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Posts posted by BlackSocksRedTops

  1. When this topic is raised I'm always amazed that the issue of new fans is not addressed. Some tend to dwell on the negatives and how stopping these songs will somehow lose our core fan base. What about the opposite? What about young kids who are not being promoted through traditional family allegiances? What about fans who want to return and are tired of the FTP nonsense?


    With the advent of a global EPL on our doorsteps and the daily exposure to elite European football, it's hard enough to attract new fans. This stuff just makes it harder IMO.

  2. 3 minutes ago, Gonzo79 said:

    These sorts of songs are juvenile, I agree.


    Ditch them and they'll say Derry's Walls is sectarian and Rule Britannia is 'Far Right'.  Give them an inch and all that.  Who gets decide which Rangers fans have a say on what is and isn't offensive?  


    Good luck getting future generations along to watch us play Hamilton and Livingston on plastic pitches when we become just a football club, like some would like to see.



    I think it's sad that you almost use this define Rangers as being not just a football club. 

  3. 9 minutes ago, Gonzo79 said:

    I'll do that if you remonstrate with fans singing songs you disapprove of at matches.



    Do you openly embrace confrontation ffs? It's not up to fans to challenge other fans regarding inappropriate singing. That will only lead to trouble and violence IMO. Or is that what you want to prove this particular point? The fans should follow the club's lead and take personel responsibility and stop damaging the club they profess to love

  4. 4 minutes ago, Thinker said:

    This argument gets repeated over and over by those who don't want to change, but it's clearly a weak one.


    These songs play into our enemies hands - they give them a plausible reason to punish us that an average member of the public would support. Can you think of an example of" something they'll else about us to get offended about" that would seem reasonable to the outside world?


    You could also argue that anyone with testicular fortitude would take personal responsibility for what they sing, rather than hide in a crowd and have the club and wider support share the punishment for their actions. If you feel strongly about your right to sing these songs, go stand outside Holyrood and give it laldy.

    Take a bow sir. Brilliant post 

  5. 7 minutes ago, Gonzo79 said:

    I'd just like all the overly sensitive old grannies to go back and do what they did before and leave the glorious tribalism of football rivalry alone.


    Even if Rangers fans ditch the more questionable songs, the Nats, the BBC and all that lot will only find something else about us to get offended about. Testicular fortitude is required - subservient lickspittles less so.


    No Surrender. 

    Do you know it's 2019 not 1979?

  6. 7 minutes ago, Gonzo79 said:

    I always find that kow towing to harrassment and accusations works wonders.  ?







    Are you advocating that they still sing the songs and in turn embarrass the club and get us in bother?

  7. 21 minutes ago, Gonzo79 said:

    Are grown men seriously intimidated by teenagers, who are surrounded by Police officers, wearing balaclavas on an organised march?


    There are plenty of truly 'sinister' things going on in Scottish football just now.

    It's not about being intimated. Why would anyone want this type of masked protest associated with our club? If people think this is acceptable then God help us?

  8. 13 minutes ago, Gonzo79 said:

    It's fine.  Wanting to kill someone due to political beliefs is all well and good...as long as you're on the correct SNP/Sinn Fein side.


    However, if you want to stick a nasty word about people who want to break up the UK into a song then Steve Clark will have a mental breakdown and the Knights of St Columbus (or Spiers, McLaughlin, English, Leckie and Haggerty, as you and I know them) will be springing out of their traps quick smart.


  9. 6 minutes ago, Gaffer said:

    I have to disagree with this mate.  They are not the same, and I won't respect them when I see them on marches with balaclavas.  It is sinister and it brings the club into disrepute.  That's something that should be challenged, not respected.

    Agree 100%. I still cannot believe there are people justifying this as being if "youth culture". Why do they feel need to cover their faces on their marches? The Gallant Pioneers would be turning in their graves

  10. 21 minutes ago, Bluedell said:

    A valid view, albeit one I don't totally agree with.


    They look on themselves as being ultras and therefore there's going to be bits of it that you (and I) don't like. We don't have to like it all. They're not a group that has to be all things to all people.  However where their actions are making headline news and the club are asking for them (albeit not specifically) to cut out specific songs then they should listen if they want co-operation.

    Why would anyone like it? The term "Ultras" shouldn't be used as any kind of get out for the sinister aspect of their protests. In footballing terms it's a hugely negative thing IMO. "Ultras" need to grow up. There are countless and more positive ways to display your affection and support for a football team than simply copying and pasting a dated and ridiculous masquerade from the darker aspects of footballing fandom. 

  11. Fair enough statement but I feel if the UB want backing from the Rangers fans as a whole they need to ditch the ski masks and balaclava during marches/protests. It's sinister and does not help their cause and turns a lot of fans off IMO. 

  12. 1 minute ago, DMAA said:

    As an extension to this, we need to be in the mindset of thinking about goal difference with these games. Celtic won this fixture 5-0 and (although every game is different and unpredictable) I think Gerrard will and should be going in aiming for something similar to close the goal difference gap which has opened up.

    Agreed. It basically makes it a 9 pt gap. We need to be ruthless.

  13. 13 minutes ago, Bill said:

    Luckily I’m not blinded by anything.


    What’s happened here is that you have turned an attempt by VB to discredit a recognised Rangers hater into your attempt to discredit a committed Rangers supporter organisation. This issue here isn’t about Vanguard bears, it’s about Dornan and the rest of the SNP’s band of bigots who use public office to attack Rangers.


    You’ve been hell bent since the start on deflecting any criticism of Dornan and the reason is abundantly clear. You’re no Rangers supporter, as I understand Rangers Supporters. You’re a nationalist first and last and that will always be your priority. Indeed it looks increasingly like that’s the sole motivation for your presence on this forum. In my opinion, and it’s only my opinion, you should stop this ridiculous pretence.


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