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Posts posted by BlackSocksRedTops

  1. 12 minutes ago, JohnMc said:

    I found this post interesting, mainly because you described yourself as being in the minority. Yet even a cursory glance at voting in West Central Scotland from the late 60s onwards clearly showed that the majority were at least left leaning, and voting, if not out right socialists. Despite this you clearly felt you were in a minority when mixing with Rangers supporters. Even though we pulled our support from inner-city, post industrial Glasgow, mining villages across Lothian, Ayrshire and Lanarkshire, the steel and mill towns of Renfrewshire and Lanarkshire and the docks and yards of Clydeside. 


    So did none of the people who voted Labour throughout the 70s and 80s support Rangers? Of course they did, in their tens of thousands. I don't think you were in a minority. There have always been some people for whom supporting Rangers is an expression of their belief system. They see supporting Rangers as a box to tick along with being Orange, Unionist and right of centre politically, sometimes very right of centre. They feel all these things are interconnected, and they can be quite vocal about it. 


    You can see it on this thread too. The thought that someone could passionately and loyally support Rangers whilst rejecting all the other aspects they feel are connected to it puzzles and angers them. You can see it in some of the posts on this thread. Comments like 'never hear SNP supporters near me at Ibrox' and 'only know a couple and they're fair weather supporters' all help fill this narrative. Only 'real' Rangers supporters need apply. 


    I actually think it's that mindset that's in the minority now. I think @pete nailed it; 60% don't care. They only care about who is playing upfront this weekend and who we might sign in January. They care about football, and only football. 


    Whether people like it or not the Scottish society I was born into has changed out of all recognition. The SNP are the most popular party currently. Scottish independence is a distinct probability now, one that grows daily as Labour and the Tories veer further to the extremes and the UK heads towards huge, unclear social and economic change. There is a real possibility that a united Ireland and an independent Scotland could happen in my lifetime. Neither of those events will make me support Rangers any less.

    This. I would go as far to say that most of the 20% of the Rangers indy supporters (if we are using that as a figure) also don't care about intrinsically linking their politics and their football team. My football team and my personal politics are separate entities. They don't effect the other. I only care if my credentials as a Rangers fan are questioned just because I don't pass some uber fan litmus test. That's when we start going down a dangerous road IMO

  2. 7 minutes ago, Bluedell said:

    And would have been on my old bus as well.


    It seems some doubt your figures, but I'd suspect that many buses are like that.


    Before people get their knickers in a twist, the make-up of RSC buses may not be representative of the wider support, but they are representative politically of the people I go to the games with and those I sit beside.

    The numbers are not really the point though are they? If it was 99/1, we are all Rangers fans in the end and want our football team to win, regardless if you are a Unionist, Indy supporter etc. No fan should feel unwelcome or not valid because they don't conform to the political leanings of the majority (regardless of what side you are on)

  3. 34 minutes ago, Gonzo79 said:

    It's hard to tell cos SNP voting Bears rarely admit it amongst Rangers fans.  

    I've only met two who have admitted it openly and they only go to a couple of games a season and are fairweather fans.


    I'd say it's nearer 95/5.



    So your 90/10 figure was plucked out of thin air. Here was me thinking it was based on actual polling or official figures. Silly me

  4. 7 minutes ago, Blue Moon said:

    Twitter it is infested with SNP supporters of Irish republican background who despise Britain and would like nothing better than to see the UK break up, not because of feelings of patriotism towards Scotland.  They despise Rangers fans too.   The SNP elected officials in Central Scotland are by and large the same.   If you despise me I will not have warm feelings towards you.  Don't tell me the party is different because this is the party, that is what it is like.  I am well aware that the Labour Party in the West of Scotland was the same but not where I live.  I hate identity politics but this is not of my creation.

    That's quite a leap from everyday twitter maddies to elected officials. I'm not saying there are not suspect twitter feeds out there with agendas but to tar all SNP elected officials in central Scotland with the same brush is silly

  5. 35 minutes ago, Bill said:

    What a dour, humourless existence it must be in the ScotNat world. But I think you've made that abundantly clear to everyone.

