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Posts posted by BlackSocksRedTops

  1. 3 minutes ago, ian1964 said:

    The point is, that is against the new rules, no player should be made to walk around the pitch when it is a high risk match, such as v's them, where it may endanger the player, you would think a referee would know the rules, and in fact Davis was the only player that was made to do this.

    Given the recent abuse our players have received at multiple grounds, what match isn't a high risk match?

  2. 7 minutes ago, onevision said:

    Agree and also note that no votes for Kamara who i thought had a great game.

    Good to see Kamara use his physicality. He was looking a bit lightweight for these games but seems to have added a bit of dig to his armoury

  3. Highs

    Beating Killie on the last day of the season in 2011

    Beating the tims in the league cup final 2011

    Winning the league cup in 2010 with 9 men

    Stevie G becoming our manager



    Too many to mention

  4. 49 minutes ago, ian1964 said:


    It's officially silly season. So are they implying that poor Mr Christie was rushed to hospital due to a challenge from Alfie? Please be more specific Mr Gutter Press. 


    A groin injury? How ironic considering what Mr Clancy missed during the game. 


    How long will this Timplosion last? Indefinitely, I hope

  5. 24 minutes ago, Frankie said:

    As this is our final pod for 2019, I'd also like to take this opportunity to thank all our presenters, guests, partners and listeners for their support over the last year. We really enjoy bringing you our opinions and we'll be back again in a couple of weeks to start 2020!

    Well done everyone. Top notch stuff as per usual 

  6. I see the Red Tops are scraping the barrel and have dragged John Hartson out for some critical analysis of the game. So what was John's big take away from the game? Hold on to your hats....


    Stevie G didn't shake hands properly at the final whistle. It was more of a disrespectful slap than a handshake.


    Christ, they must be rattled

  7. 1 hour ago, RANGERRAB said:

    The SFA are buying Hampden for £5m at the end of the season( although half of it from Willie Haughey)

    Where are they going to get zillions from for VAR ? ??

    Why do the SFA hold the power? The SPFL should be calling the shots. How does it work down south? I know it's on a level beyond our game but I can't imagine the FA telling the Premiership what to do.

  8. 21 minutes ago, D'Artagnan said:


    Even with our most consistent player, Ryan Jack having an off day by his own high standards we bossed them in their own gaffe. Davis and Aribo outstanding thoughout - I think Arfield better get used to the bench given the  the performances of our midfield today.


    Borna continues to impress to a standard which is mind boggling - not only defensively but his clinical and lethal use of the ball in  attacking positions.


    I suspect the New Oxford Dictionary will have a photo of Katic under the word desire.


    I'm not surprised by Borna at all. We paid good money in the first place because he looked like a player. I just feel that some were too quick to judge him considering he had a few niggling injuries at the start of his Rangers career

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