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Everything posted by BlackSocksRedTops

  1. Quite glad tbh. If the game was touch and go, the pitch could have been risky. We don't want any silly injuries
  2. Gary Bollan must be burning the candle at both ends. I saw him make a guest appearance in Dr Who recently....
  3. McFadden should stick to hair transplants... With regards to the average age of our team, if you took McGregor and Arfield out of the equation our average age would be much lower than 26. McGregor in particular is skewing the average age stats so McFadden (as usual) is talking ballacks
  4. Agree. Like Kamara, he looks very accomplished on the ball. Hopefully a sign of the type of player we will be looking at for the near future.
  5. There is a good chance this will happen IMO. O'Neil has a tendency to fill his teams with big players and cloggers.
  6. Talented lad but there is a reason he hasn't featured in many games and has been loaned out year after year. His attitude has let him down throughout the years and it would take a miracle to get a tune out of him IMO.
  7. Can anyone enlighten me as to how English has gone from a half decent Rugby correspondent in Ireland to the all mighty Oracle on anything to do with Scottish Sport, Scottish Football and Rangers. How did get this gig?
  8. Not to mention that the winter weather of last 4/5 years has been worse in Feb.
  9. At the risk at being rather called foolish but there is something I don't quite get about this whole thing. I keep seeing the Rangers comments regarding Collum being lumped into the same conversation as the Celtic/Beaton fiasco as if they are directly comparable. Rangers were upset about the Collum situation due to the fact that the ref sent the player off despite admitting to not seeing the actual non-descript incident. I think all fans of any team would be equally perplexed by this decision and would be wondering why this has happened. Ok we could have handled this better tbh and probably made a less volatile post match statement but I think most people watching the game would sympathise with our concern with the red card. On the other hand, Celtic seem upset that a Rangers player was not punished for minor skirmishes which was part and parcel of a game littered with such incidents relating to both teams (it was a derby game after all). The ref has subsequently said that all incidents were viewed and not worthy of further action. Therefore what is the issue here? If the mhanks are upset that the ref didn't take action over various incidents and are generally upset about his overall performance, surely to back up their case it would only be fair to highlight all the incidents that happened in the game for both sides? Are they suggesting that the ref was biased against them? Why are these incidents being compared?
  10. If Stevie G didn't know what we are up against up here, he does now. Hopefully Celtic keep ramping this up as they really are making fools of themselves.
  11. Agree. I thought Beaton handled the game well. He wasn't over fussy and let the game flow IMO
  12. If we are going spend any money fast tracking our 2 pre-contract signings, I would rather have Kamara than Jones tbh.
  13. Agree 100%. The Burke one is the strangest IMO. Let's be honest, Burke has flattered to deceive for the last 2 years and they've added him to the most functional part of their team. Is he going to play ahead of Forest? Doubt it.
  14. I noticed he wasn't in the Finland squad for their game with Sweden. Interesting...
  15. Let's cut to the chase here. The last time the refs went on strike came directly after a loaded statement from the Celtic Chairman of the time, Dr Death himself, John Reid. Celtic were under pressure and on the brink of losing the league title. Rangers disappear from the top flight and title races for 7 years and surprise, surprise we don't hear a pip from high horse riders Celtic. Not a mention of refs missing Broonie's elbows and tackles. Not a mention of why Craig Gordon escaped with only yellow cards for 2 last man violent assaults. Not a mention of the dodgy offside goals. All honest decisions and mistakes of course... Oh but wait, cut to the present day and Celtic have lost their first OF game in years. They were played off the park. They are neck and neck with big bad Rangers. Their board isn't spending the millions they have shouted about for the last 5/6 years. How can this be happening? What can ra Sellik do? Resort to type of course. They dust down the same file "Never defeated, always cheated" and use it as smokescreen to dupe their fans and the lapdogs in the media.
  16. Maybe this is why we were looking at the American lad (Matt Polster)? He can play RB and right midfield.
  17. I'm still surprised that Celtic training in Dubai has not got their holier than thou fanbase into a frenzy. After all, the Gulf State has a pretty pretty shocking track record with migrant labour and environmental/ecological issues. That's hardly ra sellik way is it?
  18. The travel expert guy with glasses. Only kidding buddy. ?
  19. Would he not be joining them direct from South America?
  20. I hate to generalise but I've been to Aberdeen on many occasions (both social and football related) and I can honestly say it has always been a pretty negative experience. Apologies to anyone from Aberdeen but that has been my personal experience of the place.
  21. What an utter twat. Did Celtic not gub Killie by 5 on the same day? Did they lie down? I actually had the "pleasure" of meeting him in a bar back in the day. He wasn't at all like he is on TV. He was worse. He was rude and arrogant as hell and ended nearly coming to blows with a mate of mine, who was a Celtic fan. He is a sign of the times I suppose.
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