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Posts posted by BlackSocksRedTops

  1. Might be a set of goals and he is telling them ''this is where the ball should end up when you have a shot!''


    Did he get that tip from Paul Ince? Do you remember when he was the Blackburn boss and they zoomed in on his notes during MOTD. The page showed a set of goals with the words saying shoot. Comedy gold


  2. Hard to disagree with that!,keep the faith!,we will get there


    Agreed but that picture made me roll my eyes. As much as I know that charts/diagrams are part of modern football but to me they are quite annoying. On sunday at Pittodrie, Davie Weir took about 2/3 minutes going through a multi page document with full colour images with a sub (can't remember who tbh). What the hell is he telling him that he shouldn't already know? It made me laugh tbh. Old Fergie was one manager you never saw with a pad or flip chart and he did quite well...

  3. I think the reaction to Garner and any new player is very symptomatic of how modern football is viewed in general. Form has now become 3/4 games (good and bad) instead of a full/half season and if you don't hit the ground running you are under pressure from fans. Alternatively, you score a few goals in a few games and the immediate reaction is 1. Get the player on a new contract with mega bucks. 2. Get the player in the International squad. (Adnan Januzaj anyone?). Football has lost the plot IMO


    Give Garner time. He's come into a team that's off form and trying to find it's way. He needs games and more importantly goals. Only then we can see if he is right fit. Patience please.

  4. It's not a fear, it is just an annoyance.

    Imagine there was a team of 3rd / 4th generation Arab supporters who constantly put up banners against the country they were in, flew the flag of a country that worked against them in times of war, had banners against British troops, banners to "kill all Christians" and flew ISIS flags. People would be outraged.


    And so they should be but with the analogy above I presume you are referring to the GB? I think there is a big difference between the Green Brigade crowd and your average Celtic fan that flies a basic Irish flag/colours due to their heritage. All the Celtic fans I know regard the GB as publicity seeking loon balls and detest what they do in the name of Celtic.


    Anyhoo...I'm on a Rangers forum defending Celtic fans for goodness sakes. Let's get back to talking about the Gers and 3 huge points against the mighty Thistle. Oh how times have changed...

  5. I grew up on the black isle - way north. There was no protestant/catholic pressure up there. I chose Rangers at a young age because they were exciting and that was that. It's massively different to then live and Glasgow and support Rangers.

    I'm also not your supposed typical Rangers fan - I'm female, left-wing minded, have a distate for religion and really not interested in seeing the monarchy continue. And yet, I've never felt unwelcome - forced to defend my views, absolutely!


    I will admit to rolling my eyes when I see all the talk of Protestantism, loyalism & unionism, but I can also understand I didn't grow up in Glasgow. If we really want to be seen as inclusive, I agree we should absolutely celebrate the differences.


    Great post. I think you'll find that are more non-traditional Rangers fan you think. I'll end with a small postscript. In my own circle of friends/family there was much debate during the Indy referendum and it turned out that 80% of the Gers fans were pro-Independence and all the Celtic fans were against Independence ie. Having Unionist tendencies. Make of that what you will

  6. A lot of them do. It is not hard to look around Ceptic park and see what country they favour. Even if they do still have "feelings" for their twice-removed roots, then why continue to peddle another nationality? When they go to Europe, you won't see a Scottish flag, you'll see an Irish Republic one. I've spoke to many foreigners and they find it completely bamboozling.

    It is through this nonsense that the rest of the hatred follows - it is a passed down psyche of segregation - even though you have lived in this country for generations, you are still different from them because your 1/16th Irish which apparently overrides your Scottish not to mention your British heritage.


    I'm sure there is a faction that thrives on the hatred business but c'mon mate. Who cares if there are fans that are fond of Ireland and want to fly the Irish flag. It is quite integral to their founding so why do we care? I find this absurd fear of all things "Ireland" utterly baffling. I think it's utterly disrespectful to ask people of any heritage to somehow downsize the importance it has in their lives because they have moved to another country.


    And with regards to Scottish flags at CP, there's not many on show at Ibrox these days tbh.

  7. So it is ok to hate your country of birth and others that are more "indigenous" because your distant relative was born somewhere else and chose to move to your current country for a better life? Why not put your energy into celebrating yourself rather than what your family used to be? When those focus too hard on history and perceived hardships, they are truly losing focus on their current situation and improving things in the time that they should be enjoying.


