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Posts posted by BlackSocksRedTops

  1. 5 hours ago, Gonzo79 said:

    Any Bear who continues to focus on our songs is struggling to see the wider issue.


    We are hated.  No matter what we sing or do they will come after us.  By focusing on our songs you are effectively doing the bidding of Lawwell.


    Carry on and make yourselves known.

    I would suggest it's the people singing these songs that are the ones doing Lawwell's bidding. The fact that our manager has to comment about this again is embarrassing.


    Just stop singing these songs for goodness sake. 

  2. 11 minutes ago, Bluedell said:

    Can people be in the OO never having been in a church in their lives? 

    No idea but the original article highlights the membership being part of the reformed faith. I presumed members of religious organisations required attendance at a place of worship? 

  3. 2 hours ago, ian1964 said:

    Cheer Up Stevie Clarke!


    It comes as no surprise to the members of Vanguardbears that the usual suspects have reared their ugly heads to have a go at Rangers Football Club and our fans, after all it’s what they live for and they couldn’t stick the knife in quick enough. We all know who they are!

    Personally, I don’t think Stevie Clark is a ****** and I don’t know the marital status of his parents when he was born, but let’s be honest being called a ****** must be one of the worse insults ever directed at anyone; a group of murdering cowards who slaughtered innocent men, woman, children and race horses. They also selected their victims based on their nationality and religion so I suppose they could also be labelled as sectarian and racist.  No wonder Stevie was beeling.

    Let’s cut to the chase though; ****** isn’t a religion and it never will be. The word ****** isn’t sectarian.

    •  They have no Sabbath or religious festivals.

    •  They have no Deity, saints or prophets.

    •  They have no place of worship unless you consider singing PIRA songs at Parkhead.

    •  They have no scriptures.

    •  They have no head of their church.

    •  Other than their support for the murder of British people it’s hard to understand what it is exactly they worship.

    If we go into more detail it quickly becomes apparent that ******s aren’t exclusively Protestant or Roman Catholic. Some of the most prominent ******s were Protestant.  Is that why Stevie was raging?

    On the other hand, the Orange Order is a Charitable Christian organisation which is exclusively populated by members of the Reformed faith, therefore “Orange Bastard” is extremely sectarian and intolerant of someone’s faith, and though Kris Boyd might not be a member of the organisation I can only assume the Celtic fans’ intolerance towards his religion was their motivation.  In fact a stream of recent Rangers managers have been subjected to the “Orange Bastard” chant - strangely none of the usual suspects thought it worthy of a mention.

    Cheer up Stevie Clarke; we know you’re not a ****** so stop acting like one.



    "On the other hand, the Orange Order is a Charitable Christian organisation which is exclusively populated by members of the Reformed faith"


    Just based on personal experience but anyone I've ever encountered from OO couldn't tell you the first thing about their reformed faith and have never been in a church in their lives. 


    Honestly, this stuff is bewildering. Stop trying to argue around the semantics of the words. The abuse is horrible and needs to stop. Just concentrate on football ffs. No wonder I encourage my wee boy into anything but football. 

  4. 2 minutes ago, cooponthewing said:

    You made a decent point untill you spouted the biblical nonsense. On the one hand you don’t want religion in football (rightly so) but then you quote it? Deary me?


    I agree with you re Union bears and as soon as we heard the 30 second chant I knew it was trouble. You seem happy to not defend our treatment over the last 10 years despite countless outside hostile forces intent on attaching our fans and club though?


    We know the UB shouldn’t have sung that however, they will argue that as they see thousands abusing Boyd and his Protestant background without reprimand, that they felt their behaviour was justified. Personally, I won’t be holding my breath for parity and have watched attacks on us for years. There is no mediation with this lot. We have 50k sing this to SG at the piggery: nothing said v 100 sing at Ibrox: Meltdown. That’s where we are at.

    If we know all this then it's time to play a cannier game IMO. The Tim's abusing Boyd shouldn't be a green light to excuse our own abuse. If nothing was said on Wednesday the focus should have been on THEM. Ok the media will not run with it in the same way but if we keep our own house in check they will eventually be exposed. 


