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Posts posted by BlackSocksRedTops

  1. 2 minutes ago, Rousseau said:

    I'm not sure about "accomplished", but you'd expect him to be more committed than most. 

    He looks like the only player that is putting his foot on the ball and playing his head up. Too many players are too keen to play utterly pointless passes and crossed. Keep the ball Rangers!!

  2. 21 minutes ago, DMAA said:

    I like him so I was very disappointed tonight. Have to ask of Gerrard though why isn’t he playing further forward!? He adds nothing further back the pitch, leave that to Jack. Where Ejaria has ability is picking a pass in the final third (remember Rapid). He does have real ability but it’s not being used at all in a centre midfield postion. It was very obvious we need more attacking players on the pitch quite early in the first half. 

    What fecking does my tits in is our inability to get to the by line or behind opposition defences. Considering we play wide men and have overlapping full backs, we never see them hitting the by line and getting balls across the goal area. It's the hardest ball to defend and it's no great surprise that about 90% of Man City's goals come from these situations. They rarely shoot or play low percentage passes. They engineer a way for a player to hit the line and play a pass back/across for someone to tap in. 

  3. 15 minutes ago, DMAA said:

    I would excuse the lack of discipline if he improved his link up play. The amount of heavy touches, wayward passes and general givig the ball away wasn’t good enough tonight. 

    Agreed. He's a great player but IMO he's miles from being the finished article 

  4. I genuinely feel that much of our inconsistency of performance stems from our lack of consistent team selections. I know we've had injuries and suspensions but it seems we are making 3/4 changes every game. I don't think we've established a strong enough playing identity yet to cope with these constant changes 

  5. 2 minutes ago, pete said:

    Aberdeen came to play a spoiling game and it worked. Thank god we never got McInnes as a manager. Poor performance and again I don't see what Ejaria adds to this team except slowing the game down. Morelos had a shocker but that is what the press and media were playing for. He is a not the sharpest tool in the toolbox. Surely he knows by now that players are noising him up.

    My patience with Morelos is diminishing by every yellow/red card. 

  6. 1 minute ago, DMAA said:

    My word, just can’t believe we just let that happen. An awful football team and we’ve allowed them yet another smash and grab. Lots of poor performances out there tonight, Morelos chief among them. Grezda was brilliant when he came on and showed he should be a stick on starter. Lafferty was much better than Morelos when he came on but there just wasn’t enough dynamism in our attack, too often the pass was coming in to feet with a man on our back, not enough sideways runs, one-twos and balls to run on to. A reality check has been coming but what a way for it to come. 

    Tbh we showed very little real quality against Hearts as well. We showed great fighting spirit but I'm still struggling to see what we actually do as a team that is creative or part of a plan

  7. Two steps forward, one step back yet again. Our lack of real quality has been highly evident tonight. I just can't see us getting anywhere near the league with Jack in the middle and Morelos/Lafferty up top.

  8. 6 minutes ago, DMAA said:

    Morelos has had a shocker. Lost possession consistently, missed a sitter and did something completely stupid when he was on a yellow. He’s let the team down. 

    Still cant believe people are calling him the best player in Scotland tbh. He nowhere near that

  9. What a truly strange game. We looked lacklustre for 30 mins and then controlled it after we scored our first. With a wee bit more quality, we could have (and should have) had more. Today was the best and worst of Morelos all in one game IMO. Scores the winner, runs his heart out but could have had 3/4 but made some poor decisions on the ball.


    3 pts was a must, so job done. Well done Rangers

  10. 3 minutes ago, Pensively Staring said:

    Lafferty and Morelos to start in the next game? 


    Just go for it? 

    Still not sure about Lafferty TBH. Looking ahead...is Candieas still out for the Hearts game? Could we play Flanagan at RB and move Tav forward? 

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