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Posts posted by BlackSocksRedTops

  1. 1 minute ago, der Berliner said:

    IMHO, we simply trialled the 3-CHs with an eye for next week. I would it use at home and against weaker teams, or in games like today. I reckon when Coulibaly and Jack are fit, we won't use it next weekend though.

    I'm not sure? What do we learn from playing a back 3 in a game we would dominate? I would go back to the back 4

  2. 1 hour ago, Craigy1881 said:

    it's also important to remember i think going into the old firm with that 1 point advantage would heap more pressure on celtic so it is vital the squad is strong and win this game

    Going into the OF game with a point advantage would be great. I would be tempted to go for it at CP and try to get a 4 pt lead. It would lay down a marker and install so much confidence 

  3. 12 minutes ago, Bill said:

    The day will come when Rangers are winning titles again and are the sole Scottish club in Europe. Only then will the BBC game be clear to everyone who's not connected with Rangers. Until then, we watch and keep our own counsel.

    Agreed. Talking of winning titles...I tuned into SSB the other night as I was doing my domestics. There must have been 3/4 Celtic fans on whining about their favourite subject...Rangers. The tone aimed at the panellists (not sure who) was one of "how dare you suggest that Rangers have improved". Let's face it most Gers fans would admit,  we haven't done anything yet but show progress from the mire that we had fallen into over the last few years. We have drawn one and won one in the SPL, we have shown good progress in the early stages of Europe, we overcame a tricky away tie in the cup. Ultimately we haven't won anything but have shown improvement in all areas. Surely the followers of the "ra Double Treble" champs are not remotely bothered by our steady start? Apparently not...It just made think, what the hell is the place going to be like when we eventually win the league? (it will happen). It will be a sight to behold

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