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Posts posted by BlackSocksRedTops

  1. 6 minutes ago, Gonzo79 said:

    It will hit home when it's repeatedly mentioned by the yahoos and the press (if they manage it).


    I think Celtc are likely to win 12 major trophies in a row now.  That is embarrassing for everyone in Scottish football.

    That is embarrassing but it was always going to happen while we were demoted and hamstrung. Who cares about them? Don't read the press if it happens. It's that simple. 


    Let's show testicular fortitude and stick to what WE are doing. If we focus solely on stopping them winning an utterly meaningless record, I truly wonder what the point of our club is. 

  2. 6 hours ago, les186 said:

    "I may get pelters but I would persevere with Kamara, Davis and Jack in the middle. It was working for us and helped us control games but I feel we've lost that dominance now. " 


    I'd agree. Last night our midfield was nowhere in the second half, but defensively we didn't look strong enough, the number of times we got possession and then gave it back was our downfall.

    Our defence also relies on the guys in front of them and for me much of that solidity came from Kamara, Davis and Jack. I know he has scored some goals of late but we won't win anything with Scott Arfield in central midfield 

  3. 6 minutes ago, les186 said:

    We need better players. Some of our players can play very well at times but the mark of a very good player is consistency and we don't have enough of them. Good players cost money and we don't appear to be generating much of that at the moment or producing players through our youth system.

    I think it's hard to be fair. We're damned if we do, damned if we don't. We have a decent first XI but we have a lot of squad players that are exactly just that, squad players. Guys like Jones are not going to win us the league but what do we do? Spend money we don't have for expensive back up players? I'm sure SG was hoping the fringe players would press more for starting places but it's not materialised. 

    I feel sorry for Stewart tbh. I thought he looked like he could offer something different between midfield and attack.


    Jones I do not rate at all. Looks happy enough just to be at Rangers IMO.


    I also question the judgement of throwing in Hagi into the team at this point of the season. I'm excited he is here but now we are looking for him to change games after 10 minutes in the country. 


    I may get pelters but I would persevere with Kamara, Davis and Jack in the middle. It was working for us and helped us control games but I feel we've lost that dominance now. 

  4. 1 minute ago, ranger_syntax said:

    Neither will happen.


    Either would bring us back in to it though.

    Agreed. Simply trying to look ahead and try to see a positive. Last night was utterly depressing as I genuinely thought we'd put ourselves in the box seat after the OF game. Oh well, it must true what they say...it's the hope that kills you

  5. 36 minutes ago, Franc Ergs said:

    Good chance we will beat them at home, in fact, we'll probably play them off the park and get all the plaudits in doing so, it's the games against the lesser teams that will be the problem for us.

    Agreed. My only hope is that the games prior to that game seem somewhat kinder to us (on paper). Hopefully Aberdeen or Livi can do us a favour and even come up with a draw? Draws are as good as defeats in tight race


    I'm clutching tbh...

  6. Hopefully the forthcoming Braga games can provide a much needed distraction and confidence boost for the rest of the season?


    With regards to the league, I suppose we are realistically looking at winning our game in hand and then we need to beat them at Home to reduce the lead to 4pts. On top of that we are looking for them to drop points somewhere. They have Abrrdeen away and Livingston away prior to meeting us. Thats the only games I could see them having any problems with. It's a big ask

  7. We were doing it earlier in the season no problem. I think our confidence has evaporated since the break and it shows in our play. We looked happy enough to settle for one goal and simply allowed Killie to dictate the pace in the 2nd half. Considering the improvements we had shown at the tail end of 2019, 2020 has been very depressing indeed. 10pts from a possible 18 will never win you the league

  8. 4 minutes ago, gisabeer said:

    How many goals do we have to score to win a game.   As poor as we were we cannot complete with decisions like that.


    We will find it very difficult to win anything with the level of refereeing we recieve


    Said it my previous post but regardless of how bad the officials were tonight, it doesn't change the fact that we were worryingly poor tonight. 

  9. Officials a disgrace but that does not deflect from the fact that we've been awful since the turn of the year. No fluency, no urgency and ultimately no idea in many of the games. There's been too much tinkering since the new year IMO. I know we've had injuries but we should have tried to retain as much of the shape that was working so well prior to the break. 


    Truly f**king gutted tbh

  10. 1 hour ago, ian1964 said:

    Why don't you just do one? stop badgering me on my posts?I don't really care what you say! but you are entitled to your opinion, as I am! now kindly refrain from replying to my posts  thanks 

    Kind of defeats the whole purpose of the forum surely? If there are members you don't want to see, you can filter their content. 

  11. 3 hours ago, der Berliner said:

    Indeed. Remarked on this before, yet, as long as we win games, who would argue with SG? We could easily switch to "3" at the back and throw another MF or striker on, not least when the opposition essentially has no existent attacking threat. BTW, "3" does not really mean 3 central defenders. In recent games we saw how often Goldson went forward or acted as someone to spray passes and get people going. His ball towards Morelos yesterday was quality stuff. It is more like a DM dropping a little deeper and assist the 2 CHs.


    Still, I reckon Hagi can provide a spark that we lack, the return of Stewart may bring a different option to the right ... IF SG agrees that Ojo's quality come too sporadic to validate his frequent starts / games.

    Not sure tbh. Prior to Christmas we were flowing with these players and this set up. I would try to play our way through this mini blip and avoid radically changing the line up in order to find a solution

  12. Just now, scotty said:

    I don’t understand the idea from so many Rangers fans that Celtic have had the more difficult opening since the break, Killie, Ross C, St J, Accies, Mwell...where is the difficult game there? They couldn’t have handpicked it better for them, we’ve had Hearts away, Aberdeen and Hibs to come on Wed.

    They weren't difficult earlier in the season though. Our toughest opponent is ourselves at the moment IMO. 


    PS.I bloody hate the winter break...

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