    Where did I say it's ok to hate the country of your birth? And 1st/2nd generation is hardly a distant relative is it? I think your tarring a lot of people with a Green Brigade style brush. I know a lot of Scots of Irish heritage that certainly don't hate Scotland. In face they love it here and are thankful for what Scotland has provided for their families.

  8. I have an Irish Catholic Grandfather on my fathers side and feel absolutely no affinity whatsoever to Ireland and don't grasp why anybody who wasn't born there and most probably never even been there would. If that's where their affinity lies I have no idea why they're in Scotland and not there. It's not as if it's far away or something it's a short ferry ride away and if I felt that way about it that's where I would be.


    I don't mean to be arsey again but you don't understand why someone born here would want to have some kind of affinity with their parents Irish heritage? I would have thought that was quite a natural thing to do/feel? Maybe there are a lot Irish people want to stay in Scotland because of our own rich heritage, culture and geography and let's not forget substantially superior job prospects and educational opportunities. Ireland's a great country but let's not forget it's mainly rural. Opportunities and jobs for young people/adults are limited and that is why mass migration is still in evidence.

  9. I agree. It has morphed from a religious thing to a tribal thing which is associated with religion however is not fully dependant on it.


    There seems to be some weird love in with Ireland which is very strange to me. I probably have more Irish roots than most of these plastic paddies (grandmother's side were from Southern Ireland, including a Catholic priest!) but I feel absolutely no affinity with any country other than the one of my birth.


    It seems now that it is acceptable for open hatred of anything non-Irish / non-nationalist / pro-British / Protestant in Scotland with very little repercussion due to the government that we have let truly bed in.


    I'm not sure why you would find the "love in" with Ireland strange? A lot of Scots of Irish heritage are 1st/2nd/3rd generation immigrants who, like most Irish migrants around the world, still have an affinity with their families country. I would be the same myself about Scotland if I was an immigrant. I don't have a truck with this tbh.

  10. I don't think for a moment you're being 'arsey' so don't worry about that. Religion hasn't been a big thing as such in Scotland or Britain as a whole for that matter in decades. Last I heard barely 6% of the population ever attend any type of Church services outside maybe a wedding so if you're talking about people having disagreements over any religious tenets that's not an issue. They're not religious.


    The problem is in Scotland as in Northern Ireland it's evolved into a state more like tribalism where the 'adherents' for want of a better word despite not being the least bit religious still partake in a 'them and us' mentality possibly largely due to the British/Irish thing which though it once had a more religious element doesn't so much anymore but still exists at the same intensity in a different manner.


    I remember my first job which was in a steel mill in Motherwell way back in the 1970's and working beside a young guy in there who would say things like if Scotland and Ireland went to war I would be fighting with Ireland. And that despite the fact he had been born in Scotland and had lived there all his life. That's got nothing to do with football and that mentality is still every bit as evident as it was then. Any football element is simply another avenue for them to express that mentality.


    That's not going away anytime soon even if religion disappeared entirely. And incidentally where in Scotland are you from? I came from South Lanarkshire which has always been a hotbed of sectarian bile.


    Fair comments JFK. I live in south Glasgow and I'm a Glaswegian born and bred. I'm not naïve to think that there is not sectarian bile out there but outwith the tribalism of football, I just don't see it in my everyday life.

  11. Well I would argue that the majority of people in Scotland probably did know about Rangers playing up there yesterday but let's presume they didn't. Do you realise the majority of people in Germany were not Nazis and that barely one third ever voted for them? And state of the nation? Yes it IS a sick nation riddled with this type of sectarianism to the the extent they're creating unique laws around it that exist nowhere else on the island.


    In addition there are countless numbers who never watch football but rather label themselves a fan simply because it's part of the sectarian background to do so. I see what a sick society it is all the more since I left it almost 5 years ago now and think you're being naive if you imagine this some minor issue being created by some tiny minority.


    It's such a sick society it's an embarrassment to me when Americans who have gone there mention the sectarianism that's all around and becomes known even to visitors who are only there for a couple of weeks. You think the troubles of Northern Ireland were down to some minority? The undercurrent there is absolutely no different to that which exists in Scotland and it's become worse not better in recent times.


