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Posts posted by BlackSocksRedTops

  1. Just now, rbr said:

    It's very easy to see why Livimgston have the results they have , a well organised team ,on a horrendous pitch .

    You would think that if you are going to have an artificial pitches in the league, clubs would have to use the same surface. This look like a completely different surface from Killie's pitch. Shocking

  2. -------------McGregor------------








    3 pts a must to keep the pressure on the Jambos for next week. Any kind of win will do for me and hopefully no injuries


  3. I'm no great fan of English but I can't disagree with much of what he has said there. I think most people on here would agree that Alfredo can be and has been a liability at times. On the plus side his work rate, tenacity and goal scoring can also be a great asset.

  4. 13 minutes ago, Gonzo79 said:

    This from post #13 (posted by Bearger):


    "He added that Police Scotland advised that the Aberdeen v Rangers game should be played first."

    Has anyone (Police, SPFL) said why?


    Either way the loon balls from Kerrydale St will already be penning their paranoid take on todays events. It will no doubt be "Rangers n Aberdeen will pure cut up the pitch so we cannae play ra selic way" or some BS like that

  5. 17 minutes ago, Gonzo79 said:

    Whilst I have no time for the sheep, he makes a very valid point.  


    Mind you, if they played the 19:45 KO, would they not just moan about having to get back to Aberdeen late at night?

    I agree Gonzo but I suppose the majority our games up there usually kick off at 12.30? Swings and roundabouts I guess


    Did they expand on why our game was first? 

  6. With regards to Sadiq, it wouldn't really be a huge surprise if he was to go back to Roma in Jan. We've brought in nearly 14/15 new faces so there are bound to be a few misfires amongst them. 


    What this situation does highlight is our lack up cover of front. Hopefully we can bring in another striker in Jan and the UEFA money could help? I hope we are scouting around the lesser leagues in Europe looking for a wee gem. Maybe look at the Balkans again? There must be someone there? 

  7. 5 minutes ago, Bill said:

    Oh let's not forget them. 

    Ooops I've already forgotten about them. How sad.

    How typical from you Bill.


    This could start to be a big factor. How many Jambos will want to listen to the big game from Ibrox next week only to find didly squat from BBC Scotland? 

  8. 27 minutes ago, Big Jaws said:

    its not about 'them' its  a light hearted review of some of the previous weeks crazy comments by supporters of other clubs in a closing segment that lasts 1-2 minutes tops. If its not for you then you can skip past it to the following weeks schedule and credits. 


    Each to their own. 

    Fair enough buddy. Just being super cranky tbh. The podcast is fantastic. I guess I just hate to listen to anything about their loon ball tendancies

  9. 1 hour ago, Bill said:

    No we're not. There's no inconvenience at all ... unless you're clinically stuck in the past and unable to move on. I've said before on here that Rangers needs to start providing a radio service but I can live without it if the alternative is to listen to the BBC disparaging my club at every turn.


    It's amusing you still harbour hope that the BBC can be reasoned with.

    Let's not forget the opposition fans of the teams we play are also getting short changed.

  10. Great blog. My only negative comment would be is that I'm not a fan of the Sevco section. I know how unhinged they are when it comes to Rangers but I don't really want to hear about them on a Rangers podcast. It just seems odd to highlight them being obsessed and then spend time talking about them on a Rangers podcast. Maybe it's just me?

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