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Posts posted by BlackSocksRedTops

  1. Record now claiming that Barton went "head to head" with the manager when he intervened "at the end of a blazing row between the notorious bad boy and a number of his team mates, following Saturday’s Old Firm thrashing at Celtic Park"


    If he really did become aggressive/abusive with the manager that takes it to another level.


    I hate to speculate but you have to feel that this is what this all about. Player arguments happen all the time. (Especially after a sore defeat)

  2. FWIW, I'd go with the following team:




    I think we'd all like to see Holt play but I think Forrester should start ahead of him with Holt coming on as a sub and starting on Tuesday. Similarly, I know McKay hasn't been playing well but him on the left and MOH on the right really would give us the width we'll need tomorrow.



    I'd go with the same team but I would swap Forrester and Windass' positions. I'd rather have Forrester playing more forward and Windass deeper with space to drive into. Either way it's positive looking team. :tu:

  3. Will the board demand of the SFA that we should have a minute's silence for the sixty-six.

    Every single bear with a zoom lens should have it trained on the Broomy to capture the images of the numpties who will undoubtably break the silence.

    No more concessions to the effigy mob.


    I'm uncomfortable with that sentiment tbh. The Ibrox Disaster should never be used as any kind leverage to catch Celtic fans in the act. That's why I've always found the poppy tribute debate equally uncomfortable as I feel that is also too important a subject to simply point score against a group of numbskulls

  4. On the news now that "a minority of fans on both sides indulged in sectarian singing and damage to toilet blocks"!!!!

    The rewriting of history is complete!!. Arthur Newman was on commenting on it too??


    Unfortunately, this is the rhetoric that will keep coming from this game forever but it can easily solved. Stop singing TBB and don't wreck toilets. Those things don't happen and the spotlight is all on them. It's like the cup final. We don't enter the pitch and the spotlight and condemnation is all on Hibs. FFS Rangers fans, box clever on this. We don't have a chance with the media so we need to be cleaner than clean on fan behaviour. They have an agenda so let them give people enough ammunition and they will be found out.


    On a positive note, I thought the flag display by the Rangers fans on saturday was nothing short of brilliant. It was colourful, impressive and positive and IMO it was refreshing to see a lack of Union Jacks and Ulster related flags in there. We have more to give than just jingoistic messages

  5. Time to clamp down on the Green Brigade before Celtic's reputation is further damaged


    Davie Hay


    I am a great believer that before you start indulging in they did this or did that, that you make sure your own house is in order first.


    So, on that front someone talk me through the process of buying blow-up dolls to take to a football match. What goes through your mind when you decide to hang effigies at a football game?


    What do you think about when you are standing blowing up an inflatable doll? And where do you do it? And how do you smuggle it up to your seat? But, more pertinently, why?


    It is a mindset that borders on sickness. It lacks any kind of decency and I am going to say that the vast majority of Celtic are disgusted by it. I know any fellow supporters that I have spoken to feel exactly the same.


    I also think that there are a helluva lot of supporters who are fed up of watching a renegade wing of fans purport to speak for everyone who wears a green and white scarf. They don’t.


    I have spoken before about the Green Brigade and the colour and noise they have brought to Celtic Park. That is all well and good but leave the political elements for elsewhere. They do not speak for everyone and they are not representative of a large – and significant – number of Celtic supporters.


    I think that it is time for the club to deal with some of their antics more severely than they have done.


    The banner towards the end of Saturday’s game against Rangers which read ‘know your place, Hun Scum’ was utterly unnecessary and I just don’t think there is a place or a need for it. Watching your team win 5-1 against Rangers is cause for celebration without having to cross a line. I am of the firm belief that they do not speak for the majority but rather a minority – but a minority who, if they are allowed to continue unchecked will do their utmost to besmirch the reputation of the club and a club support who have been warmly received all over the world for generations.


    Celtic supporters are not like this, not in my extensive experience. And while we can talk about what they bring with the singing and the noise – Celtic fans and Celtic Park has been known and celebrated for decades for their support and the way they back their team. That reputation was there long before the Green Brigade were.


    The truth is that those hellbent on using the club as a vehicle for political expressions are acting inappropriately – and in a manner that doesn’t speak for the vast majority of fans.


