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Posts posted by BlackSocksRedTops

  1. I'm not quite sure how a thread about DK turned into a debate about "identity" and Rangers? Either way, the idea that anyone constructs their political choice (and ultimately their kids future etc.) based on their own football allegiances and the so called prejudices against that said club, is utterly baffling to me.

  2. With regards to the initial point about the closing the gap, if you take the 8 games we have drawn and turn them into wins you already have an extra 16 points and then turn some of the defeats (Aberdeen, Hearts) into draws or wins you are edging closer to 20 more points than our current total. I also cannot imagine Celtic having the same season if there is a team within touching distance of them. They have been playing with zero pressure for much of this season.

  3. Typical gutter press. The guy is in the door 2 minutes and a simple and expected restructuring of his backroom staff is spun like a negative and callous cull. If this was Brenda, the headline and narrative would emphasise his strong character and desire to do things his own way.


    Honestly, who buys this garbage anymore?

  4. I don't know anything about Pedro but the unknown quality of this manager is far more appealing/exciting than the list of so called "safe" Scottish and ex-Rangers names that were trotted out by the Media. The thing that I want this guy to bring more than anything is a mind set, an attitude and a confidence that can be soaked up by the players. We don't have a brilliant squad but we know all players can find new levels under the right guidance

  5. According to Skysports it's looking like Murty will be in charge for the Dundee match!


    @ScotlandSky 5m5 minutes ago

    RANGERS LATEST: Graeme Murty likely to stay in charge of #Rangers for Sunday's game v #Dundee


    That surely suggest McLeish is not being considered as an interim manager? If he was, he would be in place by now?

  6. The extra money Euro group stage football brings is too important not to try and achieve.


    Yes, the path into the group stages of both the CL and Europa League is increasingly tricky but it's one we have to navigate on an annual basis if we're to run the club on an even keel.


    By contrast the money from the SPFL is next to nothing - though obviously we need to finish high enough to play in Europe.



    I get that the money from the Europa League could be vital but what are the chances of us getting anywhere near it? I think we have to negotiate 3 rounds and a play off before the group stage. I doubt if we would get past round 1 at the moment.

  7. Everyone is thinking we have to bring a partnership to see us through,why not utilise Murty with an interim as I am sure someone will be able to oversee U/20's.


    I have to agree tbh. We only have 14 league games left and he also knows the players.


    Can someone also clear something up for me? I keep hearing that 2nd place is paramount in terms of European football. Maybe I'm missing something with regards to the carrot that is 2nd Place but if we were to get there and obtain European football, would we not be required to start in the very first qualifying round in early June? Are we going to gain much money from that stage and even then, what are the chances of us progressing beyond that round (or the next?). I just can't see us getting anywhere near the group stages therefore to shift our focus on these games that come far too early in the season seems rather odd. We have bigger things to concern us surely?

  8. Just the negative stuff from back then is though, yeah? Of course it's relevant. He knows what it is to be a winner with Rangers. And until De Boer or someone of that calibre wants the job he's our best shot!


    We are a shambles just now and we've got a Rangers man who has given Rangers fans a few of their more cherished memories willing to come back in and try help sort out our mess!


    No. But all the negative stuff that has happened in that period since he left Rangers is. The guy is a poor, poor manager.

  9. Aye I remember sitting in a stadium in Villarreal going out on goal difference in the Champions League thinking, you know what, this is awful. Much better those days are behind us.


    Enjoy your free Saturdays mate. Nice weather coming in as well. Jackpot


    What he achieved 12/13 years ago is utterly irrelevant.

  10. Do you remember how dismal we were in his final season?


    I do mate. We were brutal. And I'm with you regarding McLeish. I don't want anywhere near Ibrox in any capacity. I was happy when we won trophies under him but that was a long, long time ago. My fear is that he will given the job long term if comes and simply steers us to 2nd place.

  11. i can understand that but i think expectations are so low he may surprise us - within reason - that squad is abysmal especially at the back


    That would be my biggest fear tbh. We are so poor that even if we show slight improvement and go from being really poor to mediocre the board might opt for the soft option and go for McLeish long term.

  12. I genuinely do not see the point of referring to what McLeish did at Rangers 13/14 years ago as barometer for what he could bring to us now. That's a lifetime ago and tbh you may as well as say that John Greig is in the running as he beat Juventus and PSV in the European cup nearly 40 years ago. McLeish is not the answer whether it's short term or long term IMO.

  13. Just getting my head round all this. All in all I'm gutted tbh. I thought getting MW in was one of the most progessive things we had done in about 10 years and I'm just sad that it didn't work out. Sadly, I can see us now returning to the myopic days of old and to see some people even mentioning McLeish is frightening. I'd rather take a punt on a guy like Tommy Wright than go anywhere near big Eck. What about Alec Neil? Or Gary Rowett? Anyone but Eck.

  14. The idea of Alec McLeish coming back in any capacity is depressing. The football he served up at Villa was nothing short of criminal. The guy over thinks football and thinks you win games on a flip chart. No thanks.

  15. I will be surprised if MW turned this around? In fairness this could easily have been our third defeat on the trott tonight. It's genuinely difficult to pick a replacement? We have definitely gone backwards and worryingly I don't feel some in the team are giving 100% for MW. I don't see that changing. Makes you think some of them aren't buying it anymore either?. It pains me to say it but I agree that the end is in sight for the manager.


    I thought the same thing tonight with regards to the players not buying into it. Tavernier looked disinterested

  16. I don't see any positives at all from Warburton just now. Problem is if the alternative is someone like Big Eck...then I'd rather stick with what we've got.


    I think we need to get to the end of the season and see where we are. It's a sorry state of affairs and without significant investment I don't see things getting much better any time soon.


    Big Eck? God fecking help us if that is an alternative

  17. In a season that has already has been littered with 45 mins. that could be filed under "uncomfortable to watch", this is up there. I've backed Warburton all the way but I have to admit, I'm starting to have doubts. I genuinely fail to see what we are trying to do out there. Injuries aside, I also think the constant chopping and changing of the team is not helping. And WTF is wrong with MOH? He comes in and shows some great promise then is benched again for 4/5 games in a row. Mmmmm...

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