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Posts posted by BlackSocksRedTops

  1. 3 hours ago, pete said:

    David Edgar said on a pod that the rumours are that BBC Scotland have been told to get it sorted out by the end of the year. Not long to go now.

    If that is the case, stand your ground Rangers. Keep that lot at PQ squirming

  2. 3 minutes ago, cooponthewing said:

    You would be surprised what people do? There is nothing entirely unusual about what happened. Young lads (and lassies) smash and throw things up all the time in fits of rage. 

    I must live in another world mate. 

  3. 33 minutes ago, Gonzo79 said:

    A young lad letting off steam after getting dumped is completely normal.  He'll be fine.  


    He's always been a bit of a daftie.

    Nothing normal about that video

  4. 42 minutes ago, Gonzo79 said:

    Some folk will take any opportunity to have a pop at fellow Bears.


    We have enough detractors as it is.

    What are you talking about? Are you ever objective about Rangers fans? I don't subscribe to this, "they are bears so they are beyond criticism" line. If you acting like a d*ck and you are out of order. You can't give them a pass because they are a "fellow bear". 

  5. I don't think anyone comes out of this looking good tbh. Why the Celtic players were doing a lap of honour after a standard league game is baffling but we cannot react to scrotes like Brown and Griffiths (the obvious ring leaders here) like foaming mouth maddies that endangers the safety of fellow fans. That is not acceptable in any way at all. Just ignore them FFS.

  6. 22 minutes ago, buster. said:

    Eck should be at home watching it on TV with his slippers on.


    In football terms, he's yesterdays man and I'm just glad we didn't appoint him.




    Scotland badly lack a goal threat.


    We do have some decent young players who might turn into a side in a year or two but I'd change the manager before the Euros begin.

    There is the good bunch of young players there. We should have gone with a new manager with fresh ideas. McLeish is 20 years out of date. 

  7. 15 minutes ago, Gaffer said:

    This is a non story - yes, another one.


    His injury was well documented and Gerrard has even spoken about how we get him back to fitness.  I think that it's quite normal for a player to go with the squad, to be assessed by the national team's doctors and then returned.  It happens all the time but once again the press is trying to portray a negative slant on an exciting signing.


    Same old, same old.  Next!

    I hope so Gaffer. I think this guy could be the creative wild card we need in our team. I like the make up of our team but feel that it needs a player that can make something from nothing. From the clips I've seen of this guy I'm hoping he could be that guy

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