    SNP Chimp.jpg

    I would say its the complete opposite. I come from mixed family if Irish and Scots and my wife and her family are Irish therefore it's a mixed bag of Rangers and Celtic fans. We have all been on peaceful Independence marches and attended rallies and the overwhelming feeling is very positive and one of unity. On our last march my father (Rangers fan for 65 years) got spat on and abused by some lovely "Unionist" folk who took umbrage at a few people on a peaceful march. "Dour and humourless" wouldn't do these people justice. They just looked angry and violent

  6. 13 minutes ago, Bluedell said:

    The fact that there are no SNP MPs, MSPs or Councillors who are Rangers fans (or are willing to admit to be Rangers fans)?

    Have you interviewed all SNP MP's, MSP and councillors to know this as fact?


    The fact that Rangers MSP never attends Ibrox or gives the club any support even though it is arguably the biggest institution within her constituency?

    As said on this thread, considering how much we are hated by other fans in Scotland, it would be folly for a politician to openly "support" Rangers.


    The fact that the SNP leader tweeted her support for Hibs fans as they were assaulting Rangers players and refused to condemn the Hibs fans and just shamefully issued a general statement days later through a spokesman.

    With regards to the cup final, I hardly think there would be up to minute condemnation by the FM considering both sets of fans were involved in the unrest and the facts were not fully aware.


    13 minutes ago, Bluedell said:

    The fact that little or no action is taken whenever SNP members/candidates/MSPs make sectarian slurs or accusations of racism about Rangers or their fans?

    With regard to the accusations, did the accused follow the proper channels?


    The fact that a SNP MSP can call the Rangers captain a "grass" and no action is taken?

    Obviously a misguided tweet by an individual that should have been dealt with.


    It's inherent in the SNP. the SNP supporters on here just stick their heads in the sand.










  7. 2 minutes ago, Darthter said:

    So why is Scottish nationalism deemed bad, yet British nationalism is good (certainly on these pages...)???

    This has also baffled me over the years. Even more so when you consider that this so called British Nationalism/Unionism has been championed over the last few years by such a bizarre cast of characters including Jim Murphy, Tommy Robinson and the DUP.

  8. 5 hours ago, Bluedell said:

    I know officials/representatives in other parties that are happy to say they're Rangers supporters but there don't appear to be any SNP. The Westminster Supporters Club had members from 4 separate parties IIRC but none from the SNP. Again I'll ask why it that?


    Perhaps it's the intolerance of the SNP towards Rangers fans that prevents them rather than the wider societal issue that you're suggesting (not that I'm denying that doesn't exist to an extent).

    Sorry to sound like a broken record but beyond the a few misguided tweets by a few councillers, can anyone provide evidence that the SNP (the party, not individuals) have an agenda against Rangers fans or Rangers the club It's stated on here like it's a fact.

  9. 5 minutes ago, Gonzo79 said:

    There are several reasons why people in the public sphere don't admit they support Rangers.  Our success are our perceived bigotry are undoubtedly the main two.


    Mind you, I genuinely think hardly any politicians in Scotland just now actually do support or even like Rangers.


    Similarly, I genuinely think everyone at SNP HQ has it in for Rangers.  The songs we sing, our flags, our general demeanour ...they hate it all.  And they are friends with people who despise the fact Northern Ireland is British (some of whom have been involved in terrorism against it, in fact).


    If that sits well with you when we're belting out Rule Britannia or an Ulster folk tune, then good luck to you.  I find it a bit odd.

    I'm sure the FM and her ministers have enough on their busy plates at the moment to be worrying about us.

  10. 3 minutes ago, cooponthewing said:

    I agree with a lot of what Bill says. We know the SNP are anti Rangers and anti Unionist. We fly the union flag and are the only club in Scotland proud to be British.


    The SNP are no friends on Rangers and some of our support continue to help them gain political power. If the term collaborators is not accurate then what and how would you describe their position?


    I have never met a pleasant nationalist anywhere in the world; be it Scotland or anywhere else (some of the guys on here exempt) . It’s the politics of division and separatism. Nationalism can’t be compromised or diluted, there is no relenting until their goal is achieved. Anyone in their way must be eliminated. 


    We, as a club and support, are in their way.

    Sorry buddy that is utter ballacks and a masterclass in sweeping generalisation.

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