    PS. As much as the passage was from the Bible, it's not overtly religious is it? Sounds more like common sense

  5. Is anyone else utterly scunnered with this prehistoric garbage? We should be talking about a 5-0 cup win. 4 goals for Alfie. The midfields hunger to work in packs to retain possession. The next round v Aberdeen. Oh no. Rangers fans don't get that luxury afforded to most football fans. We get a few days of the club being dragged through the myre thanks to this cringeworthy own goal by some of our fans. It's getting tiresome tbh. Just concentrate on football ffs. Leave all your own baggage at your own door. You are doing the club you profess to love, no favours whatsoever

  6. 35 minutes ago, ranger_syntax said:

    I think that I'm right to say that the Union Bears started the chant and if so then the club should probably act.  I won't relish it but they have a privileged position and that should come with a bit of responsibility.  I suspect that the club does not need to allow them to set up a podium or carry a megaphone in to the match.  It's not too much to ask for them to be responsible and not start chants that the club would class as unacceptable behaviour.


    Steve Clarke is a good manager and, if I'm being honest, I'm quite happy that he is doing well at Kilmarnock.  It's much better to have competitive opponents.  We should have been talking about how we were superior on the pitch instead of all this stuff.  We all know how the game is played in Scotland so there are no real excuses for walking in to these traps.

    This. With bells on. Well said

  7. 1 minute ago, ian1964 said:

    Again I agree, but it is only ever highlighted when Rangers fans do anything, it is one sided. Rangers fans did for a long time drop a lot of songs, but the ST Pats fans kept on, actually got worse and nobody batted an eyelid.

    Agree Ian. That is why we need to box clever IMO. Stick to the football and keep our own counsel and they will be exposed sooner than later. Fighting fire with fire will mean we will lose this particular battle.

  8. 6 minutes ago, ian1964 said:


    I genuinely don't care about them and what they sing. We've established that the media are not providing balanced coverage therefore we are never going to win this competition of tit for tat. Celtic fans hung effigies from their stadium and it should have been exposed to the world but as per usual it is buried in a glut of OF related violence/vandalism and is lost from the public debate forever. I just wish we could concentrate on what's going with the team and leave the flag waving politiking to them. They would be found out pretty quickly as they just cannot help themselves. Unfortunately, I fear we can't eaither

  9. Just now, ian1964 said:

    Agreed, however it doesn't matter what happens, every time Rangers win the onslaught of bias from the Rangers hating Scottish gutter press continues

    I agree Ian but we need to box clever. Instead of putting the gun to our own foot, drop the gun, take a step back and allow their hatred to come to fore. Only then will it be exposed and for what it is really is. If we keep provided them with open goals there is only one outcome.

  10. 1 hour ago, Gonzo79 said:

    Is it possible for us to win a match and for the post-match focus to be on the football?


    Seemingly not.

    Agreed but I think there has to be some countability on our behalf. Don't sing songs with these silly words and it makes it harder for our critics to have a go. We excel at shooting ourselves in the foot with this stuff. We win the game by scoring 5 goals and playing well. All very positive but it's more important to some to hurl this crap at their manager. It's tiresome

  11. Just now, JFK-1 said:

    It's not great quality and while trying to be as unbiased as possible it looks like he deliberately gave him a smack in the face simply for being there trying to interfere as is his right.

    There's one thing i'm supremely confident of though. If this had been our goalie and he had been red carded there would be overwhelming agreement that he deserved it.

    Agree. Instead of questioning the officials, they should be praising them. If you raise your hands to an opponents head/face, you are asking for trouble. 

  12. 4 minutes ago, Frankie said:

    Obviously the red card was an important factor (and it looked soft to me) but we played well throughout and were well deserved winners.


    Morelos obviously on fire and that's why every non-Rangers fan wants to stop him playing.

    Agree Frankie. The red card did have an effect on the game but scoring goals and creating chances will do our confidence good IMO.


    On a side note, I know it's early but Kamara has the look of a player and could be a great piece of business for us. 

  13. So what happens when these foreign refs make mistakes? Is there a CR Smith store in Luxemburg/Belguim/Netherlands...?


    I agree with Jackson that we are genuinely heading down a dark road with this and it's all being championed by the loons from the East End. It happened 7 years ago when Dr Death played to the paranoid masses and the refs went on strike. Cue Rangers dropping out of the big picture for 5/6 years and what do you know, not one loaded statement, not one paranoid rant, no endless articles about those terrible refs.


    Cut to the present day, Rangers school Celtic on the pitch and even had the cheek to beat them. They have a high profile manager and are moving forward for the first time in ages. Somewhere in the bowels of the Meccano Dome a safe/shoe box opens for the first time in 7 years and a file labelled "Refs: How to stir paranoia soup and deflect from our own failings" is dusted off and is told to land on Liewells desk pronto.



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