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Posts posted by BlackSocksRedTops

  1. 3 minutes ago, the gunslinger said:

    Brown dived 3 times. The ref saw everyone and waved play on. Not a single yellow for any of them never mind 3. 


    3 other players dived with no yellows. 


    Rangers should demand a meeting. 


    Then we have the handball that stopped a goal. 

    Outwith the obvious penalty, I thought Beaton had a decent game. He could have started flashing cards here and there but he let the game flow as much as he could IMO

  2. 8 minutes ago, cooponthewing said:

    I was thinking this over last night. Bully boy liewell and Shame FC are not getting their own way. They will do whatever they can and harm whoever they can until they get what they want. They have their friends and placemen in the media to assist their agenda. They will make this ugly with overt and covert coercion being used as usual by these scumbags.

    They are a disgrace and the footballing authorities should hammer them.

    Agree 100%. Let's not forget stirring this pot of paranoia is also very convenient for Liewell as it deflects from their lack of transfer activity. He is a snake of the highest order

  3. 7 minutes ago, the gunslinger said:

    All of this frenzy because a player didnt get a yellow card. Stewart even said it was a yellow on sportscene. 

    It's insane. Plod Scotland must be praying we don't win the league. If this is a barometer for how they are going to react to not getting their own way, it's going to carnage up here. "Cheated never defeated" copyright of Shameless FC since 1888

  4. 22 minutes ago, MacK1950 said:

    My thoughts were why are we interested in signing a player from Dundee but on the basis of the video he is too good to be playing at their level and could well be a "sleeper".

    I hear you but we also need to be clever in the market with long term eye on what's happening in the football. Andy Robertson could be considered a sleeper of sorts. Liverpool bought him for £8 million and a year or so later he stands shoulder to shoulder with the best on the highest stage of English football (Man City v Liverpool). There are untouched gems out there. We just need a better network to find them

  5. 51 minutes ago, ian1964 said:

    Joe O’Rourke the mad man let loose

    Below is a letter sent today to Ian Maxwell with regards to the latest shenanigans from the SFA. it's really getting to the stage when we must ask ourselves how long we can put up with the cheating within Scottish Football, all for the benefit of one club to the detriment of all the rest.

    Mr Maxwell,
    The last time I wrote to you regarding most match officials and their competence, or rather lack of it, and why they were not allowed, or willing to explain their decisions, you never replied, so I don’t expect a reply to this letter either.

    I remember an interview on television given by the late Paul McBride QC about 7/8 years ago, he said “I think officially today we now know the SFA to be the laughing stock of world football, the decisions are incoherent, they are on the face of it thoroughly dishonest, and I never thought they were biased or prejudiced, now hearing what they have done today it’s very hard to escape that conclusion”

    That statement was made after the disciplinary hearing following the famous fall-out between Neil Lennon and Ally McCoist, but it could also have been made after the latest decision concerning Alfredo Morelos. The whole disciplinary system within the SFA reeks of Arrogance and Dishonesty, and that is a view held by many ordinary football fans, and you are now part of that process.

    Why all the secrecy? Why aren’t officials allowed to explain their decisions after a match? Why do the former referees who sit on the Disciplinary Panel remain anonymous? What happened to the promise of Transparency & Accountability? If these people are truly impartial then why should they not be named? Strange how jurors at the High Court can be responsible for one or more people spending the rest of their live in prison, but they are not afforded the option of anonymity, except in extreme cases, I don’t think we can class a football match as an extreme case.

    If match official John Beaton stated that he saw all the incidents involving Morelos and deemed that no action was required, then he is either a “Liar or a Blatant Cheat” or Both, quite a number of former professional footballers saw the incidents and stated quite clearly action should have been taken on at least two occasions, I wonder what your opinion would have been if the incidents had happened last season against Partick Thistle, instead of this season against Celtic.

    I was advised when you started your role at the SFA you were a decent and honest man, I was happy with that assertion, well I think that I have changed my mind on that now. I thought anyone would be an improvement on your predecessor, but I’m afraid by your silence and inaction you are just the same as Mr Regan.

    Last Saturday at Ibrox Stadium the Celtic Supporters attending, and the watching television audience were treated to two hours of Bigotry & Offensive chanting by the home fans, a lot of it directed at the Greatest Manager in Scottish Football history, the late Jock Stein. There was also extremely offensive banners displayed regarding Big Jock, which must surely distress any of his family watching.

    The other main target of the morons appeared to be Leigh Griffiths, now anyone who doesn’t have sympathy with another human being with fairly serious medical issues, I would suggest those people are less than human themselves. The whole match was the worst I’ve experienced in terms of offensive behaviour, and let me state for the record that the best team won on the day.

    The most annoying thing for me and many others, is that not one single word of condemnation has come from you or anyone else at the SFA/SPFL. The whole watching football audience must now believe that type of behaviour is acceptable at football matches in Scotland. I’ll quote Paul McBride once again “The laughing stock of world football” well done Mr Maxwell, Honesty, Integrity, and Transparency, the Missing Ingredients from Scottish Football.

    And finally Mr Maxwell, I note that there has been no update on the progress of the Judicial Panel Disciplinary Tribunal appointed to examine the circumstances surrounding the awarding of a UEFA Licence to Oldco Rangers in 2011. I would just remind you, that the Resolution 12 people will not be going away, let’s hope it’s not another whitewash or cover up.

    Joe O’Rourke,
    General Secretary,
    Celtic Supporters Association



    FFS. Where do you start? I presume Mr O'Rourke keeps tabs on all refereeing performances throughout the league?


    And sympathy for poor lil Leigh? Are you having a f**kin laugh. Not in a billion years. The word karma springs to mind


    This lot are a strange breed indeed

  6. 32 minutes ago, DMAA said:

    On Kamara, I haven't seen much of him in a full match so can't really comment. I'd be lying if I said I wasn't a bit worried by the fact he couldn't get a game for Colchester in the League 2 the season before last though. According to their manager they had an injury crisis in his position but he still only managed one start and they let him go after 6 months. Sometimes a club isn't a fit but Legaue 2 is pretty brutal stuff. 

    Cardiff have shown interest in him so they must think he's up to a decent level

  7. 2 minutes ago, BEARGER said:


    What’s in this for Bournemouth? They make a small saving in wages?  and get back a guy who will be almost 38 with virtually no sell on possibility. Not that I’m bothered about Bournemouth.

    Not unless we are paying more wages than qouted? Maybe gives Bournemouth the chance of a fee in 18 months? (America or Championship?) Defoe might be 35 but he has looked after himself. 

  8. 5 minutes ago, DMAA said:

    Davis confirmed and Sky reporting Defoe done too. I’ve banged on about investing in youth but I can’t hide excitement at Defoe coming on loan. We’ve needed more clinical finishing and that bit of finesse that’s been lacking in the final third and I think he can bring it. Relatively low risk because I doubt we’re footing much of the wage bill. 

    We are a young team (outwith McGregor and Arfield) so some old heads in there will help.

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