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Posts posted by BlackSocksRedTops

  1. 36 minutes ago, ian1964 said:

    special grounds

    Top 30 football stadiums in Europe ranked, including Old Trafford, Anfield and Celtic Park – Tottenham’s new stadium to be new no.1?

    Good to see Ibrox up there in the top 10 but it's hard to take the list that seriously as it has the London Stadium and Monaco's in the top 30 and has Wembley and the Nou Camp in the top 5.  The Nou Camp for all its size has zero atmosphere as all the noise just leaves the stadium as quickly as it is generated due to the lack of a roof structure. Wembley is a soulless corporate bowl. Horrible.


    Without sounding utterly biased, I always laugh when I see Parkhead in any of these lists. Ok, it might generate a decent atmosphere inside but the carcass and infrastructure inside of the stadium inside looks like it's been put together by Primary School children. A few years back I had the "pleasure" of attending the Scotland V Ireland game at CP (it was a freebie) and I couldn't believe how shitty the whole place was. First of all we had the fun and games of thousands of people tripping over rubble to get to one entrance turnstyle. After that we were greeted by an internal structure that was patched up with various and irregular corrugated sheets that were painted in about 5 different shades of green, which looked less than safe. 5 star stadium my ass

  2. 26 minutes ago, buster. said:

    My Dad occasionally mentioned that back in his day Xmas presents were sparse and fresh fruit was sometimes prominent.


    It didn't stop him and his brothers from putting in the hours playing fitbaw. There were always places they could play (that didn't cost money) and kit was the least of their worries. Those hours enabled one of the brothers to go on and play for Scotland at a WC Finals (1954).


    Progress had been made since those days (not Scottish fitbaw) but it's now regression for the ordinary guy and the progress tends to be corporate.


    100 pounds for a pair of kids football boots says a lot about where we are.

    Makes me glad that my wee boy has zero interest in football...

  3. 11 hours ago, Gonzo79 said:

    This is entirely my opinion but the poppy displays have become too much.  


    Respect should be a solemn thing.  Card displays and wearing scarves with Lest We Forget all year aren't solemn acts.  

    Agree 100%. Just heard an idiot on the TV saying today we are "celebrating" Rememberance sunday. 

  4. I see that Boca and River Plate have reached the final of the Copa Libertadores over in South America. (This is equivelant of Rangers v Celtic in the Champions League final). It made me think of classicos and derbies around the world as this match has always been on my bucket list for football viewing. I just wondered if anyone had experienced this game personally or had been to any of the other big classicos/derbies?


    My top 5 bucket list would be:

    Boca V River Plate

    Inter V AC Milan

    Barca V Real

    Fenerbache V Galatasaray

    Al Ahly V Zamalek (Cairo derby)



  5. We were the first club in Scotland to appoint a safeguarding officer, developing policies for the protection of young people and monitoring and reviewing our procedures to ensure they continue to reflect best practice.


    Yes...only because you had to, due to the previous investigation no doubt.


    They are the only club in the world that could release a statement like that. Instead of the focus being purely on the victims they still manage to spin a positive about how they are leading the way in this area. Shameless

  6. 1 hour ago, compo said:

    I see the powers that be are looking at bannìng players from scoring from the rebound if your penalty does not go in first time .

    Don't think it's that bad an idea tbh. A one-shot shoot out between the keeper and taker could be exciting. If the keeper makes a save, he's generally on his erse so has little chance against the oncoming player(s).


    I may be mistaken but does ice hockey not use a one off shot system?

  7. 17 minutes ago, Pensively Staring said:

    So I read today that Klopp is being criticised for lacking a plan B when things aren't going Liverpools way. 


    This is something I've seen laid at the doors of many managers who choose to play a brand of football that requires an almost pathological need to retain possession. Klopp, Pep, the Spanish national side, Arsenal at the latter stages of Wengers career and dare I say, our very own Mark " plan B is to do plan A better" Warburton. 


    Just some things came to mind whilst reading the article on Klopp. Is the game in danger of becoming sterile with all these weird Abandonment and control freak issues being wrapped up as " philosophies". 


    Whatever happened to just being shite on the night and getting pumped regardless of whatever letter of the alphabet your plan is at? 


    Just some thoughts. 

    Much of what you've raised comes from the over analytical aspect of modern football. Teams are almost not allowed to have bad games these days and "form" is judged on a game by game basis. 


    With regards to Klop and Liverpool, much of their recent issues stems from their midfield IMO. They've sorted out their defensive problems but haven't got the balance right in middle and I think they miss Henderson. He's not spectacular but can be vital in the engine room. Kieta and Fabhinio are also still finding their feet. Saying all that, they are unbeaten in the League and have made their best ever EPL start but for me they haven't reached the heights from last season yet. If you compare Liverpool this season to the how they were at this stage last season it's night and day. I still feel they have loads in the tank and when they click they are the only team that will get near City.

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