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Posts posted by BlackSocksRedTops

  1. 24 minutes ago, Pensively Staring said:

    Here's to our team giving us a result and performance fitting of a club with such a devoted support. 


    Motherwell is one of four scalps I would like to collect this season. 

    With regards to scalps...outwith the tims, Hibs are the team I would enjoy beating more than any. Beating Aberdeen doesn't really interest me at all tbh.

  2. 2 minutes ago, Pensively Staring said:

    I think the fans make their appreciation of him more than clear on match day. Personally, I wouldn't be too bothered about getting credit outwith the Ibrox family. 


    But that's just me. 


    On a side note, there's something about this time of year that really brings out the flavour of coffee


    Simply delicious. 

    If the rain stays away, Autumn is my favourite season. Used to go to NY in Oct every year for about 10 years (before the nippers) and one of my abiding memories is the smell of fresh coffee and bread on a brisk Autumn morning. 

  3. 1 minute ago, Darthter said:

    He's still young & developing.  His composure & finishing will improve (given the right instruction/direction).  I also think his temperament IS improving....he's getting his head "back in the game" quicker & starting to walk away from potential "flash points".

    Cue a red card in the 1st minute in Moscow ....?


    Upon your head be it Darthter!!

  4. 7 minutes ago, Darthter said:

    I think that is just him....I get the impression he sets high standards for himself & beats himself up when he doesn't hit them.  If you focus on changing that, he may lose some qualities as a player.

    Fair point. I just think body language in sports can be crucial. Look at Andy Murray over the years. He's lost crucial points/games due to his awful body langauge when things are not going well IMO. It only serves to give his opponent a lift. 


    One thing I think that has improved with Morelos is his finishing. He's scored goals this season he would have probaly missed last season IMO.

  5. 2 minutes ago, Darthter said:

    No....he doesn't.


    Freddo is a cracking player who offers a helluva lot to the team as a whole.  He works VERY hard throughout the game - working defenders, holding the ball, bringing other players into play.  He is also no a completely goal hungry striker - he will give up a shot to allow an easier finish (sometimes).  He also regularly scores goals (which is handy).

    Agree with all that. The one thing I would work on would be his body langauge. He needs to drop the petted lip and slumped shoulders when things are not going well. It gives opponents something to feed off IMO

  6. 9 minutes ago, pete said:

    Sorry guy's due to technical difficulties it is going to be missing for a few weeks. It is outwith our control. I hope absence makes the heart fonder.

    Thanks for the update Pete. Hopefully any new podcasts will have added chat about a glory night in Russia....B|

  7. 2 minutes ago, Gonzo79 said:

    Mark Allen's interview suggests there are further plans for the stadium.  Only the surrounding area is mentioned specifically though.


    How on Earth do the scum take in around twice as much as us over the course of the season (serious question)?  

    Is it based on league games only? Are they factoring in Europe?


    If it's just league games that's baffling tbh as they very rarely get beyond 52/53,000 (unless it's a Rangers game)

  8. 7 minutes ago, ian1964 said:

    Rangers lead UK table for ratio of match-day income to wages


    The Gers have the highest percentage of all clubs with £95 of money that comes through the turnstiles going to every £100 of wages.


    RANGERS have the highest percentage of match-day income going towards their wages in the UK.

    According to Kieran Maguire – a football finance lecturer at Liverpool University – 95 per cent of Gers‘ money that comes through the turnstiles contributes to their wages.

    In other words, £95 of money brought in from matches goes towards every £100 of wages.

    Celtic come in at number six with 74 per cent with Hibs ranked third with 81 per cent.

    Dundee United are narrowly behind the Light Blues in second with 90 per cent, while Hearts and Aberdeen are both in the top ten.

    The Hoops, however, earn far more than their Old Firm rivals on match-days.

    Celtic take in an average of £43.6million every home game compared to Rangers’ total of £23m.

    Manchester United take in an astounding £109.8m with Arsenal, Liverpool, Chelsea, Manchester City and Spurs making up the top five.

    Meanwhile, Rangers are set to upgrade Ibrox as the club’s director of football Mark Allen has revealed radical changes for the stadium.

    Allen is hoping that refurb proposals will help Steven Gerrard’s side gear up for future home games.


    Rangers take in 23 million per home game? Whit?


    And what are the radical changes to the stadium? Just sounds like sensible reshuffling

  9. 7 minutes ago, cooponthewing said:

    I was being flippant and lighthearted. The fact the fantastic post had been high jacked to highlight nationalism was my point, I guess you missed that?

    Nothing has been hijacked. The only thing that was highlighted was inclusion for all.

  10. 4 hours ago, the gunslinger said:

    After whats happened to us over the last 7 years this is just about the stupidest thing ever posted on the internet. 



    Hold on while I get the popcorn. This should be good....?????

  11. 38 minutes ago, Gonzo79 said:

    Inspirational stuff.  Empowering, diverse and inclusive - exactly what our broad church is all about.  



    Stirring words which I fully agree with. I presume the same spirit of inclusiveness is afforded for people with a differing constitutional view? 


    Anyway, well done Rangers.

  12. 10 minutes ago, trublusince1982 said:

    Never a red. Shocking.


    Take the three points and move on


    Headlines tomorrow will obviously all be about the racist attack on Morelos??

    There has always been an terribly anti-Colombian element amongst the Buddies. I once saw a man peeing on an effigy of Rene Higuita at the old Love Street. They are shameless

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