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Everything posted by BlackSocksRedTops

  1. Not sure if the tactics were that bad tbh. With more quality and better decision making we could have had a decent result.
  2. Our first touch has been dreadful at times. The pitch is not helping tbh
  3. Barasic definitely adds a bit quality and composure to the team
  4. Time to make change now Stevie and go for it. They are poor
  5. The formation is working to a degree but our passing and decision making has let us down.
  6. My god Rapid are really bang average. Unfortunately so are we. The quality on show here is shocking
  7. Not sure. I think he'll look for Tav and Barasic to get forward and we'll extra protection in the middle. Bit like the 2nd half in Villareal
  8. We will definitely need Coulibaly to support Alfie and Arfield.
  9. A repeat tonight from the big boys would be sweet. Well done the young swifts
  10. No great surprise tbh. Good luck to the big man. He's going to need it based on what we've seen
  11. If we are hopeless at corners maybe the solution is to stop simply crossing balls in directly? Let's be more imaginative than solving a problem with a big guy. Look at Man City for example, they would never use this tactic. Everything is short and designed to move defenders around to make gaps to get in behind. I know they are on a different planet and have grade A players but it's more about imaginative play than personel. When we get a corner we rarely benefit and it looks like we don't do much work on them in training tbh.
  12. I'm loving the sympathetic tone in the press. Talk of the Celtic "family" rallying around poor Leigh. If this was a Gers player the tone would be less than sympathetic.
  13. Just a point of interest...They were chatting about the trials and tribulations of Southampton on TalkSport this afternoon and the south coast correspondent said Davis to Rangers is a certainty
  14. Still not conviced by the idea of a big man. We need more ball players not target men
  15. Granted but with all due respect, Bayern are not shopping in League 1. It's true we have good crossers of the ball but it's the type of crosses that is our downfall. We insist on putting speculative crosses into the area which are easily lapped up by the goalie or a CB. By all means I want Middleton, Barasic and co to deliver decent balls in but not in the air. I want them to get to the byline and play balls into the danger area on the ground (like Laffertys offside goal on v Dundee).
  16. Am I the only one that is completely left cold with us being linked with 6 foot 5 striker? We need a striker with craft, that can hold the ball and play other players into the game. The idea of introducing a tall striker just gives me the impression that we will end up going route one and insist with this nonsense tactic of lumping balls into the box ad nauseum. How many crosses do we have to put over before we get that it doesn't work? 6 foot 5 Eaves? No thanks. I'd rather go for the Shankland at Ayr United.
  17. This is what I didn't get about the Middleton and Barasic subs. Middleton was on to get to get down their right side and get crosses in. Barasic then came and provided the exact same option as he could play further up the pitch due to the 10 men therefore Middleton was not really needed IMO. It was baffling
  18. Agreed. The only time we have looked steady at the back was when Katic and Goldson played together game after game. We've looked vulnerable since throwing Worrall into the equation.
  19. Agree 100% about Jack. I don't see what he brings to the table apart from 10 yard sideways pass on the half way line. He has zero influence on the game IMO. There where a lot of strange things going on today. For one I really didn't get bringing on both Middleton and Barasic. We ended up with 2 players firing in hopeful crosses from the left with the same end result. I also didn't get the Grezda/Kent/Candieas rotating axis. The players just looked confused
  20. Agreed Craig but it is alarming that after nearly 30 odd games we are still trying to find a pattern to our play. The tinkering does not help and if you look at the early part of the season we looked more solid as we had a more settled team. Regardless of overall quality it looks like we are making this up as we are going along. It is worrying tbh
  21. We'll struggle to get in the top 3 at this rate. 33 games in and we don't have a clue what we are meant to be doing. Think I'll spend 90 mins under my bed during the Tims game
  22. As much as we are lacking quality, we don't have a defined game plan or style. We play football by chance rather than any clear design. I would fine any player that insists on these fecking pointless crosses
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