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Posts posted by BlackSocksRedTops

  1. I really wish we would have just kept the same side from the St. Johnstone game tbh. Forget the opposition and go and play our game. Now I feel that we have lost a lot of momentum gained in the league with wins over Dundee & St. Johnstone. Oh well, onwards and upwards. The Hearts game is a must win IMO and then we have Accies away (plastic pitch :() and then Killie at home. If we don't get 9 from 9 I think we can kiss goodbye to the league. Celtic are misfiring at the moment but I can't see that continuing for too long.

  2. 6 minutes ago, Gonzo79 said:

    If we have a bad result on Thursday, Ibrox will be flat on Sunday.  Two huge games coming up.  


    If we can't beat Hearts at home, we may as well give up on winning the league.

    Today worried me more than the Hearts game tbh (and that's not hindsight speaking). We will be well fired up for the Hearts game. And it will be on grass

  3. 2 minutes ago, cooponthewing said:

    The pitch was an abomination today. You could clearly see the hundreds of those rubber black pellets flying into the air with every bounce. No doubt the players were apprehensive today; wouldn’t you be with increased risk of being off your work for the next six to nine months. Playing at 75-80% is why we lost today. 

    However, we should still have had enough to beat that shower of garbage! Those pitches should be nowhere near the top division and theirs is just the worst and most dangerous.

    You could see that players were adjusting their footwork to avoid slipping. How many players slipped in the first 30 mins?

  4. 1 hour ago, Gonzo79 said:

    If you come on as a sub, it often results in a different mindset (desire to make an impact is heightened).


    I don't rate Lafferty.  Never have.

    I've never been a big Lafferty fan but I'd rather him being on the end of any chances we create than Morelos

  5. 7 minutes ago, buster. said:

    Livingston stopped us playing moreso than the pitch.


    We played our best domestic away game (and result) this season on a plastic pitch (Kilmarnock)


    edit. In the 45 minutes (first half) that I saw.



    The pitch at Rugby Park was way better than that pitch today. 

  6. 1 minute ago, RANGERRAB said:

    Just back in from game.First away game I’ve been to in a long time. 

    Disappointed at result but I genuinely believe these plastic pitches make the game a lottery. 

    Just ur luck the way the ball bounces whether for or against you.

    Said it previously....how come this pitch is completely different from Killie's and Accies? If you are going to have these pitches it should be the same pitch throughout surely?

  7. 12 minutes ago, Uilleam said:

    We need a 6'5" centre half who can actually win the occasional header, too. 

    I don't think that's the biggest issue. The fact that we almost invite these balls into the box by giving away free kicks in stupid places is more worrying for me. The motherwell game should have been wake up call

  8. 8 minutes ago, Gonzo79 said:

    We need a creative midfielder.  I'm getting bored of saying it.  Ejaria and Arfield are capable but we need someone who does it more regularly.

    I agree. I thought Ejaria at least tried to turn on the ball and look forward. Saying that 99.99% of the time the ball was not sticking. 

  9. 1 minute ago, Gonzo79 said:

    Gerrard is spot on.


    But a good post match appraisal wins nothing.

    At least he was honest. I can always take losing a game if you have had a go but their keeper had nothing to do. That's what so dissappointing. We just looked liked we would never score. 


    Much to ponder

  10. 1 minute ago, Frankie said:

    You're talking nonsense.


    Morelos is a fine, fine wee player and is entitled to an off day.


    As such as I've said all along I think we're short up front, I'd dread to think how bad we'd be without him.

    Fair enough Frankie but if we are banking on Morelos to win us the league or make a decent challenge, I really have my doubts.

  11. 2 minutes ago, Gonzo79 said:

    Odd that the entire team were poor and people are picking on Morelos.  He tried hard today and had no easy chances.

    Is that good enough? That passage of play at the end sums him up IMO. Too rash with the shot across the goal

  12. Just now, Frankie said:

    To concentrate on Morelos is utterly bizarre.


    We ask far too much of him and t's unfair to blame him for the loss just because he was one of 13 players who played poorly.

    It's not just about today. His general decision making is poor. Today just highlights what I've thought about him all along tbh.

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