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Everything posted by BlackSocksRedTops

  1. This doesn't have anything to do with what's happens in the stadium IMO. It a symptom of what's gone on beyond the game. Refs getting windows smashed and abused in public, Celtic fans hiring Private Investigators to follow refs, Celtic FC asking particular refs to relieved of their duties. No wonder refs are intimated.
  2. Let's face it. Finding that offside was his get out of jail card.
  3. That's fine tbh if that's the case but the regardless of the whether it's a pen the process stinks and is a culmination of the culture of pressure they have cultivated for decades. I never bought into it before after the last few seasons, I'm sold. The turning point was the 21/22 season when Dundee were denied a stonewall penalty at Celtic Park (Jota uses his hand in unnatural position) in a tight match and then we were denied a stonewall pen in the same weekend up at Tannidice when Sakala was hauled back in the act of shooting. Nothing given. Then there was the Johnson non foul on Morelos and the disallowed goal in the 1-0 defeat at Ibrox this season.
  4. Have we seen an actual still frame of when the ball is played forward in the Sima penalty incident. I've seen a pic with lines but I've also listened to several pod casts disputing the validity of the pic as it taken after the ball is struck. We need evidence as this whole situation stinks. I've also read many comments supporting the ref, stating that he couldn't see what happened. Has anyone actually looked at his position. He's about 10 foot away and looking directly at the incident.
  5. One last game before the break. One last push. We need to shake the hangover from Saturday out of our system quickly. 3 pts is non negotiable but Kiĺlie will be a tough nut to crack. I'd go with the same team that started against them with maybe Dowell coming in for Lunny (who didn't look fit IMO) and Wright for McCausland. I know everyone will want Silva starting but I think Clement will not play him based on his previous comments regarding players fitness etc. That leaves us with Dessers. As much as he was awful on Saturday we need to support this guy if he plays. Stay classy my fellow Rangers fans. He's not the answer but he's got to feature therefore we can't start turning in on ourselves. That's exactly what THEY will hope to happen.
  6. Happy New Year to one and all!
  7. To be fair to Clement, I'm sure Sterling was carrying a knock when he arrived as manager. You do wonder if we would ever have found out how good he was in midfield if we hadn't had injuries in that area. Oh well, it seems necessity is the mother of invention after all...
  8. It's worth noting that in 6 of the last 7 OF games we've had the superior XG over Celtic. That not only confirms that there is not much between the sides but sadly highlights our lack of clinical front players.
  9. Is Danny Ings worth a shout? He's in and out of the West Ham team and despite not scoring of late, he's previously had a decent record. He's 31 with good experience.
  10. The previous 87 mins don't count? The time to get his free kick A game working was in the previous 3/4 situations.
  11. OK. The dust has settled and it's perspective time. When Clement came in just over 2 months ago and you provided the following terms and conditions, I would have bitten your hands off: 1. We get back in the league race, potentially cutting down an 8pt lead to 2pts if we win 2 games in hand. 2. We win our Europa League group, (netting 3 million) allowing us to enter the last 16 starting in March. 3. We win the League Cup. All this in the face of dreadful injuries and misfiring players inherited from another manager. We look more functional as a unit than we ever did under Beale. Clement is an astute guy and he would be seeing what we all saw yesterday. We need to be more clinical in front of goal. If we have better striking options yesterday we do not lose the game. Its as simple as that. Let's do Killie and move onwards.
  12. I know this player was recently championed by a now banned poster but I did notice that Langstaff scored a first half hat trick for Notts County yesterday. That's now 38 league goals in a calender year for this guy. Looking at what happened yesterday, we just need a player with a natural strikers instincts. Any striker with an ounce of ability would pounce on that Dessers chance. He wouldn't cost the earth IMO and I reckon teams in the championship will pick him up soon. If you've got it, you've got it. Look at Jamie Vardys meteoric rise.
  13. Agree. Focus on beating Killie and getting players back. I've only seen Celtic 2/3 times this season and I'm convinced they will drop more points. They were average and I feel that we just needed to score first and they would have folded. Oh well.
  14. Agree with all of that tbh. I don't like to single out players but it is clear Dessers will be OK against the cannon fodder in this league. He'll probably get 15 goals this season IMO but if we can upgrade that attacking area today we win the game. Oh and Cantwell needs to gets his finger out of his ass and start imposing himself. He was busy but he just holds into the ball too long.
  15. Ridvan did well IMO. Started shakily but steadied himself into the game.
  16. I think we will win the league but it won't rely solely on what we do against them. They will drop more points IMO.
  17. Not great surprise to lose there tbh. One thing is clear. If we have a striker with an ounce of pace and guile win that game today. On the plus side. Sterling was head and shoulders the best player on the pitch IMO. Honourable mentions go to wee Yilmaz. Elsewhere, Lundstrum didn't look fit to me.
  18. Oreilly should be off the pitch. Stayed on with bleeding nose before. Nonsense
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