    I saw Peter Lawwell saying that the club will not indulge in tit for tat comments about who done what, which I think is right. But I also think he will be quite right in hammering those who responsible for some of the distasteful elements we saw from the Celtic side of things.




    That's Davie Hay off the GB Christmas Card list.

  6. Michael van Praag was a stick out who should have won that vote by a country mile. He was one of the leading figures who spoke up regularly against FIFA corruption and attacked Sepp Blatter on numerous occasions. He was also an excellent administrator and really just made for that job.

    You have to wonder where a pretty unknown Slovenian all of a sudden got so much support to win the vote.


    It is doing the rounds that the Slovakian guy is Infantino's UEFA puppet. Infantino apparently visited him for a cosy chat 2 weeks prior to the vote and bingo, he get's the job.

  7. Isn't there already genuine blood on the streets? The greatest thing they could do to change it is stop financing with public money the apartheid schools run by the Catholic church. If they absolutely must maintain their apartheid then they can pay for it because I don't want to.


    I don't want to be arsey but I don't get what you mean by "apartheid" schools? My son goes to a "catholic" school and he is from a mixed faith/fathless family (Atheist and Catholic). He has class mates that have Pakistani, Chinese, Nigerian, Malaysian and Sikh heritage so it's a pretty mixed bag. And with regards to these schools being run by the Catholic church, that's nonsense to be honest. That might have been the case many moons ago but the only people that are running the school and in turn shaping my son's education are a bunch of hard working teachers

  8. Your post has merit and I'd certainly echo the request t avoid politicising most issues.


    However, make no mistake, the SNP have been silent on anti-Rangers and anti-Protestant behaviour so criticism of them is most valid. Especially when their high heid yins praise Hibs and Celtic where criticism would have been more appropriate.


    I agree Frankie but I think debate on these subjects could do without the sweeping generalisations.

  9. Scotland 2016. Run by Nationalist terrorist sympathisers and endorsed by mob rule!!


    C'mon for goodness sakes. I know there has been some stuff going on over the last few days but let's get things in perspective. Can we stop generalising/labelling with all the political/religious stuff? I find it quite uncomfortable tbh and sometimes it leaves me wondering why am I a Rangers fan and am I welcome at all within the Rangers family. I feel that I'm being told to be a certain way as a Rangers fan and that really bothers me. For the record, I'm an atheist. I'm not a Protestant or a Proddy (whatever that is). Politically, I come from a long standing Scottish Nationalist supporting family from Govan. I have no great desire for "Great" Britain and have zero time for the Royal family or any form of Monarchy. Believe it or not, I like Scotland and follow the fortunes of the national team. With regards to my private life, my wife is Irish and I spend time in Ireland on many a holiday. I like Irish people and enjoy the country. I also have friends that are Celtic fans. God knows where this all leaves me as a Rangers fan?


    I like Gersnet, as it has always encouraged balanced debate from what I consider objective Rangers fan from all shades. It's not a forum like Rangers Media which IMO has moved towards the extreme side of the spectrum and has some very dangerous and troubling contributions. Lets' not go down that road please.

  10. What is rather disappointing is that week in week out, the same arguments are repeated and debated over and over again, despite most of those arguing are actually agreeing on the part in bold. As if each week's score has to result in an adjustment of the season as a whole. After MD 5. Not least when we all know from past experiences that performances much like fortunes change over the course of the season. Despite yesterday, just imagine we beat Ross County 4-0 and the Scum looses 1-0 next week. Will we talk about the title again?


    We shouldn't have talked about the title in the first place. We are a club with much to do after 4/5 years of abject neglect on all fronts. Before the season I would have been happy if we showed progression in our recruitment of players and a consolidation of the style of football we showed in a large periods last season. If we could combine these and make a decent challenge for the 2nd/3rd spots, that would be progress in my eyes.

  11. Not sure about this, but the toilets thing seems merely a distraction and is being "blown out of proportion". Don't get me wrong here, since I don't condone it one bit. Yet, reading a few comments on FF and here seems to suggest that both clubs know the "vandalism" problem will occur - whether toilets of seats or whatever - and have for quite some time a gentleman's agreement to keep that in-house and deal with it internally. Hence, as is being said, the prices for OF games are 10 to 15 pounds higher than normal. I obviously can't verify this information.


