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Everything posted by BlackSocksRedTops

  1. Would rather have Waghorn coming from the left than Miller but hey, that's a team that should create chances!
  2. I hate to state the bleeding obvious but it is crucial that we get the first goal today. There has been too many times this season (Hamilton, Motherwell, Aberdeen, St.Johnstone) when we have lost the first goal and this only applies more pressure to a team looking to build their confidence. I hope an early goal for us can let the team settle and start to do what they are good at. C'mon Rangers!
  3. I know Garner has a lot of doubters but if you look at his goals showreel from Preston, he scored a lot of goals like this. On a side note, I had to laugh at the image above. Do you think the Saints player far right (Craig?) had a bet on Garner? He looks quite happy as Garner makes contact....
  4. I think we are playing against better and fitter teams tbh.
  5. Forrester was poor tbh. Elsewhere, I feel sorry for Windass. He looks like a player that is playing like he is trying to "impress" as opposed just doing the effective, simple things. He looks to get forward quickly and this is causing him to make poor decisions IMO. Once he settles, I really think he could a great asset
  6. I have to agree. By the 2nd half we could have played for 450 minutes and I still wouldn't have been convinced we would score. Are we capable of getting to the byline at all?
  7. Wright got his tactics perfect last night but the worrying thing is that we did nowt to counter. We just kept on with the same huff and puff football.
  8. I hate to say it but I havee to agree with The Scotsman tbh. We did have a lot of the ball but did little with it. Despite having less possession, St. Johnstone looked dangerous and at times looked like they had an extra man on the pitch. We just huffed and puffed and looked lost at times
  9. I agree. We look like a team that is scared and that was shown in great evidence on sunday. St. Johnstone worked us out in the first half then applied the same pressing tactics in the 2nd half. The worry for me was that they looked like they had an extra man on the pitch, were as we looked incapable of producing much apart from a goal crafted by chance rather than design. Outwith Garners header, I can't think of their keeper making any crucial saves in the 2nd half? I know some people are appalled at the call for the occasional long ball but last night the odd long pass would have stretched the game and pushed us higher up the pitch. I for one hate that type of football as a tactic but a few long passes last would have taken the pressure off defence, who seemed to be struggling with St. Johnstone pressing.
  10. O'Halloran is a must. Give McKay a break and give MOH a run in the team. If the guy doesn't get game time soon you really have to start to ask what was the point of shelling out nearly half a million on him?
  11. This. If that was to happen you may as well tear down Ibrox. I don't care what happened over 10 years ago but as it stands McLeish is not a good football manager and is not the answer. Christ, even the thought of it is genuinely depressing
  12. You cannot judge a player on a few sporadic appearances in a dysfunctional team. Let's see how he operates with more game time and when our team is playing better.
  13. Not sure tbh. Wednesday got him for about £2.5 from Norwich. They probably would want more in terms of a fee. I suppose you don't ask you don't find out?
  14. With regards to Garner struggling in the Championship, Preston as a team struggled and indeed altered their style of play (to a more negative formation) to try and salvage their place in the league. I hope he comes good but I would have chanced Sheffield Wednesday's arm and gone for Hooper. I got the impression that he was in his 30's but he is only 28 and knows the Scottish League. The Tims would have been beelin to
  15. I have to agree Norris. He's being judged on a few cameo appearances in a team that is not exactly functioning properly. Give him time and games before judging him
  16. I would answer the original posters question with another question. Was it magic in the first place? Don't get me wrong, I like Mark Warburton as a manager. He is a very erudite and impressive individual (which should be the criteria for all Rangers managers) but I think much of the appraisal of his short term success was based on a what we had to endure in the previous 3/4 years. I feel that the football on show over those 3 years was so prehistoric and non progressive that anyone who came in after Ally that simply showed us a vision of football based on the basics (passing with speed, ball retention) would be treated as a visionary saviour. Am I being too harsh?
  17. The notion that Sutton is accusing anyone of petulance is laughable. Does no-one remember his pathetic wee rant in 2003? The guy is an arrogant, rude and utterly weird headline seeking clown.
  18. I have to agree. If he was a 30 goal a season striker with undoubted quality, you would have to bit your tongue and deal with this extras but we are well covered in that part of the pitch. I tend to think if he stays, it's just going to be the Barton-sideshow and tbh, that's the last thing we need right now
  19. Christ, what a depressing thread. I often wonder if fans of other team like Arsenal for example, spend time on forums discussing the relative meaning of certain words and songs, hanging effigies, vandalism, people mocking the dead. etc. I dream of reading this forum one day to find that the main page is football content only. (and that's not a dig at this forum BTW!)
  20. I had the unbelievable experience of having to defend my 6 year old son and myself from a couple of idiots at a game at Ibrox as they took umbrage at his tartan scarf. It was a freezing day and he wanted to wear his classic Royal Stewart tartan which he loved and to perfectly honest I didn't even think twice about it. More fool me. Upon hearing the silly abuse and then seeing his normally placid father being quite heated, he got distressed and we left half way through the game. Needless to say he has said that he never wants to go back to football ever again and tbh, I haven't gone back to Ibrox since. PS. If you look at the footage of the fans in Barca 72, there are plenty of Lion Rampants and Saltires on display.
  21. Does it really matter who stuck him in? If he was on the pitch causing bother he deserves all he gets IMO.
  22. In 2012, Lenaghan and fellow Vanguard Bears member Tommy Mathers spoke about the group to the Shankill Mirror in Belfast. Leneghan said: “We are very active in defending the views of the PUL [Protestant, Unionist, Loyalist] communities in both Ulster and Scotland. “Vanguard Bears are a proactive group set up to defend the traditions of Rangers, along with all aspects of traditions within the PUL community, including the right to remain British" Fair enough if that's what you're into but I don't agree with them using the name of Rangers as a vehicle for their political beliefs.
  23. Follow Follow with the Celtic and Dublin parts replaced. ie. Europe for Dublin. Not sure what could replace the Celtic line. I would want no mention if them in any Rangers song
  24. "The press up there seemed to be very pro-Rangers" Jeso, who is publishing this garbage? VIZ publications?
  25. Did they actually say that? TBH I stopped listening to what Alex McLeish has to say about football a long time ago.
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