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Posts posted by BlackSocksRedTops

  1. 1 minute ago, Waltersgotstyle said:

    This Rangers team seems to get better every week.


    For the first time in years we are able to make a handful of changes without sacrificing the quality.


    The media are forever telling us that Celtic without doubt have the strongest squad in Scotland in fact some pundits made claims that it would cost Rangers £100m to catch them. Well looking at the following:


    McGregor or Gordon


    Tavernier / Flanagan or Lustig

    Barisic / Flanagan or Tierney

    Goldson/Katic/Worrall or Boyata/Hendry/Benkovic


    Coulibaly/Arfield/Ejaria/Jack/Dorrans/Halliday/Rossiter or Brown/Rogic/McGregor/Mulumbu/Morgan


    Kent/Candieas/Grezda or Forrest/Sinclair/Christie


    Morelos/Lafferty ro Edouard/Griffiths


    I would say there ain't much between the match squads.



    I think the difference is they seem to have tricky players like McGregor, Ntchan, Forrest and Rogic that will create things out of nothing. I would say that is the where we are slightly lacking but I hope Grezda/Middleton/Kent/Ejaria can be our wild cards. Saying that we have a better back 4/5. I suppose it's about balance

  2. 16 minutes ago, buster. said:

    Cheating comes in many different guises and is part of most professional sports.


    Draconan punishments because some get so stressed about it is a disproportionate and unworkable folly.

    Some get so stressed about it? Ok then... a Rangers player gets sent off in a crucial game due to a player feigning injury and it in turn hinders us from winning and claiming 3pts. This in turn loses us the league. Would you be cool about it?



  3. 1 minute ago, buster. said:

    What about it being part of a post game panel retrospective remit.

    Stick: One game ban



    Once again file under "taking one for the team". If the actual teams were punished by the actions of their own players cheating, it would stop in a heartbeat

  4. 1 minute ago, JohnMc said:

    Is there a more iconic image of a Rangers player than the one of Alan Morton in full flight? It's used on that 100 years poster and it's just one of those wonderful images that captures something special. Photography is an art form and that image, right leg fully stretched, left leg as high is can go to control the ball, both arms outstretched for balance, captures the essence of the player and all that's beautiful about football. There's movement, artistry, concentration and timeless quality to it. The light blue of the jersey, the style of boot, the perfect timeless haircut, that heavy ball and the fact that you can see other players but not make the out, the photo is all about Morton and his dynamism. You can tell he's small from the photo, which helps you conjure up his personality and his courage. Images of the Colin Stein in Barcelona, Gasgcoine, arms bent in front of him, numerous images of McCoist, Hateley wheeling away after that header against Aberdeen, Papac in Florence in front of the support are all great images, but that one of Morton, a player most of us never saw and some will never have heard of, just embodies something special. I just love it.  

    Great post John. I could not agree more. It perfectly captures the "wee blue devil" and the artistry that embodied that era of football,

  5. It is one of most horrible aspects about modern football. My cure for this particular illness is simple. Don't ban or fine the offending player. Players can be replaced and have enough money to not have to worry about fines. The only way to stop this to dock the players team points. Imagine the reaction from the fans, fellow players and manager if their pathetic actions prevented them gaining 3pts. 3pts that could be the difference between winning and losing a league or a cup or getting relegated. If that was the case they would soon think twice about cheating. Simples

  6. Does anyone use the image based app Pinterest? I use it a lot for work and they some amazing Rangers stuff on there. Here's a wee collection of stuff I found on there. Please feel free to move to another thread for media (if there is one?)






  7. Just now, Devil's advocaat said:

    It's early says, but we've been to pittodrie and the glitterdome and still have a lead over them, and the sun tan Santa looks like he's trying to engineer an exit to me.


    Bring it on.

    I get that feeling to tbh (with regards to Rodgers). It would be funny because if he was the one that dropped the ball with the 10 in a row thing, I'm sure the double treble success would be a distant memory. You are as only as good as your last game I suppose

  8. As much as I am pleased to see Celtic dropping points, let's pump on the brakes. 6 matches have been played and I for one won't be penning their obituary just yet. They will get stronger (they can't get worse, can they...?) and if this malaise continues they will have to spend money in January. Their fans will demand it, especially on the back of some triumphant balanced sheets and the sale of Dembele for £20 million.


