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Posts posted by BlackSocksRedTops

  1. 6 minutes ago, Rousseau said:

    I don't think Polster is great, but going from yesterday's performance, he's got a better all-round game than Flanagan. 


    I'd still say Flanagan is the better defender, though. 

    You're probably right. I think Polster has played a lot in midfield before coming to us. I like the fact that he got his head up and was always trying to pass forward. For someone with so little game time, he could have easily opted for the safe options. 

  2. 28 minutes ago, ian1964 said:

    Anyone can post their opinion, and  are those who disagree with your opinion  not allowed to disagree with you?.

    So you think Kent is a waste of money, based  on today's match? a lot disagree with you about that including the manager, forgive me for siding with the manager as opposed to you 

    I'm not quite sure Bearger was openly stating he was a waste of money? Was he not just asking if we think he has delivered (based on the price tag and what we've seen so far). I think he was also implying that he would like to see more from him. I don't think he would be alone in that thinking tbh 

  3. 2 minutes ago, Gaffer said:

    The whole team had a terrible game today.  Let's not pick out one player after that.  But in answer to your question, yes I think he's delivering and he will only get better.  Thankfully the manager agrees.

    I agree but I also see where Bearger is coming from. I suppose much of the scrutiny of this one player is probably derived from our financial situation over the last 7/8 years

  4. 7 minutes ago, Blue Moon said:

    I said as much when I saw the team selection.  It doesn't excuse our other deficiencies today.  Some of the performances were awful.   I know Kamara has his fans and I was one of them last season but this season he's been pretty poor.  He loses the ball too easily, gets caught in possession, wants too much time on the ball, turns into trouble and his passing is woeful at times.  He needs dropped.  He wasn't the only one but it is happening too often.

    I think you're a tad harsh on Kamara. He was poor today but has been excellent in some key games domestically and in Europe. IMO slower paced games suit him more. Maybe he just had an off day today due to the pitch and the frantic style of game but I feel he potentially could become a scapegoat for some fans due to somewhat languid style (and bargain bucket fee)

  5. Apart from the result, the biggest disappointment for me was our lack of urgency. I genuinely hope it was just a blip and these guys haven't been reading their own press after beating the Tims. Beating them hands down at their dump will become a distant memory if we have nowt to show for it

  6. 35 minutes ago, BEARGER said:

    Assuming the newspapers were correct and we spent £5-£7M to get him, do you think he has delivered? To me he’s a good player but at that price he should be making all the difference in games like today and last Wednesday. 

    I tend to agree Bearger. He has shown some genuine touches of class but IMO he needs to work on his decision making and consistency. I suppose the litmus test for me would be how much would we get for him in the current transfer market? I doubt we would get much more than we paid for him. I know that's based on only half a season but in the same time Barasic's value has multiplied by 10. 


    He is young though and hopefully he'll be a big player for us in 2020

  7. Agree with the manager. There was a point in the 2nd half when we were all over the place and didn't know whether to go long or play out. 


    The midfield need to do more in an attacking sense IMO. Davis, Jack and Kamara have been great but they offer very few goals. It puts a lot of pressure on Defoe, Alfie and Kent

  8. Pitch was terrible but we lacked any urgency from the first whistle and played into Hearts hands. We should be playing every league game as if it was league winning match. Just handed the psychological advantage back to them IMO after all our hard work beating them at parkhead

  9. 19 minutes ago, Bill said:

    Why don't we judge the likes of Flanagan after we see how he plays instead of continually undermining our players before they've even taken the field. Flanagan is what he is and if the manager thinks he's the right man for the shirt then I'm sure he won't let us down. Let's go.

    No one is undermining him. I think its perfectly valid to question if there is a better option (Patrtson) to fit into our current system when Tav is away. I've seen Flanagan play enough times and I'm sure he won't let us down on in terms of endeavour and effort but how does it effect our overall shape, playing a FB that has limitations going forward?

  10. Hopefully we will get more space than the last 2 games. Right back is a concern for me. Flanagan is able enough as a convential RB but our system relies on width from our full backs. Would Paterson be a better option? 


    Either way we have to go out and put our mark on the game early and not let them get a whif of hope. Tynecastle can be a tough place if Hearts give something to shout about 

  11. 3 minutes ago, Blue Moon said:

    I'm just telling you what I experienced.

    Sorry mate. I wasn't pulling you up on your post or anything like that. Was just adding a wee bit of info to the chat. Apologies if it came across differently ?

  12. 13 minutes ago, Blue Moon said:

    We were in the Croke Park Hotel in Dublin watching the Rangers  Celtic game and were the only 2 out of about 100 that weren't desperate for Celtic to win.  They cared so little it was on a huge screen.

    The bulk of Celtics Irish support is derived from Donegal in the north as the majority of Irish migration into Glasgow and the West of Scotland hails from that county

  13. 55 minutes ago, JFK-1 said:

    Now that they have beaten Wolves it has to be at the stage where Liverpool must be considered unstoppable as far as the title destination is concerned. They're 16 points clear of City with still one more game in hand.


    I think they have dropped barely a handful of points in the last 60 or 70 games or so. Doubt they will drop 16 points over their remaining 15 games. In fact they're looking likely to increase their lead to 19 points.

    I think they've secured 94 pts from a potential 96 pts over this winning period. That is remarkable in any league, never mind the EPL

  14. 1 hour ago, compo said:

    Beginning to look like the horrible scousers are going to win the worst premier league since its inception,  we will never hear the end of it .

    Christ. Why is do so many things have to be nasty on here? "Horrible scousers"? Do we need the nasty add ons. FWIW, I like Liverpool. I like their manager and his positivity. I like their playing style. I can't see many negatives there tbh


    If you think this is the worst EPL since it's inception, you clearly don't watch a lot of football. Teams have never  been richer and most teams can beat anyone on their day. That wasnt the case when it was just Man Utd winning (and occasionally Arsenal). There is about 11pts between 5th place and the relegation teams. That to me suggests a strong and competitive league

  15. Too much over analysing this game me thinks. It was the first game after a winter break with a changed line up against a team that had no desire to get over the half way line. SG said it bored him and to be honest I've been bored by domestic cup games for decades. Let's face it the Scottish Cup is a distraction. We need to stay focused on the league (the thing that actually matters) and not get to bothered about secondary baubles

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