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Posts posted by BlackSocksRedTops

  1. 8 minutes ago, craig said:

    The only one who staked a claim, as Gerrard said, was Paterson and, I guess, Edmondson


    Halliday offered little, though played injured for over half a game.  Jones was almost anonymous.  Barker offered nothing and Ojo came on and offered nothing too.


    Worrying if we have to rely on some of these guys at crucial stages of the season.

    Not sure what Jones has to offer as he looks like just wearing a Rangers jersey is good enough for him. He simply needs to do more or he'll be on his way out

  2. 19 minutes ago, Gonzo79 said:

    A notable difference from last season's January kick off is the (lack of) addition of new players.


    Davis and Defoe have been very good signings but it felt like they were shoehorned into the match at Rugby Park.  We won't have that problem this time.


    A comfortable victory with no injuries is what's required tonight.

    I also think that the biggest difference from last year is that we are a more coherent and settled team this time around. The league table and points accumulated confirm this.


    With reference to adding new pkayers, I genuinely hope the mhanks start dropping in their new players. Just adding new players doesn't always mean it's going to be a positive. It takes players time to settle and get used to their new team mates and that's why I'm glad we (hopefully) won't be making too many amendments this winter break

  3. Up until a few years back I worked as a freelance illustrator/graphic designer and back in the 80's I used to do portrait commissions of football greats as gifts for people. One portrait that always stands out in my memory is one I completed of Bobby Brown. I was converting a black and white image to colour and really loved capturing the iconic yellow goalie jersey. IMO it's something that should be as iconic as our red and black socks and blue jerseys. 


    RIP Mr Brown. Jerry Dawson and Billy Ritchie are waiting with a pint 



  4. 29 minutes ago, Gonzo79 said:

    I'm glad I never got into gambling.  I'm glad the government are taking steps like this but I doubt it'll make much difference to the many people with gambling problems.

    Banning credit cards to fund any online bets from April is a start. Not sure if that also means debit/bank cards. If not, that would be next. 

  5. 22 minutes ago, JohnMc said:

    That's depressing. #Old

    I hear you. It seems like everyday you get a reminder of getting old. Especially with this current trend/obsession with 20/25th Anniversaries of films/albums etc. 


    I actually met an ex-Gers player in a bar at the weekend whilst out with the good lady and he was one of my heroes as a youth. We spent some time with him and his partner/missus but Christ did it make think about how time has flown in. 


    Going back to the family connections...I was listening to the Boro V Spurs game last week and they kept mentioning a Boro player called Tavernier. For an awful moment I thought we'd punted Tav and I missed it as I busy with work over the last few weeks and hadn't been paying attention to the news. Turns out it was his younger brother! Thank feek 

  6. 19 minutes ago, JFK-1 said:

    It would appear doubtful that anybody can catch up with Liverpool anytime soon. Liverpool this season aren't really any more potent than last season. They're consistently performing at a remarkable level from season to season. The difference is that City simply aren't matching them this season.

    Liverpool have a few banana skins on the near horizon. Man Utd (h), Wolves (a) and West ham (a). If they get through those with 6/7 points then I can't see City catching them 

  7. 20 minutes ago, craig said:

    Not sure why he would leave - Liverpool are such a well run club.  Fenway Sports are a great company and know how to build sports brands.  He is well on the way to achieving a dynasty there, much as it pains me to say it.

    Not a Liverpool fan then Craig? Do you have a preference for a team down south?

  8. 6 minutes ago, craig said:

    The way we didn't regret signing Nicky Clark who had been banging goals in for QotS in the lower leagues ?


    Point being.... there are no guarantees and some of the numbers I have seen thrown around for Shankland (someone suggested as much as 2 million) I would be saying thanks but no thanks.  At that price anyway.

    I suppose all signings are risks and don't come with guarantees. I suppose it's all about taking a punt.


    Look at Robertson for example. He went from playing 30 odd games for Dundee Utd to the Premiership and went on to become a certain starter at Liverpool in 4 years. If we look closer to home, no one would have predicted Glenn Kamara to come in and do this well. Let's not forget he was warming the bench at a poor Dundee team

  9. Potentially quite a tricky game for Liverpool today. Jose likes to kill the game and has already intimated that he will need to play differently now that Kane is injured. Still think Liverpool will do them mind...

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