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Everything posted by BlackSocksRedTops

  1. The only tangible thing that I feel we might see tomorrow is a change in tempo. Its too early to see a massive change but our slow, aimless and ponderous tempo must change.
  2. Thanks for bringing this very worthy cause to our attention Bearger. Will donate generously and will send out to friends who are Bears and will be in attendance.
  3. I'm willing to give everyone a fresh start with Clement. It's evident that Beale (and GVB for that matter) had limitations and was working from game to game on what they wanted on the pitch. Let's see what this group of players can do with a manager who has a clear vision and will not be scared to make brave decisions.
  4. I disagree. Pressers can help set the mood between fans and any new manager and boy do we need that connection at the moment.
  5. Are they? They work for independent podcasts. Which mainstream outlet do they work for?
  6. To misquote Mr Han Solo..."I have a good feeling about this...".
  7. I've seen a lot posts fearing that Clemente may be another Le Guen in the making but I'm not so sure. For example, Le Guen won 2/3 titles in France but was the heavy lifting and ground work not essentially done by Jaques Santini in the preceeding years? Granted, Le Guen still had to win the titles but from what I can gather from Clemente, he's had a significant impact on 3 Belgian clubs based on what he's introduced to the club. Only time will tell.
  8. I also want to see significant change in the style of the team and the overall desire/attitude of the players. If those things improve, the two things you have listed will take care of themselves IMO.
  9. I was leaning more towards Muscat but I'm more than happy with big Phil. Welcome to the club big man.
  10. Go away for the day and we win 3-0. I'm happy with that and in our current managerless state I care not how we've achieved this. Right, Rangers. Get a bloody manager sorted out now.
  11. Got a funny feeling we might play well? Not sure why? Maybe the law of averages suggests we have to turn up in one of these games soon. Good luck Rangers. I'm away for a very long walk with no technology.
  12. Leave him at Hearts to flourish. Why bring him back to our current shitstrorm?
  13. Good but one swallow does not make a summer. Long may he keep it up. And then come back to us.
  14. I hear you but I think we need context. They've all come into a highly dysfunctional team with a manager who was making it up as he went along. I'll reserve my overall judgement until I see them in a functional team with a manager with a plan. Even Dessers.
  15. Said as much in an earlier comment regarding Muscat. Celtic utilised timing of contracts and the end of the Japanese season with Hatate and Maeda. There a lot of South Americans playing in Japan also. For example, the key player in Muscats current team (Yokohama F. Marinos) is a Brazilian striker (Anderson Lopes). He is one of 3 Brazilians in the squad. Their league is miles ahead of ours in quality IMO.
  16. Rumblings now that Muscat is an outsider and Clemente and Jansen are still very much in the frame.
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