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Everything posted by BlackSocksRedTops

  1. Team as expected with Lammars coming in for Cantwell. I would piss myself if Lammars did something of note tonight.
  2. Don't generally pay attention to what they are up to but the online fall out from today's result has been quite funny...
  3. Whilst we are trying to solve our striking issue, he's come in and scored a goal, nearly set up a another. I'm happy enough with that. Was it perfect? Far from it but if it helps us gain three points, that will do for me.
  4. Been occupied all day. Why was Cantwell taken off? Was it purely to accommodate going down to 10 men or was he injured?
  5. If Matondo can get up to speed, Rabbi and Ross out wide with Sima through the middle would scare teams IMO.
  6. FFS. Watched the first 70 mins and then had to suffer commentary in the car from BBC Sco...sorry...Hearts FM. Liam Mcleod was basically willing Hearts to score. Good result. Performance could be miles better. If we actually had a striker it should be 4-0. Positives from the 70 minutes I watched. Ridvan was good. McCausland was good. Lundstram good. Cifuentes good. Oh another clean sheet. Is Sima a better option through the middle?
  7. Disagree. I think he needs 4/5 chances. That just won't cut it. Would Shankland score that chance? Of course he would.
  8. Agreed but still think if he sped up a notch he could be useful.
  9. WTF Danilo. Still not convinced by him at all. That chance has done nothing to..em...unconvince me.
  10. If Cifuentes believed in himself a wee bit more he might be handy. He seems to be playing at 80%. Speed things up a bit.
  11. Did he? I thought he was injury prone before we bought him (obviously)
  12. Tav breaking the lines and Sima makes a brilliant diagonal run. Beautiful. Now take the the game to them. They are shite.
  13. Fair doos but I just can't think of when booing actually helps a team.
  14. I'm more impressed by that bloke that plays for the sheep (Miorski?). Granted the sample size is small as I've only seen him against us, but he looks quite accomplished.
  15. Controversial opinion incoming...Danilo is not half the player some fans think he is. He's extremely average IMO. Right. I said it.
  16. Yip. Keep booing. Exactly what we need to take into the next game. Working our way back to the same position we were with Beale. Tonight was quite toxic IMO.
  17. I get that but why is he singled out? Everyone bar Lundstram was awful. Tav was shocking
  18. Regardless of the what and how of qualification in Europe, that's 2 performances that stunk of Beale since the international break. The performances have been worrying.
  19. Don't think Cifuentes was as bad as people are making out. Did he have a huge impact on the game? Not really. But he got the ball going quickly when he could.
  20. Lammars shouldn't start for us again. Move Cantwell back to his preferred position. And tell him to stop fan dancing around.
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