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Everything posted by BlackSocksRedTops

  1. Where did I say that? I've stated that that many of our fans would like this. I was merely focusing on the fans who feel uncomfortable with this.
  2. Don't buy what? Are you denying that some Rangers fans are uncomfortable with this?
  3. Agreed but what about the Gers fans who feel uncomfortable with this? Anyhoo...like you said, whatever we think, what will be will be. I just hope the home kit is decent. I'm not really up to speed on Hummels latest output but their most famous kit (Denmark home) is quite simple and classic. Something like this in blue would be nice.
  4. Granted they are just colours but they don't have any connotations. In our case, Orange does.
  5. As this is Champions League final week, I thought I would post this decent article on our run from 1992-93. https://talksport.com/football/why-rangers-could-have-have-been-first-champions-league-winners-and-not-marseille-1993
  6. It bothers me personally because I don't want our football club to have any connection (albeit tentative) with the OO (or any religious/political group for that matter). This is just a cash grab IMO. If we make 2/3 quality Rangers quality with our classic colours they will sell well. We don't need to go down this path.
  7. An orange strip just stinks of, "lets' do this" just to noise them up? Bill Struth would have been proud
  8. I don't think it's pandering. I think it is basic common sense.
  9. Fair enough. Saying that, I think we are getting out of the Puma deal at the right time. Have you seen Arsenal's new strip? What were they thinking? That's horrible
  10. The thing is people will just use an orange strip as another stick to beat Rangers with in my eyes. Let's box clever for goodness sakes. I still recall the Charlie Green fans meeting from a years back with utter disbelief. After our club had been demoted, dragged, beaten and set upon by everybody, one of the first questions by a fan in the first steps of our recovery was "Are you getting an orange strip?" Seriously?
  11. I just wish we would look forward instead of backwards for a change. We have amazing traditional colours (blue, white, red & black) but lets' move them in terms of the actual designs. I Googled "Rangers 2018/19 strip" and almost every mocked up strip was a rehash of our old strips (Adidas, Nike). It's bad enough that we've had that awful Puma copy of the mid 80's Umbro number over the last few years.
  12. It would be commercially successful but the reasons behind that are what alienates a fair section of our support.
  13. Granted, that is a modern trend but as much as the notion of an orange strip appeals to a section of our support, I feel that it equally alienates the rest. Can we not just use our home strips and historical colours (blue tops/white trim, white shorts and black and red socks) as the inspiration for our change strips? Black/red, white with red/blue etc.
  14. From a purely footballing POV, can anyone explain to me why Rangers should have an orange strip?
  15. Nice mock up but let's try something new. Sick of all the myopic "let's keep looking backwards" obsession we have as a club in general.
  16. I hate to sound like a pedantic fool but one thing I would l love to see changed is all the signage and murals (Icons of Ibrox) etc. For some reason they have used a really nasty and cheap looking dark royal blue which is not Rangers blue. Rangers are called the "light blues" after all...Not a priority but it does bug me nevertheless. How hard would it be to get the correct colour of blue?
  17. As I was aiming at in the above post, a "poor" season fro Messi is a career defining season for other players. Alli? Bale? These guys are not on the same planet as Messi. Good as they are they are not close. When Alli scores 45 goals from 45 games in a "poor" season, I might take notice. Anyway, it's all about opinions. Enjoy the game Gunslinger (does anyone actually "enjoy these games...)
  18. I think the thing that apparent in football is that sometimes a good CV means nowt. You mentioned PLG above. Granted his CV looked impressive but if you look at his time at Lyon, much of what he achieved was created on the foundations built by Santini. Sometimes it can be as simple as the right manager, at the right club, at the right time.
  19. Messi is down to 4th/5th? What 4 players are better than him? Messi is victim of own incredible and frankly outrageous standards. I've read people comment that he has had a poor season. In his 45 appearances this season he has scored 45 goals. IMO Messi is the best player this world has ever seen (by miles) and is unfairly judged on his International record (ie. Not winning a World Cup) in a time when no one gives a damn about the International Game.
  20. With all our amazing history, achievements, players and managers, why o why take time to construct a song about this nonsense? If any fan gets hauled over the coals because of this, I have zero sympathy. I genuinely feel that our fan base will reduce considerably if we don't rid ourselves of this. All teams need to encourage new fans outwith the usual avenues and on this front we are light years behind.
  21. Just another wee ditty about the BBC. During the recent Old Firm game, my wife and I were packing boxes with a house move a few days away. I had the game on the radio (BBC Scotland) and about half way through the 2nd half, my missus says to me "Are you listening to a Celtic station?" My wife is an Irish Catholic that has not a got a clue about Sport never mind football but even from listening to those muppets on BBC Scotland for a short time she could sense a level of bias from the presenters. It truly is pathetic
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