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Everything posted by BlackSocksRedTops

  1. Really liking the togetherness shown in that mini melee. All players sticking up for each other. Well done Rangers. They didn't have one shot on target. Was always going yo be hard after the highs of Thursday but we battled on and thoroughly deserved that.
  2. F that. Go to their place and win. Put pressure on Brenda.
  3. Let's not forget... No Danilo, no Raskin, no Jack, no Lawrence, no Cantwell.
  4. Despite some scares, I thought our defence was strong tonight. They are a very decent team.
  5. Outstanding Rangers. Everyone played their part tonight. Even the much maligned Cifuentes, Dessers and Lammars. Lunsdtram really outstanding IMO.
  6. Think Matondo had a few Gs on Betis. WTF was he doing? First that awful shot, then not running the ball into the corner.
  7. Agreed. We've hit the occasional sloppy pass but at least it's been due to us being brave and trying to pass forward with pace.
  8. Lammars has been shit this season but fair play to him tonight. He's been decent.
  9. Something we seem to forget all too quickly. Let's not also forget, a team placed a few positions above Betis took 6 off Brenda's mob recently.
  10. Agreed on Lundstram, Dessers etc. Cifuentes also has done well. There's a player there IMO. He just needs to believe it.
  11. Very impressed so far. We look dangerous and dare I say it, we look like a team. Real Madrid were here at the weekend and could only draw. This is a really good team IMO. We just need to hang in there to give ourselves a chance. PS. Birmančević must be worth a shout. Just scored another 2 for Sparta.
  12. Betis unbeaten in 12 but have drawn 7 from those 12. Score draw for me tonight.
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