    I have to agree. I abhor vandalism of all kinds but this is sadly a common story in Scottish football. Ask Man City, Hearts, Dundee, Motherwell and Rangers after Celtic have came to town over the last decade. To propel this story above the utterly sinister and sickening nonsense that happened on Saturday in full view of the TV cameras, the media, the stewards and the police is bonkers. To make matters more ridiculous, I glanced at the Daily Record website this morning to find that the effigy story was being superceded by a jovial story about Ronny Delia having a joke with a Gers fans man boobs!? Feek me. You could not make this up

  12. I would much rather we refused the allocation for our next visit to Sellik Park.


    Agreed. They don't get another penny from our fans. I would also let them come to Ibrox. Charge them plenty, let them come and put on a "show" and bill them for any damage. Their travelling fans are the worst so it would give us plenty of ammo. Box clever Rangers. We are losing this fight

  13. All the sh*t surrounding this fixture has me teetering on the edge of jacking in football for good. TBH, due to a combination of various things I was already losing interest in the game I've loved since I was a nipper but the weekends nonsense maybe the final straw. I genuinely cannot be arsed with all this nonsense that has nowt to do with football,

  14. I don't mind being given a football lesson, yes it hurts, especially against those goons. But in the correct circumstances it can be a positive thing, as long as we learn what were our mistakes and deficiencies and learn from them.


    Pace and accuracy of our passing need to improve, stop the giving the opposition an easy target with howlers in defense. There is a defender in there with big Senderos but he needs to be told to screw the heid and stop being rash, don't dive in reckless nor stupid hand balls, you're no a goalkeeper ffs


    I wouldn't exactly say we were given a footballing lesson yesterday. I would say that the most influential players in Celtic's victory were in blue and not green/white. We made a hard game harder by the way we played and ultimately were the architects of our own downfall

  15. MW also made great play about respect and cohesion in the dressing room


    his signing doesn't make sense


    and it didn't at the time either.


    I was on board with Barton as I thought he was the experienced player MW was looking for to sit in front of the back 4. I presumed that was the plan? Let's not forgot he chased that guy Eustace for a whole season, so he obviously had this role in mind?

  16. I think that was true but the Yahoos board,as far as I know, gave in to them and let them join together again.

    Remember putting one bad apple among the good soon destroys the good so guess what might have happened the one good yahoo would have been diseased.


    I'm not surprised about this tbh. I'm not one for boycotts but I genuinely could not care less if we never take another ticket allocation to that sh*thole.

  17. We have a long way to go but we knew that. How anyone expected us to fare against a team where one player cost more than our entire squad is beyond me.


    We need to spend millions to catch up. We need to earn them first.


    We need to undo all the damage green did.


    This will take a decade to fix properly unless we get lucky.


    People need to decide if they are in it for the long term or not.


    I do agree we have a long way to go but looking at things in the short term there does seem to be a change in the way we play. I can't put my finger on it but from the Scottish Cup up semi on, we haven't kicked a ball and have looked sluggish, predictable and very one dimensional.

  18. That may or may not be correct Ian?. Either way the points that are being made are still the same. What kind of twisted message is that and how did police Scotland manage to either miss people climbing up to put them there or worse, see them and allow this to happen??

    Someone is responsible at C****c and Plod Scotland.

    I wonder what those who organise world suicide day may think of this?? We shall hopefully find out.

    Alternatively C****c could always confirm it was indeed "mock" executions, which I would like to see them explain away??

    There is defiantly a pattern here. IRAoeke-demonstrate and fund on behalf of Palestine terrorists-now mock executions!! I would suggest that along with banners such as "Hun Scum" and "This is War" portray a glaring escalation of hostility and bigotry on their side. This is a political quagmire for those politicians with ties to this club that breathes in a cesspit of hate filled sectarian bigotry, and it would seem now, involved in the mocking of the mentally ill or executing those who follow another football team or worship a different faith.


    I was led to believe the Green Brigade and Co. was dispersed around the stadium a few years back after various "problems" so how have they magically appeared in the same wee corner with all their bile?

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