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Posts posted by BlackSocksRedTops

  1. 15 minutes ago, Gaffer said:

    I'll make my prediction for the following game right now ..... 5-0 HAGI.  I can't believe I get to put that name down as OUR first goal scorer in the next game.  Never thought I'd see the day.  For me, the only thing that will top that is if Kaka has a son who plays for us next.

    Well Kaka was a good proddie after all...???

  2. 1 hour ago, 26th of foot said:

    Breach of the Peace?


    Thirty odd years past, I was temporarily posted to Shrewsbury. The local blat carried a story of a couple of incidents occurring in folks driveways, Immediately after parking their cars, they heard noises outside, on looking out they noted a chap half underneath, at the back of their cars. On reopening the main door, said chap jumped up and ran off. Both cars were Volkswagen Golf GTIs. Later in the month, a just parked Golf GTI attracted the attention of a chap behaving similarly. A female in her flat across from the parked car called the Police. Two beat Cops around the corner nabbed and arrested the guy.


    He was charged with Breach of the Peace. He appeared in court a few weeks later, and it came out in the proceedings. The lad had a fetish for hot exhausts and a blistered dick. It was explained the Polis and CPS could not find a specific charge, thus Breach is a cover all. 


    I think a Lamborghini has four exhaust pipes?



    Is there where the euphemism "laying the pipe" comes from...?

  3. Still think there is something slightly odd about the Kamberi deal. Why would Hibs loan us one of their best players in the middle of the season when they know we need a striker? They were holding all the cards as far as I can see. And it appears there is no option to buy? 


    I'm trying to think of a comparison? Let's say for example Aston Villa, wanted Tav on loan until the end of the season and we knew they were desperate for RB cover due to an injury. Do you think we would agree a loan until the end of the season? Not in a million years


    Any thoughts on this?

  4. 12 minutes ago, Bill said:

    What's the point of this topic? Who gives a shit what Braga does when they're not playing Rangers?

    Maybe some members find it interesting...


    There's plenty of other threads you can contribute to if you have interest in this one

  5. 12 minutes ago, Frankie said:

    Kamberi has often been playing in a deeper, wider role when used so that explains his lower goal tally this season.


    He's a player I've liked for a while, he's fairly quick, skilful and a good finisher.  He's also somewhat lazy and rather inconsistent.


    However, I do think he can improve further and would be a useful option.  A loan deal may be fairly sensible.

    On top of that, Hibs have been rank rotten for most of the season. He does have something about him and hopefully he can flourish in a better team (and system)? 

  6. 51 minutes ago, Bluedell said:

    Sherbrook Loyal on FF has just posted that tomorrow is going to be even more exciting and he can't wait to see how happy everyone will be at the deadline!!!


    He's ITK so can't wait. 


    Not going to be able to get to sleep now! 

    Even more exciting? Does intimate another player beyond Hagi and Kamberi

  7. 4 minutes ago, Gonzo79 said:

    My wife is South African and South Africans are a set of b@stards (apart from Johnny Hubbard).  Just thought I'd mention that, whilst we're on the "my wife is..." topic.



    Steven Biko and Alan Paton are alright with me 

  8. 1 hour ago, JohnMc said:

    This is my favourite thread in all of Rangers messageboard-dom, I look forward to 26th’s posts, they are invariably witty, prescient and well written. I don’t know 26th, I’ve never spoken to him far less met him, so like so many people you see online you create your own impression of them based on what they post. These assumptions could be well wide of reality of course, I suspect most of us are a lot more nuanced in real life than online. 


    Anyway, for what it’s worth I don’t think 26th of Foot is anti-Irish, but I can understand how a new poster only reading posts 2149 and 2150 might think he is. I’d recommend a wider reading of 26th’s posts PoohBear, they’re usually pretty good. 


    I too have an Irish wife, (and will soon have children sporting Irish passports, thanks for that Brexit…) and spent a few years living on that side of the Irish Sea. It certainly gave me a different perspective on things, particularly on the nuances we all have. I don’t know what ‘anti-British’ actually means. Do we mean the Irish government is ‘anti-British’? Is it the Irish people? All of them? Most of them? Just a minority perhaps? And are they anti everyone and everything in Britain, just the government perhaps, or maybe certain politicians and policies? It’s a difficult thing to define, isn’t it. 


    So here’s my experience, others will have had different ones. Ireland has a complicated relationship with the UK. The war of independence and its precursors and aftermath still play a big part in the culture of the country. This year has already seen controversy as we approach important centenaries in Irish history. But in the 25 years I’ve been visiting Ireland it has changed enormously. Ireland was a very conservative country, wary of change and slow to adopt many of the things other European countries took for granted. There is no way an openly gay man of half Asian parentage could have become Irish Prime Minister 25 years ago for example. The influence of the Catholic Church is diminished to be almost irrelevant now, certainly in terms of governmental policy and wider cultural norms. From the top down it’s a very different country to the one I first visited. 


    In terms of their relationship with the UK it’s fair to say it’s complicated. Almost everyone in the Republic of Ireland has family in the UK, they’ve all visited, they’ve all consumed ‘British’ culture from the day they were born, be that music, television or, to try and get relevant again, sport. The best supported football team in the whole of Ireland is Manchester United. Second best supported is Liverpool. Very few people take much interest in ‘local’ football, both north and South of the border. It’s not a great standard and English football has been available to watch live for decades now, long before the advent of Sky. Most Irish I speak to treat Scottish football with a mix of curiosity and disdain. Most will ‘have a Scottish team’, this normally takes the form of a side they’d rather see win but wouldn’t actually cross the road to watch. In the North this is usually Rangers, elsewhere Celtic are more popular. I’ve pointed out the error of this many times, but it can be hard to argue when one side is flying Irish flags and, well, the other side isn’t. But in actual fact most of them couldn’t care less who wins in Scotland, they’d rather talk about Rashford or Mane. 


    I’ve met bigots in Ireland. Small minded, scared people incapable of seeing the other persons point of view. Some of them were inconsequential and easily ignored, some of them, unfortunately, were harder to ignore. But Ireland is complicated, its history has created things that are hard. I’m not Arlene Foster’s biggest fan, but I can see why seeing your father shot outside your house and having your school bus bombed might colour how you see life and the compromises you’re willing to make. Likewise I can now understand why someone from the Creggan might not see the Poppy symbol in the same way I do. We don’t all have to see the world the same way. 


    For what it’s worth my Irish wife has been largely made very welcome in Scotland. She considers Glasgow her home, we chose to raise our children here, almost everyone is friendly to her. But, on rare occasions there have been snide remarks, the occasional insult, sometimes not intended, but felt all the same. Someone recently was incredulous that she got to vote in the General Election (she’s lived in Scotland for 17 years and the UK for 25) and told her she had no right to a say in what happened ‘here’. There are morons everywhere, Ireland has some, Scotland does too. Don’t judge an entire country on them is my one piece of advice. 

    Take a bow sir. 

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