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Posts posted by BlackSocksRedTops

  1. Hope springs eternal, looking for a better display today, attack for 90 minutes cut out the back passes, i'll leave the rest to MW it's no rocket science.


    I hate to state the bleeding obvious but it is crucial that we get the first goal today. There has been too many times this season (Hamilton, Motherwell, Aberdeen, St.Johnstone) when we have lost the first goal and this only applies more pressure to a team looking to build their confidence. I hope an early goal for us can let the team settle and start to do what they are good at. C'mon Rangers!

  2. When last did a Rangers cf score a goal like that?


    I know Garner has a lot of doubters but if you look at his goals showreel from Preston, he scored a lot of goals like this.



    On a side note, I had to laugh at the image above. Do you think the Saints player far right (Craig?) had a bet on Garner? He looks quite happy as Garner makes contact....

  3. the football is safe, go nowhere passing, at walking pace that creates nothing except boredom


    where has the spirited one touch stuff from last season gone?


    the team don't even look fit


    I think we are playing against better and fitter teams tbh.

  4. we have no wingers, just forwards and CM played out wide


    watching forrester and wallace last night was just painful.


    Forrester was poor tbh. Elsewhere, I feel sorry for Windass. He looks like a player that is playing like he is trying to "impress" as opposed just doing the effective, simple things. He looks to get forward quickly and this is causing him to make poor decisions IMO. Once he settles, I really think he could a great asset

  5. Just watched the highlights and am, much like against Ross County, Haliton and Co., at a loss how we failed to convert more of these great chances. You get the feeling that once we start converting one or two more, the floodgates might open.


    You have to give it to St. Johnstone (et al), as they are more professional than those teams we faced last season and have trialed and tested their system of defending against better opposition for years. Not that this is in any way unexpected.


    Wright got his tactics perfect last night but the worrying thing is that we did nowt to counter. We just kept on with the same huff and puff football.

  6. I didn't make it to Ibrox last night and didn't catch the match due to family commitments but I'm struggling to get an idea of how we played. Looking at stats we had more shots on goal, more possession and loads more corners than St. Johnston but reading the usual online rags it seems that St. Johnston were the better team (the Scotsman even goes as far to say that had Rangers scored a late chance, the win would have "flattered" Ranger. So, can anyone given me a reasonably objective view? Thanks in advance!


    I hate to say it but I havee to agree with The Scotsman tbh. We did have a lot of the ball but did little with it. Despite having less possession, St. Johnstone looked dangerous and at times looked like they had an extra man on the pitch. We just huffed and puffed and looked lost at times

  7. Well, the 1st half was decent, and should have brought a defensible lead. The second half was poor, and St Johnstone bossed the game, meaning that

    the draw may have been about right, or, if I am brutally honest, a tad flattering.


    Overall, that is from games so far this season, I would say that the team is weak; weak physically, weak mentally, and lacks drive and leadership.


    I suggest that JB was supposed to help counteract such frailties. (Go easy on me.)


    I agree. We look like a team that is scared and that was shown in great evidence on sunday. St. Johnstone worked us out in the first half then applied the same pressing tactics in the 2nd half. The worry for me was that they looked like they had an extra man on the pitch, were as we looked incapable of producing much apart from a goal crafted by chance rather than design. Outwith Garners header, I can't think of their keeper making any crucial saves in the 2nd half? I know some people are appalled at the call for the occasional long ball but last night the odd long pass would have stretched the game and pushed us higher up the pitch. I for one hate that type of football as a tactic but a few long passes last would have taken the pressure off defence, who seemed to be struggling with St. Johnstone pressing.

  8. Crikey, the idea of McLeish being in charge again sends shivers up my spine. I think given his employment status people have finally cottoned on that the guy just shouldn't be in management at all.


    This. If that was to happen you may as well tear down Ibrox. I don't care what happened over 10 years ago but as it stands McLeish is not a good football manager and is not the answer. Christ, even the thought of it is genuinely depressing

  9. Agreed - although I don't think he fits into our system at the moment.


    It's worth noting he was a scoring sensation in League 1 in England - which is around the level of the lower half of the SPL. He did however struggle when promoted to the Championship.


    He may well come good though with a team predominately on the front foot.


    With regards to Garner struggling in the Championship, Preston as a team struggled and indeed altered their style of play (to a more negative formation) to try and salvage their place in the league.


