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Posts posted by BlackSocksRedTops

  1. 30 minutes ago, stewarty said:

    Share a lot of the concerns about the developments needed in our squad, especially in attack.  I think we will face a stubborn Aberdeen who will immediately try to exploit the weakness highlighted by @26th of foot


    Overall I'm optimistic, but agree we need to get off to a good start.  My working assumption is that Michael Beale has been working hard with Gerrard at improving our tactical flexibility and to give us tools to adapt our game to the situations that arise.   Part of that is going to be taking our chances and maintaining discipline - something we have not done at crucial times.





    Agree about the tactics. It was highly evident in most of the pre season games I managed to catch, that we were making a conscious effort not to go long via the GK unless it was it was a last resort. If we can genuinely nail this, IMO it's one way to negate games turning into a battle with very little midfield action. Alan McGregor is too quick to relinquish possession for me

  2. 4 minutes ago, Rousseau said:

    The transfer Window is open until 5 October. 

    Cool. Was thinking more about having enough to bring the right guy in as opposed to last ditch stop gap or loan.


    Is October 5th Europe wide?

  3. Feel quite optimistic about our first XI keeping the pace. Less optimistic about strength in depth but key players (Aribo, Kent, Barasic) have a another year under their belt so hopefully that will work to our advantage.  The striker issue is a worry but hopefully there is still time to bring someone in? 


    I feel our season relies on what season Celtic have to be honest. If they get into a winning streak it will be hard. Hopefully the lack of crowds early doors might be some sort of leveller, so who knows?


    As long as we are in touching distance going to OF games. We know we have the better of them in one off games

  4. 1 hour ago, rbr said:

    In Scotland we need to stop under valuing our players , we are mental at this , McKennas not worth this amount ,dykes  isn’t worth X amount , yet down south a player goes for the same amount in league one , yet in a season is worth 6 times , then a season in the championship is worth £20 million , we are our own worst enemies . 

    Agreed. Look at Andy Robertson. He went from Queens Park to Liverpool in 4 years and is now a CL winner, Premiership winner and is regarded as one of the best left back in he world.

  5. 2 hours ago, JohnMc said:

    With respect BD neither you nor I are black (you're not, are you? I'm going to look pretty stupid if you are) so we're not affected in anyway by this. Let's be honest, there's no chance at all of Marxism making any kind of political inroads here, (and it's laughable to suggest it could happen in America) and by supporting the club and the players I don't think anyone is going to mistake either of us for Leninist agitators. This whole Marxism thing is bewildering, we're not living in a 1960s Le Carre novel, our way of life is not threatened by Conor Goldson protesting. The Israel/Palestine thing is nonsense too. Over 70 years of superpower intervention, terrorism, war, mediation and global attention hasn't been able to resolve that part of the world, you and me accepting James Tavernier kneeling before kick-off in a friendly isn't going to bring down the Likud Party or harden the resolve of Hezbollah. But Conor Goldson is a young black man. I don't know what he's experienced in his life due to the colour of his skin, perhaps nothing, only he knows. But as a white man I feel really uncomfortable telling him his choice of protest; one that's peaceful and largely symbolic, isn't appropriate. He's not looting or rioting, he's not closing down streets or marching. He's simply using his profile and platform to maybe make people like you and I, white men who've not had to give this much thought before (well I've not, apologies if you have been involved in this in the past or present) pause to consider whether our society provides the same opportunities to everyone regardless of their ethnicity. 


    I'm not unable to accept it means something else to others, I'm simply challenging why that is. I don't understand why it's provoking so much debate, it's largely symbolic, and I know symbolism is important, but it's unlikely to lead to wholesale change (and it's not going to lead to Marxism, I'm positive about that). 


    I wear a poppy every year. Both my grandfathers and my father served in the forces, I was brought up with it. I learned about the horrors of WW1 at school, attended the Armistice Day service at our local war memorial with the BB every year. It's something I grew up with, culturally it's important to me. I suspect a number of people on here had a similar upbringing. When I moved to Belfast I continued to wear a poppy around that time of year. For me it was a way of honouring ordinary and extraordinary people who'd made a sacrifice I'm not sure I'd be willing to make. But for the first time I met people who'd a very different view of the poppy. Who saw it as a symbol of the British military and they'd a very dim view of the British military. So I considered it but decided to keep wearing it. I'm happy to explain to anyone concerned that I don't wear it because I supported the invasion of Iraq (I didn't), or Afghanistan, or to make some kind of political point or prove how patriotic I am (I'm not patriotic in the slightest). I wear it to remember the millions of people who died either through government misadventure, idiotic orders or trying to achieve something truly noble and necessary that has made the world a safer and better place. I'm not honouring governments or politicians, far from it. That's what it means to me, thats why I wear it. 


