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Everything posted by BlackSocksRedTops

  1. Agree. Instead of questioning the officials, they should be praising them. If you raise your hands to an opponents head/face, you are asking for trouble.
  2. Just saw the stats. We had 18 shots (8 on target). Killie had zero shots (0 on target). Easy night for Wes
  3. Agree Frankie. The red card did have an effect on the game but scoring goals and creating chances will do our confidence good IMO. On a side note, I know it's early but Kamara has the look of a player and could be a great piece of business for us.
  4. So what happens when these foreign refs make mistakes? Is there a CR Smith store in Luxemburg/Belguim/Netherlands...? I agree with Jackson that we are genuinely heading down a dark road with this and it's all being championed by the loons from the East End. It happened 7 years ago when Dr Death played to the paranoid masses and the refs went on strike. Cue Rangers dropping out of the big picture for 5/6 years and what do you know, not one loaded statement, not one paranoid rant, no endless articles about those terrible refs. Cut to the present day, Rangers school Celtic on the pitch and even had the cheek to beat them. They have a high profile manager and are moving forward for the first time in ages. Somewhere in the bowels of the Meccano Dome a safe/shoe box opens for the first time in 7 years and a file labelled "Refs: How to stir paranoia soup and deflect from our own failings" is dusted off and is told to land on Liewells desk pronto.
  5. Fantastic effort from the boys. Take a bow every one of you. Hopefully we will see them at Ibrox soon with the trophy
  6. "Insufficient Evidence" for Simunovic incident... ie. It was not shown continuously on BBC Scotland's Sportscene.
  7. What an awful game of football with the promise of more to come on Wed. Can't wait...
  8. Cheers mate. Looking like another 90 minutes of torture then...
  9. Does this go to ET? Or direct to a replay? Don't think I can watch us play Killie again. They are a pain the ass
  10. Agree. Glad the team is consistent. Go out and blow them away and maintain the winning streak and build confidence
  11. I'll pass. Too late for moi. I'll catch the game later online.
  12. WTF is happening? Nursing my cough riden daughter so only getting stecatto updates!
  13. I have a feeling that we are going to turn up tonight and do them. Aberdeen have played 270 minutes against us and have had about 3 shots on target (scoring all 3). Their luck cannot continue (surely) and we are due a good performance away from home. C'mon the Rangers!!!
  14. Still think the two teams with biggest say in the title race are Man Utd and Spurs. Both Liverpool and City have to go to Old Trafford and now Man Utd are winning, I can see them taking points of the top 2. On the other hand, Spurs have got to go to Anfield and the Ethiad. Tough games all round
  15. Still unsure why the 4 pens are a big issue. 1,3 and 4 are pens. The only one that is doubtful is no 2 and as SG said, we didn't claim for that. It seems like the ref went quick with a decision based on the slight contact and Defoe going to ground. Move on. Nothing to see here.
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