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Posts posted by BlackSocksRedTops

  1. 2 minutes ago, MacK1950 said:

    Don't know what anybody else thinks but to me Wallace is the best overlapping left back we have had through the "journey" and done well enough in his SPL appearances so if in full training is a possible answer.

    Katic should return in place of Worral who over the last two games made several schoolboy passes that put us in trouble.

    Kent needs a rest so we should see Middleton start,Arfield and Jack should start as Coulibally has gone off the boil and Halliday should get a place as he is beginning to show promise at last.

    I tend to agree. If he is fit then he would be worth a shout. I'm not sure how long Barisic is out for? I remember a few years back Wallace was the best Scottish player on the park at Wembley (3-0 defeat) and if he could offer performances like that, surely he is a better shout than Flanagan?

  2. Just now, Bill said:

    Are you still rushing to read my posts then? Weird.


    Seriously, there's no need to be so use personal insults that you probably wouldn't use face to face. If you really get so upset by posts on a football forum, surely it would be better simply to ignore any posts you disagree with. It's nothing to me but there's a desperation about your posts recently that suggests a problem could be developing. Cheers.

    Believe me, no-one is rushing to read your posts Bill. If I could screen them I would.


    With regards to being upset, don't flatter yourself. I'm more bemused why a grown man would insist on being the "smartest arse" on public football forum. These forums are probably the most balanced Rangers forums online and they are known for decent debate on all things Rangers and other topics. There are things that people agree on and things that people disagree on but it's always fair. I apologise to the Mods for using a personal insult but for you to be handing out sermons about personal insults is truly laughable.

  3. 14 minutes ago, Frankie said:

    Thanks for taking the time to contribute Les - excellent stuff!  :)


    FWIW, I think we will see changes tomorrow.  Coulibaly is well off-form so needs dropped and I think Grezda or Middleton should replace Kent who deserves a rest - or, if necessary, he could be moved centrally in behind Morelos.


    I think Halliday will play at left back and Jack will start as well as he did well when he came on.

    Grezda is a must start for me. We need to shake up the final 3rd badly and as someone* else said on another post, we need to start getting  players beyond Morelos.


    *apologies to whoever poster it. I can't remember who it was

  4. 8 hours ago, Bill said:

    You’re from Govan? My God, why didn’t you say so sooner? Hey guys, it’s OK, he’s from Govan.

    Is it necessary to be a twat in every post you make and infest every thread with your bile? 


    You probably wear it as a badge of honour. Weird

  5. 45 minutes ago, MacK1950 said:

    At least we found out that Halliday could put a decent corner over now let's have others step to the plate.

    I thought Halliday did well last night considering he's been asked to come on and make cameo appearances. 

  6. 12 minutes ago, ranger_syntax said:



    Relax. I didn't see anybody with a saltire in the main stand.

    Sorry buddy. Just getting tired of all this conditional fan bollox. I support Rangers. I'm originally from Govan. They were my local team. Scottish? British? TBH I don't really care. I just want to support my team without a huge list of conditions. It seems that's what some people would impliment if they had their way. 


    Anyhoo...I'm off topic. I'm not that into booing...

  7. 57 minutes ago, ranger_syntax said:

    I'm in the main stand too.


    Around my seat most of the people booing were directing it at some guy waving a saltire.

    Was it a Rangers fan? If so, why would they boo a guy waving a Saltire? The UB wave saltires. The official club flag wavers have done this. Are we not allowed to be "proudly Scottish" now? Confused.com

  8. 30 minutes ago, gisabeer said:

    I booed.   the players deserved to be booed.   we have a midfield bereft of ideas.  they don't seem to be able to see a pass to make.  instead they just amble about at the half way line waiting for someone else to take charge.   we need a leader in the centre of the park but no one seems to be willing to step up to the plate.


    Our manager though needs to have a right good look at his Liverpool  loanees.  they bring nothing to the club.   coulibaly and Kent wouldn't get picked for a pub team the way they are playing at the moment  but they walk into ours.  That has to change.   I'm pretty sure that Middleton Mcrorie can do more for the team than those mentioned.



    On the loanees, I think you are being a tad harsh. Kent's done ok but not briiliant. Ejaria has shown promise and IMO is always looking to do something positive. They're young players so we probably have to show some patience (me included). 

  9. 16 minutes ago, ian1964 said:

    We are all frustrated, however we are creating chances, their keeper had a few good saves, we also had numerous corners which we should have scored from a couple of them, Arfield missed a sitter as well.

    Fair enough but we are not creating enough. Considering how much ball we have making the keeper make a few good saves isnot good enough

  10. Fair play to all who have managed to take a step back and add some perspective on our recent poor form. Still a bit raw for me personally tbh. 


    I just want us to create more. If their keeper is making saves that means we are creating chances and that is not happening at the moment. We need to work out a system that gets the best out if the 5 players playing in midfield and on the flanks behind Morelos. Earlier in the season I thought we were cracking it but now I'm none the wiser about how we acheive this

  11. 3 minutes ago, buster. said:

    Managers need a level of professionalism'

    FT: Hearts 0-0 Hibernian


    Gary Caldwell

    Partick Thistle manager on Sportsound

    "I think he brings a lot of it on himself. Whoever throws something from a stand should be ejected immediately but Neil Lennon was goading the fans as that goal got disallowed. As managers, coaches, players, we have to have a level of professionalism to not incite that and I think at times he does."

    Article Reactions

    Well said Gary Caldwell

  12. 6 minutes ago, ian1964 said:


    I hate to sound more negative after such a shitty few results but does anyone else think SG looks knackered? Hopefully some bad lighting but to me he looks jiggered

  13. 2 minutes ago, RTB2004 said:

    Froze my fucking toes off on Sunday and again today for this utter pish.