    I hope he comes good but I would have chanced Sheffield Wednesday's arm and gone for Hooper. I got the impression that he was in his 30's but he is only 28 and knows the Scottish League. The Tims would have been beelin to

  10. I would answer the original posters question with another question. Was it magic in the first place? Don't get me wrong, I like Mark Warburton as a manager. He is a very erudite and impressive individual (which should be the criteria for all Rangers managers) but I think much of the appraisal of his short term success was based on a what we had to endure in the previous 3/4 years. I feel that the football on show over those 3 years was so prehistoric and non progressive that anyone who came in after Ally that simply showed us a vision of football based on the basics (passing with speed, ball retention) would be treated as a visionary saviour. Am I being too harsh?

  11. Chris Sutton slams 'petulant' Mark Warburton after Rangers Friday night BT boycott


    06:00, 17 Oct 2016

    Updated 07:30, 17 Oct 2016

    By Craig Swan


    GERS boss Warburton shunned BT after the televised clash with Inverness and has previously dismissed Sutton's punditry.


    CHRIS SUTTON last night insisted Mark Warburton’s respect campaign has gone out of the window after his blanking of BT Sport.


    And the Record Sport columnist can’t understand why the Rangers manager won’t just front him or his colleagues up if he has an issue with their views.


    Sutton was a member of the BT team at Inverness on Friday night for their coverage of the match against Rangers in the Highlands.


    The no-show of Warburton or any of his managerial team after the game for interview has sent the broadcaster to the SPFL to seek clarification on their contractual rights in the multi-million deal they have with the Scottish game.


    Sutton, though, is miffed at the Ibrox stance.


    And he feels Warburton’s absence from the camera shows a blatant disrespect towards a major investor in the game and smacks of a petty attitude.


    Sutton said: “What sort of broadcasting are we going to have in Scotland if you can only say what people at football clubs want to hear?


    “That goes against free speech. Without that and a democracy, it goes against the principles of what the country is about.


    “You might as well not go on air. Or just show the game and not have an opinion.


    “Mark likes to use the word respect.


    “This is a guy who confronted referee John Beaton in a rage on the pitch at Pittodrie, that lacks respect


    “Now he has shown that he has no respect for BT Sport, a company who has invested an awful lot of money into the game.


    “Football clubs should have no control over what a newspaper writes or what a TV channel says. If they do, it becomes a dictatorship.


    “We take pride in what we say, we are extremely passionate about Scottish football and I don’t think we can be accused of being biased to anyone.


    “People point to the fact I’m a former Celtic player. So what? Last season, I was highly critical of Ronny Deila’s work.


    “I was critical of Dermot Desmond and Peter Lawwell for sticking with Deila for too long and I was critical of many of Celtic’s performances, just as I praised them when they played well.


    “At Inverness the other night, most of the post-match was taking up by discussing how well Rangers had played to get their win. The programme was extremely positive about the performance.


    “They are rightly praised if they do well and criticised if they don’t, just like any club in any country on ant TV channel in the world.


    “I try to give a balanced view and we are meticulous in our approach. We don’t just turn up, we take care, try to engage the public and make our programmes watchable.”


    Sutton can’t understand the approach of Warburton.


    The Rangers manager dismissed his opinions a few weeks ago saying he would only listen to people he respected.


    Sutton says Warburton is perfectly entitled to that stance, but then responded: “He is entitled to defend himself just as every manager I’ve played under has done, rather than acting cloak and dagger and be cryptic.


    “To me, it’s petulant.


    “Be specific because, if it’s down to me, I’m as in the dark as anyone. Is it me or someone else? What’s the actual issue?


    “The press conference last week where I thought Mark looked like a small child after being urged to leave the room was a disagreement with Sky.


    “He should have taken control of the situation. Like a Walter Smith would have done.


    “Yet I believe Mark then did an interview with Sky after the game in Inverness.


    “So the Sky reporter is stopped in his tracks, slapped down and yet Mark speaks to them.


    “Wouldn’t it be courteous to be told why that happened?


    “Incidentally, that press conference incident happened after questions about Joey Barton.


    “Barton was Warburton’s marquee signing in the summer, he’s hardly played and now he’s not there anymore.


    “Whatever the reasons behind it, people like myself are asking questions and why he signed him.


    “What do Rangers expect? It’s only natural.


    “I’ve been there before. People questioned why Chelsea signed me for £10 million after I had a shocker.


    “Did i like it? No. But did I accept it had to happen? Of course.


    “Why wouldn’t you ask questions when a big-money signing doesn’t perform?


    “As the Rangers manager, Mark has every right to pull me apart on something I have said.


    “He can strip it back, take issue and explain why it’s bang out of order.


    “But he hasn’t. Why not?”


    When asked if he had tried to speak directly with Warburton, as he did with Deila last term, Sutton said: “Yes I have spoken to Mark after the Queen of the South game, but that was a private conversation and I am not willing to divulge the details. That’s not acceptable practice.”