    I would probably never live there again after having a time away from it which gives you a better perspective on how sick it truly is and getting back to Mark Warburton having to live in this sick society which he didn't grow up in it wouldn't surprise me a bit if he left at the first opportunity.


    Sorry JFK. I live here and certainly don't subscribe to this sick nation nonsense. Take football out of the equation and I don't see it. Even comparing Scotland to whatever is happening in NI is something I don't get. Religion of the Christian variety is dying in Scotland and will be non existent in 2/3 generations IMO. Outwith football can you please provide examples of the sectarianism that is all around? I'm not being arsey but I just don't see it

  12. If I were Mark Warburton you just laid out ample evidence for why I would keep my house in England rather than ever bring my family into this poisonous cesspit. I don't think it's any wild exaggeration to point out the similarities between it and the dehumanising of the Jews carried out by Nazi Germany in preparation for the final solution.


    The vandalism of the bus or to be more to the point the sentiments expressed in it are merely an attempt to match and ultimately outdo the hanging effigies etc and I can only see such attempts increasing in frequency and derangement because that's a feature of this kind of lunacy. Each mental case tries to make a 'name' for himself by being 'crazier' than any others to date.


    And let's be frank, this isn't just about Rangers, this is all out sectarianism even unlike that in Northern Ireland which had a clear political objective. This has no aim other than the expression of mindless hatred which makes it all the more extraordinary in a nation where the target group are the majority. If I were Mark Warburton I would probably ultimately think this isn't football this is mindless insanity I want nothing else to do with it.


    C'mon. Let's put things in perspective. Dehumanising of Jews? FFS. Do you realise that the majority of people in Scotland didn't even know that Rangers and Aberdeen were playing yesterday? Let's not turn the actions of a minority into the "State of the Nation". Not only are Rangers troubles irrelevant to most people in this country, football in general means nothing.

  13. Best team on the day, but leave with no points. Too many draws and defeats after 7 games. Personally I am doubting Warbs now. I`ll include the Scottish Cup final in that too.


    I still have faith in the manager as we need to give him time with the new set of players but I'll be honest I'm kind of slowly edging that way myself after today. After where we have come from over the last 3/4 years, I admire the possession game we are trying to adopt but it needs more bite in the final third. For the amount of ball retention we have, we create very little in terms of out and out chances in a lot of games rarely trouble the opposition keeper. I can't blame the strikers as I feel they are getting very little in the way of service. It would be a different story if we created chance after chance and our strikers were firing blanks but they're not even getting the chances IMO. I know we created a few today but to quote Advocaat from back in the day, they were not 100% chances. They were half chances and "moments". I still feel we need that player that can play in the lines between midfield and our strikers.

  14. Best team on the day, but leave with no points. Too many draws and defeats after 7 games. Personally I am doubting Warbs now. I`ll include the Scottish Cup final in that too.


    I still have faith in the manager as we need to give him time with the new set of players but I'll be honest I'm kind of slowly edging that way myself after today. After where we have come from over the last 3/4 years, I admire the possession game we are trying to adopt but it needs more bite in the final third. For the amount of ball retention we have, we create very little in terms of out and out chances in a lot of games rarely trouble the opposition keeper. I can't blame the strikers as I feel they are getting very little in the way of service. It would be a different story if we created chance after chance and our strikers were firing blanks but they're not even getting the chances IMO. I know we created a few today but to quote Advocaat from back in the day, they were not 100% chances. They were half chances and "moments". I still feel we need that player that can play in the lines between midfield and our strikers.

  15. Our three signings, Barton, Kranjcar and Garner who are supposed to take us to a higher level have all failed to impress. Kranjcar was very poor this afternoon, misplaced passes and losing possession.


    I don't think he did much wrong tbh but I'm not sure what he added by coming on. McKay was far more wasteful with the ball IMO

  16. Nah, he is the sort of player we need in this game. If he gets booked then switch him for O'Halloran.


    I just hope he keeps a level head...


    Call me an eternal optimist but I have a good feeling about this game. A 3-1/4-1 kind of feeling. I just think with Waggy and Holt back, our play has more purpose. We are going to click sooner than later and IMO it will come against a team that comes at us. I just hope our defence is up to it on sunday...

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