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Posts posted by BlackSocksRedTops

  1. As much as Jones has impressed I think we need to hit the brakes. He's played a few games and looked good but let's judge him after a good run of games, not 2 or 3. Last season there was talk of bids for Coulibaly based on a few games and look how that turned out. I'm not being negative just realistic. Form should be measured on a half a season/full season not a couple of games. 

  2. Just now, alexscottislegend said:

    Only downside to that is that they may not make the group Europa stages: they have to play AIK Gothenburg I imagine and I wouldn't bet on them getting through. If that happens, we are the ones with a handicap of playing on the Thursday night.

    I thought the same last night tbh. Might be the first time I wouldn't mind them winning if it means them having the same schedule as us (If we make it, of course)

  3. I think we will start to see the difference between Rodgers and Lennon being at the helm. Rodgers got skelped continuously in Europe but the fans were willing to give him slack because he was a "top drawer" manager. You get the impression that wee Lenny is a few games away from them jumping down his throat. Happy days

  4. No Clough? Won the league with 2 sides outside the regular top performers and won 2 European cups into the bargain


    On a side note  it's amazing to think that no English manager has ever won the Premiership. 

  5. 4 minutes ago, MacK1950 said:

    3 points the albatross off our backs will do for me.Maybe Morelos didn't cover properly at goal ,but where were left sided defenders?.

    Praise must go to Alfie for not reacting to the wrestling throw by Broadfoot and the question asked of the Hobbit why he had to speak to both  as it was all the Killie's player actions.

    Unfortunately the headlines are made by the morons dancing on the disabled shelter causing collapse and injury.The club MUST seek out the fat,baldy guy in black and the guy in the pink shirt and ban them from any further games, IMO.as we can do without negative headlines this early.

    Is that true about the disabled shelter? FFS you have to wonder about some people

  6. 5 minutes ago, 917 said:

    Let’s not be fooled by the last minute winner here, that was a terrible performance & worryingly suggests Gerrard has learned nothing from last season. Which means that we continue to sit in on a 1-0 lead against teams who are there for the taking, only switching into attack when they equalise. Lets not kid on that is a game we would have lost last year, We’ll drop plenty more points using the same failed tactics as we did last year. Every move breaks down when it gets to Arfield, Aribo is being played too deep alongside spongebob square pass, Ojo is a downgrade on Kent, Tavernier can’t function without Candeias & Davis doesn’t have the legs for our midfield any more! How did he get MOTM off of Sky I’ll never know!

    Let's calm down. Is it the current way of the world that everything has to be so reactionary and judged a game by game basis? It's game day 1. We got 3pts. This time last year we played great with 10 men and came away with 1pt. Performances will get better. Let's keep putting points on the board and make sure we are not chasing the Tims when the turn up at Ibrox. 

  7. 3 minutes ago, Gribz said:

    Aribo started too deep for me. Its obvious he has a license to go forward but I think he should start further forward and know he has to go back when needed. 


    Arfield in that role - not sure yet albeit the goal.



    Agreed. Seemed like all 3 midfielders were operating in the same space. Get him forward as he looks lively. 

  8. 16 minutes ago, Rousseau said:

    Candeias and Kent weren't playing wide, though. We've not had 'wingers' in quite some time. 


    Arfield will be playing in the half-space. 

    Fair enough. Would like to have seen Jones today tbh. Would have loads to prove against Killie and is used to their dodgy pitch

  9. Loved Mark Walters. Did he make his debut against them? I always thought he made his debut as a substitute at Tynecastle in a heavy win for us just before Christmas? I remember him taking a long ball through his own legs with a turn and destroying their full back. Great memories (albeit sketchy with some details ?)



  10. 1 hour ago, compo said:

    Around mid afternoon on Sunday we will have played our first game in the coming campaign so what's your thoughts on the season ahead,.

    Have we got the players to win the league,  have we got the players with the character to turn a game in our favour after giving the opposition a lead have the players got it in them to fight and play for each other to bring about results that will put us in the driving seat  to take our title back from that horrid lot across the city :rfc: .

    Bit of a Johnny Nash one this. ?More questions than answers...?

  11. 12 minutes ago, pete said:

    NAC should really be a Ere Divisie team due to the reasonable support they have. They seem to get promoted and survive for a good few seasons and then have a stinker of a season and get relegated. I would imagine that NAC will be chief candidate to be promoted so really I don't think there will be much difference between NAC and the bottom half of the Ere Divisie. If he can get a regular game I would say it is a good move

    Cheers Pete. Appreciate it

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