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Everything posted by BlackSocksRedTops

  1. Christ. We look like we are going progressively backwards as a team. This is hard to watch
  2. Genuinely don't understand what we are trying to do. We now have two players hitting the same cross in from the left. We have created nothing and their keeper has made zero saves. Seen this movie too many times this season
  3. C'mon to f**k. Hit the byline Rangers. Enough of these pointless hopeful crosses.
  4. And this has to be done from the first whistle. None of this wait until 60 mins to see what happens nonsense. Go and win the game early in the 2nd half or it could be one of those days IMO.
  5. For me Goldson has not been the same since Katic has been out of the team.
  6. He looks like the only player that is putting his foot on the ball and playing his head up. Too many players are too keen to play utterly pointless passes and crossed. Keep the ball Rangers!!
  7. Grezda and Kent seem to be playing wide and Candieas is not working for me
  8. I'm amazed that after all the new players that have come in, Halliday looks like our most accomplished and committed player
  9. Not really getting why we are essentially playing 3 wide men?
  10. Just noticed the Tims drew. Don't know if I'm meant to be happy or sad?
  11. What fecking does my tits in is our inability to get to the by line or behind opposition defences. Considering we play wide men and have overlapping full backs, we never see them hitting the by line and getting balls across the goal area. It's the hardest ball to defend and it's no great surprise that about 90% of Man City's goals come from these situations. They rarely shoot or play low percentage passes. They engineer a way for a player to hit the line and play a pass back/across for someone to tap in.
  12. Agreed. He's a great player but IMO he's miles from being the finished article
  13. I genuinely feel that much of our inconsistency of performance stems from our lack of consistent team selections. I know we've had injuries and suspensions but it seems we are making 3/4 changes every game. I don't think we've established a strong enough playing identity yet to cope with these constant changes
  14. My patience with Morelos is diminishing by every yellow/red card.
  15. Tbh we showed very little real quality against Hearts as well. We showed great fighting spirit but I'm still struggling to see what we actually do as a team that is creative or part of a plan
  16. Two steps forward, one step back yet again. Our lack of real quality has been highly evident tonight. I just can't see us getting anywhere near the league with Jack in the middle and Morelos/Lafferty up top.
  17. Agreed. I actually still can't a clear style of play after all these games
  18. Still cant believe people are calling him the best player in Scotland tbh. He nowhere near that
  19. Truly awful first half. Nobody getting behind or going beyond their defence
  20. Whether it was a red card or not... where does that leave us leading into the Celtic game. Does Arfield automatically miss games? And Candieas for that matter...
  21. What a truly strange game. We looked lacklustre for 30 mins and then controlled it after we scored our first. With a wee bit more quality, we could have (and should have) had more. Today was the best and worst of Morelos all in one game IMO. Scores the winner, runs his heart out but could have had 3/4 but made some poor decisions on the ball. 3 pts was a must, so job done. Well done Rangers
  22. Exciting game but seriously lacking in quality from both teams tbh
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