    I'm confident Conor Goldson doesn't want to bring down the government in this country or in the middle east, he bends his knee and raises his arm so you and me will see him and think. That's all. 



    Take a bow Sir. Brilliant post 

  6. 13 minutes ago, bluedan said:

    True re Bassey, still raw but there's a player in there for sure. 

    Noticed how comfortable the keeper is playing out of the back, always a little risky if playing against a high press. He'll keep Shagger on his toes for sure. 

    Was obvious that the team were given clear instructions not to go long therefore it will be interesting to see how this pans out. Distribution is not Alan McGregors strength IMO and he has a tendency to pull the trigger on the long ball too early. 

  7. 3 hours ago, Charloch said:

    I've asked the Supporter Liaison Officer to clarify the following with respect to Rangers Diversity and Inclusion Charter:


    •    Can you inform me how Rangers intend to implement the strategy with respect to trans status people without impinging in any way on the sex-based rights of female supporters? 
    •    Can you confirm what Rangers’ position is with respect to Black Lives Matters? BLM as an organisation asserts that all white persons by virtue of their ethnicity and their ethnicity alone are guilty of racism. This is itself self-evidently a racist proposition. Consequently, BLM must fall necessarily outside of the terms and scope of Rangers’ own DIC. 


  8. Agree completely about the 5 stars removal. The RFC monogram is one of the best in the sporting world (along with The Barbarians and Flamengo). It doesn't need an add on

  9. As someone who has previously worked as a graphic designer, I think this a marked improvement. For a start, RANGERS is centred and above the lion instead if starting from round on the left side. That's done my head in for ages. The lion is also cleaner and more defined. Possibly could put Estd. 1872 in the spaces either side of the lion??


    Next request...lose the stars from the classic RFC monogram. Call me a purist but I prefer it on its own to be honest. 

  10. Random post alert but I was trawling through some old Rangers footage on You Tube and ended up going down a bit of a Dick Advocaat era rabbit hole. Over 20 years on and I consider this the best Rangers team I have seen. With the benefit of You Tube, it's easy to see why but at the same time it's easy to forget how bloody strong our squad was back then. The roster for those two seasons was frightening.


















    Ferguson B.


    Van Bronkhurst














    My memory is ropey at the best of times so can anyone remember why Numan played so few games in the 98-99 season? I do seem to recall one injury?


  11. 10 minutes ago, Gonzo79 said:

    We have no chance on current form.  


    I've been watching us, except for the 1st half of the game at Tynecastle and we are all over the place, with no spine, no desire and a complete lack of confidence. 


    Unless something drastic happens, the vermin will finish about 20 points ahead of us.

    I agree 100%. I just expected them to be out of sight regardless of what could happen in our favour in the OF games. I suppose the optimist in me thinks, there is a good team there and hopefully some sort of confidence can return? We were flying before Christmas and looked solid all over the park. It's just baffling that so many things have unravelled so quickly. Regardless of what happens in the title, hopefully the chance of beating them on Sunday can provide a spark of confidence for the remainder of the season? 

  12. Due to some personal stuff and a heavy workload, I've fortunately not been able to witness too many of our recent games (apart from Braga away). I've not even looked at the table in ages tbh but I was somewhat surprised to see that we are 13 pts behind with a game in hand (potentially 10 pts). If we manage to beat them next week it's down to a possible 7pts and we still have to play them (potentially 4pts). As I said, I've been out of loop and fully expected a larger gap (prior to the OF games). Ok I'm clutching a big, big straws but on paper we still have the chance to get this down to 4pts. How is that even possible considering the amount of points we have dropped? 

  13. 7 minutes ago, compo said:

    so the centre forward comes back a day late you give him a fine and a warning Morelos is the only one in the team with a physical presence the rest of the team is marshmallow  soft  we get knocked about all over the park 

    I'm sure there's more to it than that. He's come back after the winter break about a stone overweight IMO. He's been awful since the start of 2020

  14. 7 minutes ago, ian1964 said:

    Superb character shown tonight, hope this kick starts our season 

    Hopefully kick starts Morelos to. I think the real Morelos is still in Colombia and an imposter returned after the winter break. 


    Well done Rangers. We could have easily let our heads drop after their 2nd but now we have a fighting chance to progress

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