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Everything posted by BlackSocksRedTops

  1. When this topic is raised I'm always amazed that the issue of new fans is not addressed. Some tend to dwell on the negatives and how stopping these songs will somehow lose our core fan base. What about the opposite? What about young kids who are not being promoted through traditional family allegiances? What about fans who want to return and are tired of the FTP nonsense? With the advent of a global EPL on our doorsteps and the daily exposure to elite European football, it's hard enough to attract new fans. This stuff just makes it harder IMO.
  2. Some fantastic posts on here.
  3. I think it's sad that you almost use this define Rangers as being not just a football club.
  4. Do you openly embrace confrontation ffs? It's not up to fans to challenge other fans regarding inappropriate singing. That will only lead to trouble and violence IMO. Or is that what you want to prove this particular point? The fans should follow the club's lead and take personel responsibility and stop damaging the club they profess to love
  5. Do you know it's 2019 not 1979?
  6. Are you advocating that they still sing the songs and in turn embarrass the club and get us in bother?
  7. More fool them. This is not going away
  8. Thanks Bearger but that stat graph was giving me a headache! ?? I presume it confirms he started well? ?
  9. I don't think there has been any violence as such but there is a sinister tone adopted IMO. Why walk behind such a violent banner (image of fan kicking a Celtic fan). Why cover your face? The fact that they actually did this outside the marvellous facade of Ibrox on Edmiston Dr still makes me sick tbh. I wouldn't be seen dead in this sort of protest. To me it's the same "look at us" headline seeking nonsense that happens across the city with GB. Just support your team ffs.
  10. It's not about being intimated. Why would anyone want this type of masked protest associated with our club? If people think this is acceptable then God help us?
  11. Agree 100%. I still cannot believe there are people justifying this as being if "youth culture". Why do they feel need to cover their faces on their marches? The Gallant Pioneers would be turning in their graves
  12. Why would anyone like it? The term "Ultras" shouldn't be used as any kind of get out for the sinister aspect of their protests. In footballing terms it's a hugely negative thing IMO. "Ultras" need to grow up. There are countless and more positive ways to display your affection and support for a football team than simply copying and pasting a dated and ridiculous masquerade from the darker aspects of footballing fandom.
  13. Fair enough statement but I feel if the UB want backing from the Rangers fans as a whole they need to ditch the ski masks and balaclava during marches/protests. It's sinister and does not help their cause and turns a lot of fans off IMO.
  14. All very cosy. Did they ask him about why he left Hibs? Doubt it...
  15. It's the morning after the night before and the dust has settled on the realisation that St Brenda did the dirty on them. Talksport a good this morning. Much talk of the "sellik family" ?
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