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Posts posted by BlackSocksRedTops

  1. 9 minutes ago, BEARGER said:

    You’re correct all their possession was at the back.

    I definitely think this was a deliberate tactic from SG. Have their 3 least effective players with more of the ball. It shows that SG is learning and has come on leaps and bounds from the powderpuff performance at CP early in the season.

  2. 13 minutes ago, cooponthewing said:

    Yeh, the MSM are all over it when the sheep and the scum sing about it, aren’t they.................? Incidentally, I find it distasteful too but, it’s the hypocrisy and selectarianism” that has the usual jaundice.

    That sounds like a different conversation and one that is a lazy way to condone these songs IMO. Instead of excelling in shooting ourselves in the foot, why don't we ever box clever?

  3. Thought we did all the hard work well today: pressing, winning 2nd balls etc (which ultimately wins OF games for me). Our passing was a wee bit off tbh and if we had a wee bit more quality in the killer areas we could have murdered them today. They were truly garbage. 2-0 is great score in any OF game. Well done Rangers

  4. 1 minute ago, Scott7 said:

    That’s an interesting fact.


    I wonder how many of the third place finishers had fallen out of the top two and how many had surged up from lower places.


    This isn’t a demand for clarity, BSRT. If I’m too lazy to check for myself, I’ll just have to wonder.

    I'm not sure Scott7 tbh. With regards to the overall point of "momentum" I wonder do teams get more momentum/confidence from a good semi final victory as opposed to just scraping through? I suppose at the end of the day it comes who turns up on that particular day.

  5. 4 minutes ago, Bluedell said:

    The tactics of the team have changed recently so is it really the formation that looks better rather than the fact that Defoe is in the team? 


    I also have my doubts about the suitability of that formation against Celtic, but despite that, I believe we need a physical challenge next week and Defoe doesn't provide that. 


    The fact that Morelos is refereed differently from other players is certainly a reason for considering Defoe, which, to me, is a far bigger issue than his discipline. 

    They way he is refereed is out of our control so if we concentrate on how we can influence the game, removing Morelos from another potential red card would be the sensible choice

  6. 1 minute ago, Bluedell said:

    Totally disagree. Morelos adds more to the team than Defoe and is a better all round player. 


    I'd start Morelos next week. 

    Agree to disagree. I think we look like better team with Defoe and it comes down to percentages for me. If we create 4/5 chances against them, I'd want Defoe to be on the end of them not Morelos. If you also factor in Morelos discipline problem. We are now at the stage that it's a 50/50 chance he's going to get a red card in this game so Defoe all the way.

  7. On ‎05‎/‎05‎/‎2019 at 10:17, der Berliner said:

    Yes, Morelos and Tavernier may probably be missed, but I fully expect them to leave this summer. And we will survive, as we survived other influential players`leaving our club.


    Say 25-30m for both will give SG quite a different dimension when it comes to selecting future quality, even the means to actually buy Kent, if he wants to.

    Been saying this since the winter transfer window. Morelos and Tav are best sellable assets and they would help counter any on going off the costs (until we can sort out SD) and help fund any new summer transfers. I think this is why we brought in Defoe on an 18 month contract (as opposed to 6 months) and Matt Polster, a dynamic right sided player who play RB and RM.

  8. 36 minutes ago, Rousseau said:

    I wanted a comfortable second; we got that. I'm content. 


    It is a tad frustrating, however, when you consider we could've nicked the title if it wasn't for a few sloppy results. 

    Agreed but going into a new season with a campaign under our belt will only help the manager and squad. Coupled with fact that the Tims won't have Brendan Rogers in the dug out makes it a more even fight. No matter who they go for, no Brendan Rogers means a 20% reduction in their quality and sustainability. Will they opt for Lennon? And would he take it? He has to think carefully IMO. Does he want to be the man that could be in charge if their 10 in a row dream goes belly up? It will be an interesting summer indeed...

  9. Even on the cameo yesterday you can tell how Morelos changes the way we play. He's more selfish than Defoe IMO and tends to make a lot of wrong decisions on the ball. Defoe is more of a team player for me and that has been shown in our recent unbeaten run

  10. 5 minutes ago, Bluedell said:

    While agreeing with the point you're making to an extent (a section of the followers annoy me too), how do the OO do that? They generally provide stewards but they can only have limited powers and can't stop someone half cut from causing a bit of hassle.

    I've no idea tbh but unless they address this they will leave themselves open to criticism 

  11. I was busy yesterday so I watched most of the game but also had to listen to the game via BBC Scotland whilst in the car doing errands. Willie Miller was keen to promote the narrative of "Will Stevie G be happy with how slow Rangers have been?" Eh? Little did he mention the time wasting, fouls and general niggly play from Aberdeen to deliberately slow the game down to their level. They were bloody awful

  12. 6 hours ago, barca72 said:

    To not align their faith with  the Orange Order is their choice but why would you use such a disparaging phrase as ' not one would go near the OO with a barge pole'. 
    Why, what has the Orange Order done that they would be so intolerant, or is that your opinion?

    Without going into too much detail, two of my acquaintances were verbally abused and spat at due to the fact that one of them was wearing a tartan scarf and they were waiting for the parade to pass in a friends car who happened to have an Irish licence plate. Understandably, this is why their faith has nowt to do with the OO.


    From my own POV, I have an office in a part of town where parades take place on a frequent basis and I would say that the many of the followers are generally half cut and see it as day out to somehow align it with Rangers and being a "Proddy". I would say it usually provides an air of aggression rather than celebration and would not be surprised if any of the followers have been anywhere near a church they so proudly like to celebrate on that particular day.


    To be fair to OO as an organisation, these examples I have given were from people who were following the parade as opposed to taking part in the said parade but if the OO want to adapt they have to be somewhat responsible for the people that choose to follow their marches as ultimately this will only reflect badly on them as an organisation. I'm sure I'm not only one with this assertion

  13. 1 hour ago, Gonzo79 said:

    They did put us out of both cups and have given us plenty to think about this season.


    Good performance today.   We still lacked some clinical play in the final third which would have made it 4 or 5 but I was happy with Davis, Kamara and Katic.  Kent's play today summed up why we shouldn't break the bank to get him. He flatters to deceive. 


    A wee mention for Defoe, who I was impressed with.  

    Agree that they have given us something to think about but I think the team that has given us more to think about is ourselves tbh. Aberdeen will be lucky to have mustered 10 shots on target over the 7 games we have played against them. If they had outplayed us I would be worried about our future but I genuinely feel that now that SG has a season under his belt and with a few additions we will be able to fix the Aberdeen/Killmarnock problem. If we can start addressing the dropped points against those type of teams we will be in the mix for the title.

  14. 15 hours ago, BEARGER said:


    Just out of interest...as I'm a non-Protestant supporter of Rangers, can someone please define what Protestant culture is? These guys seem to clearly see no difference between the OO and Protestantism. And what areas of Glasgow are no go areas for Protestants? Who enters a neighbourhood and declares their religious faith? Or are they simply talking about the OO? 


    I only ask because of the 6 CoS going Protestants I know, not one would go near the OO with a barge pole

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