing and attacking football. Muscat has a lot ticks in the of pros column.


    1. Has won league titles in 2 countries.

    2. He has worked with Postegoglou.

    3. Plays high pressing and attacking  football.

    4. Speaks English.

    5. Knows about the rigours of the British game.

    6. Is straight talking and passionate. 


    No one else being mentioned has won anything apart from Galardo but even then he won 1 title in 7 years at River Plate. And does he speak English? 


    I get the impression that many fans are resistant to Muscat as they see it as us copying them with big Ange. If it brings succces, who cares? 


  9. I'm willing to give Dessers another chance under a new manager tbh. He's been awful but at the same time, so has the whole team. The guys confidence is shot and the targeted booing was disgraceful IMO. I don't know if he'll come good but either way we have 4 million invested in him so we need to hope we get some return in the shape of goals. It's a clean slate for everybody with the new management for me.

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