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Everything posted by BlackSocksRedTops

  1. Apparently Sima has made the final Senegal squad for the AFCON 24. Can Silva play left side? Or do we witness the 3rd coming of wee Rabbi
  2. With regards to Silva, does anyone see him also coming in off the right side as well as playing as a traditional 9? A lot of the clips show him coming in from that area and he also appears to be 2 footed. Sima on the left side, Silva on the other side, Dessers in the middle with Cantwell in the hole. That's starting to look promising...
  3. Random observation. Surprised he's number 7 as I would have thought that would be a popular number and already be taken. Was Hagi number 7?
  4. I think our recent record v them hasn't been helped by over cautious managers. The last game at Ibrox springs to mind. We are due a win there IMO. The two drubbings under Gio aside, we've always been in the games. We've just been undone by silly defensive errors (Davies) and bad finishing (Sakala). Apply that also to games at Hampden and Ibrox. If we pkay an aggressive press like we did in Seville, I think we can cause them issues. Especially Hart and Taylor. And especially if their big American is injured.
  5. Do the talking on the pitch. That's all that matters. I'm glad Clement has installed a very clear mantra about how we speak to the media. It was noticeable after the LC final with the players/managers interviews. The media were keen to stress the significance of Celtic dropping points in consecutive games but the party line was clear. Talk about what we are doing and have done (Qualify for last 16 EL, win a cup). If we win this league title it will be sweeter than 55 IMO.
  6. Hopefully the fact that we don't have a European game until March will help mitigate any congestion.
  7. Picture from A9 today. For the moonhowlers who inhabit these parts...
  8. I think we need to use the channels and width and attack their FBs. Taylor is there for the taking IMO. Get McCausland to attack, attack, attack!
  9. Use the time well my friend. Gives you time to..."release yo delf" Apologies. I could not resist.
  10. I would honestly take Jermaine Defoe back before wasting time and funds on Silva. Van Veen (or a player of that like) fits the bill IMO. Experienced, knows his way to goal, knows the rigours of our mad game.
  11. Going early as the RC game is cancelled and I'm laid up in bed with Covid (ie. I'm fecking bored). OK. I'll put my cards on the table right away, I'd bite your hand off for a draw right now. Cements our unbeaten run and still enables us to top the league if we win our games in hand. A win however would be dreamland and would lay down a psychological marker... Things to consider... 1. Let's not lose the plot if we lose (as some of our fans tend to do). We are still in the title race regardless of the score. 2. In Jan-Feb they will potentially lose 5/6 players to the Asian Cup and hopefully their respective countries will go deep into the tournament. (They are away to Aberdeen and Hibs during thst period). I think we can take advantage of this if we bring in the right players in the Jan window. Anyhow...my team would be as follows (if fit). *********Butland******* ***Goldson**Balogun*** Tav**************Borna ***Sterling****Lunny*** ********Cantwell******* McCausland*******Sima ********Dessers********
  12. I suppose it rules out any further injuries before we meet that lot.
  13. I hear you. Just feeling a bit passed off about potential backlog of games as you know that Liewell will already be getting his minions on the case. This won't be first game postponed.
  14. It doesn't take much to be honest. They are worried and hopefully this rest allows big Goldson a few more days to be in prime condition.
  15. Am I being harsh and thinking that if the team do not make sufficient arrangements, they bloody forfeit the 3pts. I feel a touch of sympathy but they knew when this fixture was arranged and could have easily come down the night before. The A9 is always a nightmare. They already know this. Apologies for my cup not running over but we have already fixtures to catch up with. No European football until March does help to be fair.
  16. I had the dubious pleasure of listening to the Motherwell away game via our national broadcaster and it will come as no surprise to anyone on here that the narrative was somewhat skewed. Liam McLeod (or whoever) took great delight in reinforcing a stat about penalties given against us as if he was reading it from one of the Moonhowlers FC forums. He provided no context to the said stat at all and just left it out there. Job done.
  17. I think we will need to use the loan market wisely as it doesn't lumber us with lengthy contracts. 2 strikers for me. There are lot players looking for game time prior to the Euros, so maybe we can pick up someone with that profile.
  18. Could we get him for under a million? His recent record is crazy. It's something like 55 goals in his last 63 games. And I don't think he takes pens. Regardless of his current level, look at what Hooper did at the Celtic a few years back.
  19. Happy enough with that considering we made so many changes and we are playing a team that parks the bus. Hope Lundstram is OK and was taken off as a precaution. Points are all that matter at the moment leading up to the mini break. PS. Thats 11 clean sheets from 17 games now.
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