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Everything posted by BlackSocksRedTops

  1. So are we defining our season by one game? I would hardly say we were humiliated in the other games. Perspective please.
  2. Good team Frankie. I really feel we need to give Garner a good run of games to enable him to find his shooting boots. Strikers need goals to give them confidence and I genuinely think if we start clicking as a team and create enough chances, this guy could score a lot of goals
  3. Fair comments Calscot but I feel the big difference is that we have already seem massive progress under MW in one season. He has created a good ethos and unity with the players and now there's seems to be a trouble due to one player. PLG's situation was somewhat different as it was his first season and there was little unity from day one by all accounts. I think that's why we all have to calm down and not get sucked into the nonsense coming from the press. They will run with this until they have blood so let's keep level heads. We are moving forward under MW and I for one don't want us lose focus due to one incident
  4. I kind of agree, especially the experience part. After all, he did pursue Eustace last season for what would have been a similar role?
  5. Totally agree as the gutter press run with this and will try to create a new PLG situation.
  6. Of course they do but signing him when we already had 4/5 players that could play there does seem strange. Especially when it was clearly evident that we needed to prioritise defenders
  7. He hasn't been any better or worse than the collective tbh. On one hand it would be interesting to see what he would bring to the table in a fully function team but on the other hand, I fail to see why bought him as we already had Halliday, Holt and now Rossiter that can all play a deeper role.
  8. Hopefully. It probably won't stop some of the trolls asking though
  9. Fair doos Frankie but if there are fans who "won't care either way" I feel more than entitled to call them idiots. They are not helping the club at all and only lining the pockets of the fat man
  10. I hate to say it but maybe it's because they are idiots?
  11. Release a statement prior to the Press Conference stating that if anyone asks a question about Barton the press conference ends there and then. Simple
  12. Paul Le Guen scenario? C'mon. It only becomes that if we make it into that. Let's keep faith with the manager and give him time. Warburton may not have achieved anything that that was "tangible" but in the 16 months he was manager at Brentford he took them to their highest position in 2nd League in 80 years, finishing 5th in a very competitive Championship. That is still a very admirable achievement. We need to believe in what he is doing and stick with it. Ok, there will be some hurdles over the next few months and years but what is the alternative? Lurch form one manager to another with the same myopic short termism that has crippled our club over the last 20 years. Honestly, I wouldn't be surprised if there are people already calling for Walter Smith to return. If something like that happens, I'm out
  13. C'mon guys. Is it time of the month for a few guys on here? Can we stop splitting hairs and bickering about tiny margins and get back on topic?
  14. Poor summer signings? Is this based on 6 league games? Some of the new players have played on 2 or 3 times? What chance do we have if we are going to judge every player so quickly. Let's give them a chance for goodness sakes
  15. Is anyone actually counting 10 in a row? 4 of those titles would be without us even being in the league to challenge. I genuinely couldn't give a flying damn about this pointless "title".
  16. Nothing in football is down to luck. I think most people are aware we have been poor but despite that we still could have won all our games (apart from Parkhead) without actually playing to anywhere near our full potential
  17. How long before the "Bring in Walter" brigade start? After all it is Rangers and we have a great track record of myopic short termism... Let's calm everyone and get a reality check. We are 6 games into a new season. Ok we haven't hit the ground running but in 5 of the 6 games we have been the dominate team and with a few breaks here and there could/should be sitting with 4/5 wins. Give the manager time to bed in his players and he will get this right. I'm an optimist and I genuinely have a good feeling about going away to Hearts and Aberdeen as both those teams will open up and come at us. If we can defend better I feel these games will suit us better than trying to break down a packed rear guard.
  18. I think it's harsh to judge Garner on 2.5 games in which we have created very little in terms of chances. He was brought in as a goal scorer but he's had very poor service IMO
  19. I didn't get the Miller for Garner sub. To me that's like for like and didn't solve the issue of not getting decent service to the striker in the first place. Miller came on and seemed to spend most of his time in the middle of the park. A very frustrating day indeed
  20. Honestly...who actually buys the Sun or the Record? They are just pamphlets of lies
  21. If we are ever in the position to do so, I would love to see the Govan, Broamie and Copie road stands flattened and new modern 3 tier integrated stands with full corners taking their place. I would also create a visitors centre/shop/museum where Edmiston House is. Anyone got a spare 50 million?
  22. This has been my main concern since Barton signed. As a Rangers player, he should not be operating in the media/twitter etc. as a free spirit. He should be making sure he is expressing his views in accordance with the club and Manager.
  23. He worked for TalkSport during the Euros so I presume he see it as a good platform to get his side of things over
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