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Everything posted by BlackSocksRedTops

  1. Sadly, thousands of us will be watching from the same place Rousseau. C'mon Phil/Rangers surprise us. Do something different today.
  2. Had to endure their coverage as I worked in the garden. Each Rangers goal was met with the same despondent tone you hear when a European side scores against a Scottish side in Europe. I wasn't even sure if we scored a third as Silvas goal was so low key from the commentator (Rob McLean)
  3. FFS. We must be the most predictable and gullible fan base in the world. We have literally had the league in our hands and shat the bed but hey let's get distracted with another orange strip. It's not quite up there with the Charles Green fans Q and A from yesteryear. Our club was getting ran sacked before our eyes by a bunch of crooks and one of the first questions from one of our fans was "Are we getting an orange strip?". Jesus wept. No wonder Green and Co were laughing all the way to the bank.
  4. This. Sterling should have started in the middle today and we should have pushed Dio up and onto Macgregor. He gets MOTM all the bloody time because we allow him the freedom to do so. Lawrence does not have the legs to press.
  5. L That's the line up Rodgers would be expecting. I'd have Sterling in the middle and move Diaminde into the 10 role with McCausland wide right. I would also start Ridvan. If he's fit enough for the bench he's fit enough. Always start with strongest XI IMO.
  6. Zero legs in midfield for me. I presume Lawrence is in to shoot on sight? Forsee lots of changes at half time with that line up. I wanted Clement to be brave with our midfield but he's gone for... I'm not sure what he's gone for tbh. Oh well
  7. Even if that's the case, we both play Dundee at home and my money would be on the Tims to run up a higher score than us in those games. If we win today, the big game for me is them going to Rugby Park. A draw there (not unlikely) would open the door for a potential points win in the title race.
  8. Agreed. If we are debating "to start or not to start" with the guys returning, I would always try to start with the strongest team and try to get a grip of the game as opposed waiting until the game is out of reach or you are chasing it.
  9. I think it's very telling that we did not have one booking I the last OF game. Whilst I am not advocating that we kick everything in sight, that's stat suggests we are not physical enough during the fine margins of the duels.
  10. Despite our recent record at their place and indifferent form, I have a weird feeling that we might do something on Saturday. However, this is hugely dependent on player availability and selection. For us to win, I feel we need Sterling in the middle of the park. That means Cantwell dropping out and Diamonde moving forward to play as a ten ********Butland******** ****Souttar***Davies*** Tav**************Yilmaz ****Sterling***Lunny*** ********Diamonde****** Sima**************Silva ********Dessers*******
  11. Opting to listen to this torture as I'm cleaning out the loft. Oh yee of little faith loyal...
  12. 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 Jesus. I must have been blotto. Was sure it was at 2 or something like that. I stand corrected!
  13. I hate to nit pick but the game was played in the afternoon...
  14. Blue strip with white trim only. Keep red for the top of the socks. Red has no place on a Rangers top IMO.
  15. Likewise. I literally made about 20 excuses not too watch this.
  16. After the previous 2 games it was good to see more desire and grit. Not perfect but far better than the "shit" we've endured this week.
  17. Goldson dropped. Dio back in. God knows why but I have a good feeling about today. Hopefully a week full of self reflection, Dujons presser on a loop and Naismiths snidey comments tacked on a wall will help us re-energise. If we don't concede within 50 seconds, we're gonna win.
  18. Tipping it down in Glasgow at the moment. Rain forecast for most of the afternoon so hopefully the pitch won't cut up too much (on top of yesterday's game).
  19. Agree with all of that. Who would come in (youth player). Is it Robbie Fraser?
  20. Even if it means bringing in our serial Croation shitbag, we need Sterling in the middle or wide right. He gives us energy.
  21. I've got a feeling we might punt Butland to help finance any new signings. He's our biggest asset by a country mile.
  22. I had the "pleasure" of listening to the game whilst driving and it was evident how bad we were playing by the amount of times Lundstram, Goldson and Souttar were mentioned.
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