    Let's forget what they are doing (or not doing) and take it one game at a time. We've managed to claw back the points we effectively dropped away to Aberdeen/Motherwell/Them and for the first time in ages are above them. Let's just keep the momentum going with another win at Livingston next week as IMO momentum plays a massive part in winning leagues.

  9. 1 minute ago, cooponthewing said:

    They were very complimentary that’s half the point. I never said they were not.  They couldn’t believe they were having to backtrack on their mockery, flippancy and general patronising of our fans and club. It’s all opinions though and it depends on how you want to interpret what they were saying. Keenan’s was “shi@@ing” himself and Wilson is simply a fool dressed as a green and white cheerleader. Totally disagree on Duncan, he is a Motherwell fan with a soft spot for the unwashed.

    TBH I've not listened to much of SSB of late so I was just basing it on todays output. Keevins never let up about how average celtic have been and how poor their transfers have been. 

  10. Hate to go against the grain but I heard it in the car and actually thought Wilson and Keevins were very fair and were complimentary about how we played. They were also very positive about our summer transfers and how we are progressing whilst stating the opposite about the Tims. I also think Gordan Duncan does a decent job considering he is no win situation. 

  11. 14 minutes ago, 26th of foot said:

    A quick update on last night's PQ administrations.


    Paul Mitchell(Jambo) and Steven Thompson(EBT toting St Boo fan) were in a PQ cupboard providing 'live' commentary of Villarreal vs Rangers.


    Big Dick, Liam McLeod, Wullie Miller, Tom English, Michael Stewart, and Paddy Bonner were all at Sellik Park. At half time and full time of our game, the only discussion was ra Sellik. Big Dick provided our score in Spain with details of scorers, whilst doing a run down on other Europa Cup results. At culmination of events at Parkhead, they spent twenty minutes discussing the merits of Leigh Griffiths, there was NO summing up of our game. Both Chris McLaughlin and Scott McDonald were at Sellik Park too, they were in hospitality.


    Now, if PQ dispatch the usual crew to Salzburg in a fortnight to cover the green'n'grey hooped horrors, and provide commentary of Rangers vs Vienna from the PQ cupboard; then we have got them NOT providing a similar service to all license fee paying supporters. Why they did not travel to Spain is a most legitimate question?

    They are friggin shameless. The overall narrative regarding our game was to focus on our shortcomings. Let's not dwell on the fact that a team from Scotland got a credible draw against a team that finished 5th in La Liga (by far the most successful league in European football over the last decade). No no, let's talk about how we should have got hammered. How Villareal had players missing blah blah f*cking blah

  12. 6 minutes ago, alexscottislegend said:

    I'm ecstastic about this and surprised that more posters have not come on here.. You know what this was? This was the managerial equivalent of that Liverpool -Inter match when SG single-handedly brought L'pool into the game. He has infused his will to win  from the managerial chair. We would NEVER have have got this result  with a Pedro or a Warburton team. What the hell did he say at half-time?




    1. Arfield got his first goal

    2. Dorrans comeback - like signing a new player.

    3. McGregor: I would not swap him for ANY goalie anywhere.


    I thought SG had made his first managerial mistake when he started Worrall for his debut. How wrong can one be?


    Saturday: give more game time to Worrall and Dorrans.


    Sorry - I've just had an erotic spasm.  Copyright Vince Cable.


    Did Worrall play well after the 1st minute goal? I had to endure Radio Scotland in the car so it's hard to determine who did what tbh

  13. 3 minutes ago, Ser Barristan Selmy said:

    Absolutely astounding result tonight. We just went to the 5th best team in Spain, scored 2 goals and could have won the game. Regardless of their iffy start to the season. they finished above Sevilla last season, drew with them recently and they're full of top players. 


    What a fucking result. It's rare to see a Scottish side go away in Europe and get a result like this.

    100% agree. Well done Rangers. This result will do wonders for the players confidence and unity IMO

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