    But he added: “I tried to contact Mark again since Inverness and he has not responded.


    “Maybe, he’s been busy. I understand that. We all have busy diaries. But if he has a problem, why can’t it be sorted man-to-man?”


    Sutton insists he will not change from giving honest assessments and concluded: “I can’t answer what would happen without TV money, but what I can do is stay honest in my opinions.


    “After Rangers lost 5-1 at Celtic, Mark said there was no gulf. I took issue with that.


    “He defended Barton earlier in the season over comments, now we’re asking why he’s not involved. Natural.


    “I said Mark would be under big pressure regards his job if Rangers had lost to Queen of the South and Aberdeen in two games after the Celtic defeat. It didn’t happen, but I believe it would have been.


    “I said Mark’s team is very good on eye, but a bit one-dimensional. I stick by that.


    “The football can also be slick at times and impressive. It was in Inverness for long spells and I stated this fact. It was an excellent win.


    “You have to say what you see.


    “What is supposed to happen when Rangers lose games and don’t play well?


    “Do you say, well done to the players, well done to Mark and well done to Rangers. Great stuff. We’ll be back after the adverts. That’s just silly.”




    The notion that Sutton is accusing anyone of petulance is laughable. Does no-one remember his pathetic wee rant in 2003? The guy is an arrogant, rude and utterly weird headline seeking clown.

  12. I don't think there is a place for him in the team. I think Halliday, Rossiter, Holt, Crooks (when fit), Windass, Forrester, will all be in there before him. Kranjcar will always be fighting for a place as well.

    He wont sit on the bench, that's for sure.


    I have to agree. If he was a 30 goal a season striker with undoubted quality, you would have to bit your tongue and deal with this extras but we are well covered in that part of the pitch. I tend to think if he stays, it's just going to be the Barton-sideshow and tbh, that's the last thing we need right now

  13. Christ, what a depressing thread. I often wonder if fans of other team like Arsenal for example, spend time on forums discussing the relative meaning of certain words and songs, hanging effigies, vandalism, people mocking the dead. etc. I dream of reading this forum one day to find that the main page is football content only. (and that's not a dig at this forum BTW!)

  14. Saltires were waved in the majority at Ibrox before the trouble started in Ireland. The Union Flag took over after that time. Probably the rise of the SNP sees it perceived by some as being somewhat toxic at our stadium - certainly I got criticised by a couple of fellow bears for taking one to a euro match a few years ago.

    I waved a saltire with "Rangers FC" across it at Ibrox from 1961 onwards. It also went to Wembley with me 4 internationals in a row.


    I had the unbelievable experience of having to defend my 6 year old son and myself from a couple of idiots at a game at Ibrox as they took umbrage at his tartan scarf. It was a freezing day and he wanted to wear his classic Royal Stewart tartan which he loved and to perfectly honest I didn't even think twice about it. More fool me. Upon hearing the silly abuse and then seeing his normally placid father being quite heated, he got distressed and we left half way through the game. Needless to say he has said that he never wants to go back to football ever again and tbh, I haven't gone back to Ibrox since.


    PS. If you look at the footage of the fans in Barca 72, there are plenty of Lion Rampants and Saltires on display.

  15. I don't think so coop. He hasn't been charged with anything so his case as far as I'm aware, isn't "live". Also, reading the DR article I don't see anything which would affect his trial if it happens in the future.

    As to who told the DR - there are thousands of them, all no doubt wearing green and grey while hammering out their bile to the internet.


    Does it really matter who stuck him in? If he was on the pitch causing bother he deserves all he gets IMO.

  16. In 2012, Lenaghan and fellow Vanguard Bears member Tommy Mathers spoke about the group to the Shankill Mirror in Belfast. Leneghan said: “We are very active in defending the views of the PUL [Protestant, Unionist, Loyalist] communities in both Ulster and Scotland.


    “Vanguard Bears are a proactive group set up to defend the traditions of Rangers, along with all aspects of traditions within the PUL community, including the right to remain British"


    Fair enough if that's what you're into but I don't agree with them using the name of Rangers as a vehicle for their political beliefs.

  17. Follow Follow with the Celtic and Dublin parts replaced. ie. Europe for Dublin. Not sure what could replace the Celtic line. I would want no mention if them in any Rangers song

  18. Were we watching a different game to big Eck and Neil McCann because they both said that apart from a par flurries Aberdeen dominated most of the match. I was too sick(scunnered) to watch the whole analysis but they repeated it a few times in the short time I listened.


    Did they actually say that? TBH I stopped listening to what Alex McLeish has to say about football a long time ago.

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