    I'm no joining the sack so and so bandwagon at all, but ffs Gerrard get it sorted. If his name wasn't Steven Gerrard and he hadn't got us into the Europa League then there'd be a lot more questions being asked of his utterly abysmal league form.


    I think the main reason why we perform better in Europe but not in the league is because we are constantly hitting teams on the break whilst in Europe and those teams generally play a lot more openly against us. In the league however teams seem to have a tendency of just sticking every man behind the ball whilst looking to frustrate us. Aberdeen have done it against us with success, and so have Kilmarnock now.


    I'd drop Joe Worrall. I don't think he is a bad player at all but he is far too slow on the ball for my liking. Ruins the pace of the game for me. Feel like our back four is desperately missing Katic's aerial prowess. 


    I'd also have Barisic back (I'm fully aware he is injured) Flanagan is a good choice defensively (apart from today) but he is utterly useless when it comes to getting forward. Barisic is a lot more solid going forwards and we could use his crossing ability. 


    Hate to sound negative, but we need to start picking up. If we get beat at Ibrox off of Celtic in December then our season is done. That will be a do or die game imo.



    So fucking frustrating.

    I'd go as far as to say that the league is already over. After a stuttering start, the Tims are finding their form (and goals) and we look like a team that will struggle to put a run together. If we are close to the them (5/6pts) by the game in December I will be very surprised

  14. 15 minutes ago, Gonzo79 said:

    We have signed three players from the Balkans but instead play loanees and sub-par players from England.


    Something doesn't sit well.

    To be fair, Katic has played but hasn't been the same since his injury. Barisic and Grezda have had injuries. The Katic one is the biggest concern. If we are crow- barring a 21 year old 5th choice CB from Forest (as part of the loan terms) in front of our own player, that would be a worry. Worral's not been poor but I don't see him as a huge step up from Katic

  15. 2 minutes ago, cooponthewing said:

    It’s another draining performance as the realisation of how mediocre we are kicks in? There is no penetration and something isn’t right? We have not looked the same team since Katic was dropped for Worrall strangely?


    We can’t break teams down and we don’t look cohesive again. There was on field arguments in the first half as concerns Pete highlighted re Flanagan played out in front of us.


    Its the managers job to sort this. The league will not be ours but right now we have scored 1 goal in 170 mins. I also think we have had less than ten shots on target in that time? Abysmal!!

    I'm not sure if our form relates directly to the Worral/ Katic situation but what I would say is that we have done more chopping and changing than I would have hoped for. I get that it sometimes it can be horses for courses and we have had some injuries but I would have tried to keep the same team/shape as much as possible. Even tonight, changing the keeper made no sense to me.

  16. 1 minute ago, pete said:

    That was a statement once made by Dick Advocaat. Not word for word but he said sometimes it is good to let the other team have the ball.

    I was thinking that very thing tonight. Should we have dropped deeper to allow more space? Christ, I don't know anymore. Well frigging pissed off tbh

  17. 10 minutes ago, JFK-1 said:

    I have been working and didn't see it in fact just discovered the result and the stats seem to tell a familiar tale.


    We had 61% possession and 19 shots at goal against 7 for Killie. We had 7 shots on target against 2 for killie and 13 corners against 4 for Killie. We're outplaying these teams and failing to win. I just don't know what to make of it. 

    Don't let stats fool you. We are not outplaying anybody at the moment. In the last 4 games the opposition have been happy to drop deep and give us the ball so that somewhat skews the possession stats. With regards to shots on target, that is also misleading as we are simply not making the opposing teams keepers work at all. Outplaying teams to me is getting behind their defence, creating chances and giving their keeper plenty to think about. These things have not happened in our last 4 games

  18. 8 minutes ago, StuGers said:

    Unbelievable stuff. 

    We are so reliant on going down the wing that it looks like we don’t know how to run the ball through them.

    So many times there were gaps that could be run into and we passed it (square or backwards).


    On Killie, they are one of the dirtiest teams I’ve seen. Every dirty trick, they used it.


    The ref lost control of the game from

    kick off. He was less than pathetic.


    Was the Morelos booking for a dive correct or was it a penalty?

    Even though we try to utilise the wings I feel we are not entirely successful. How many times do our wingers/full backs get to the by line and cut crosses back? It's the hardest ball to defend but we rarely craft those positions

  19. 1 minute ago, pete said:

    We may not win it but it is far from over. Kilmarnock will take points off of most teams. Just thank god we don't watch them as our team. No wonder Scottish football is knackered when the second top team in the league can produce nothing better than ten men in their last third for 95% of the game.

    I just can't see Celtic dropping many points now that they have had their blip. On the flip side I cannot see us not dropping points (especially on the road)

  20. 2 minutes ago, StuGers said:

    Unbelievable stuff. 

    We are so reliant on going down the wing that it looks like we don’t know how to run the ball through them.

    So many times there were gaps that could be run into and we passed it (square or backwards).


    On Killie, they are one of the dirtiest teams I’ve seen. Every dirty trick, they used it.


    The ref lost control of the game from

    kick off. He was less than pathetic.


    Was the Morelos booking for a dive correct or was it a penalty?

    Morelos got booked for dissent after he didn't get the penalty

  21. 1 minute ago, buster. said:

    Tbh I don't think it was ever realistic this season.


    I'd always looked to next season for a real challenge and the title either next season or the following.

    Neither did I tbh but I did hope we could keep close to the top for as long as we could but now I can't even see that happening

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