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Everything posted by BlackSocksRedTops

  1. I'm not sure? What do we learn from playing a back 3 in a game we would dominate? I would go back to the back 4
  2. Trying to be positive. SG is a clever guy. Hopefully he'll learn more from the mistakes in that 2nd half.
  3. Feels like a defeat tbh. Midfield posted missing in the 2nd half. Big wake up call
  4. F*cking horrible game against a truly horrible team. 2nd half was as poor as we have played all season. Much to think about tbh. We were too deep in that 2nd half
  5. Motherwell team talks must be fun. Go out and kick lumps out of anything that moves
  6. Had my doubts about Ejaria in such a physical game. The wee man has been great
  7. Motherwell really are up to all the tricks here. We've done well despite all their wee nudges and shoves
  8. We are too keen to get the ball forward quickly. Take it easy Rangers. Keep the ball in the deck
  9. More concerned that we are going with diagonals because Lafferty is on the pitch. Keep it on the deck and keep feeding the wing backs
  10. Going into the OF game with a point advantage would be great. I would be tempted to go for it at CP and try to get a 4 pt lead. It would lay down a marker and install so much confidence
  11. I have to be 100% honest. When SG came on board I had reservations about the appointment. Like all managerial appointments it was a gamble and given what had happened over the previous 2 seasons, it was a huge gamble. I had also made an "assessment" about the Stevie G the man. In my eyes I considered him a bit of a "wide boy" with talented playing CV and maybe not suited to management and especially not suited to Rangers. It's early days but I'm genuinely glad that I was wrong on so many levels. I find his press conferences and interviews (and the way he conducts himself in general) refreshingly honest, informative and forthright. Take a bow Stevie. I'm more than impressed
  12. Agreed. Talking of winning titles...I tuned into SSB the other night as I was doing my domestics. There must have been 3/4 Celtic fans on whining about their favourite subject...Rangers. The tone aimed at the panellists (not sure who) was one of "how dare you suggest that Rangers have improved". Let's face it most Gers fans would admit, we haven't done anything yet but show progress from the mire that we had fallen into over the last few years. We have drawn one and won one in the SPL, we have shown good progress in the early stages of Europe, we overcame a tricky away tie in the cup. Ultimately we haven't won anything but have shown improvement in all areas. Surely the followers of the "ra Double Treble" champs are not remotely bothered by our steady start? Apparently not...It just made think, what the hell is the place going to be like when we eventually win the league? (it will happen). It will be a sight to behold
  13. Hopefully 1-0 will give us a good platform for next week. Another plus would be that Ufa don't score too many goals. In 30 league games last season they only scored 34 goals. If we score over there we can kill the tie
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