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Everything posted by BlackSocksRedTops

  1. A goal.up and utterly dominant but we've been here before. Need a second goal to relax
  2. Somewhat surprised that Balogun starts ahead of Edmondson. Still, it will be good to see him in action
  3. Nice kit. Is it black or navy? Hagi's shorts look navy while the rest look black? What's with the dry ice? Half expecting to see Bonnie Tyler pop up somewhere...
  4. Agree about the tactics. It was highly evident in most of the pre season games I managed to catch, that we were making a conscious effort not to go long via the GK unless it was it was a last resort. If we can genuinely nail this, IMO it's one way to negate games turning into a battle with very little midfield action. Alan McGregor is too quick to relinquish possession for me
  5. Cool. Was thinking more about having enough to bring the right guy in as opposed to last ditch stop gap or loan. Is October 5th Europe wide?
  6. Feel quite optimistic about our first XI keeping the pace. Less optimistic about strength in depth but key players (Aribo, Kent, Barasic) have a another year under their belt so hopefully that will work to our advantage. The striker issue is a worry but hopefully there is still time to bring someone in? I feel our season relies on what season Celtic have to be honest. If they get into a winning streak it will be hard. Hopefully the lack of crowds early doors might be some sort of leveller, so who knows? As long as we are in touching distance going to OF games. We know we have the better of them in one off games
  7. Agreed. Look at Andy Robertson. He went from Queens Park to Liverpool in 4 years and is now a CL winner, Premiership winner and is regarded as one of the best left back in he world.
  8. Tragically sad news indeed. RIP David. You fought a good fight mate.
  9. Was obvious that the team were given clear instructions not to go long therefore it will be interesting to see how this pans out. Distribution is not Alan McGregors strength IMO and he has a tendency to pull the trigger on the long ball too early.
  10. Although it was scarey at times, I like that we opted for playing out from the goalie instead of going long. Gerrard's been watching a lot of Liverpool vids I presume...
  11. 10 million pounds fine? What is the point? That's close to 4 players monthly salary for them
  12. Always will be Rangers for me. I like the fact that we are one of a small number of clubs in the UK (and indeed the world) that has no geographical reference in our name.
  13. Agree completely about the 5 stars removal. The RFC monogram is one of the best in the sporting world (along with The Barbarians and Flamengo). It doesn't need an add on
  14. As someone who has previously worked as a graphic designer, I think this a marked improvement. For a start, RANGERS is centred and above the lion instead if starting from round on the left side. That's done my head in for ages. The lion is also cleaner and more defined. Possibly could put Estd. 1872 in the spaces either side of the lion?? Next request...lose the stars from the classic RFC monogram. Call me a purist but I prefer it on its own to be honest.
  15. Is this based on real experience? The last 3 EPL I've attended (Anfield, St.James Park, Selhurst Park) had a brilliant atmosphere
  16. Random post alert but I was trawling through some old Rangers footage on You Tube and ended up going down a bit of a Dick Advocaat era rabbit hole. Over 20 years on and I consider this the best Rangers team I have seen. With the benefit of You Tube, it's easy to see why but at the same time it's easy to forget how bloody strong our squad was back then. The roster for those two seasons was frightening. Goalkeepers Charbonier Klos Neimi Defenders Amaruso Hendry Porrini Moore Vidmar Numan Adamczuk Midfielders Albertz Ferguson B. Reyna Van Bronkhurst Tugay McCann Kanchelskis Forwards Wallace Amato Mols Guivarche Dodds Johansson Rozenthal My memory is ropey at the best of times so can anyone remember why Numan played so few games in the 98-99 season? I do seem to recall one injury?
  17. Having missed a lot of games recently, wtf is going on with Morelos? In the few games I've seen him play since the break, he looks overweight and disinterested. Has he improved at all?
  18. I agree 100%. I just expected them to be out of sight regardless of what could happen in our favour in the OF games. I suppose the optimist in me thinks, there is a good team there and hopefully some sort of confidence can return? We were flying before Christmas and looked solid all over the park. It's just baffling that so many things have unravelled so quickly. Regardless of what happens in the title, hopefully the chance of beating them on Sunday can provide a spark of confidence for the remainder of the season?
  19. Due to some personal stuff and a heavy workload, I've fortunately not been able to witness too many of our recent games (apart from Braga away). I've not even looked at the table in ages tbh but I was somewhat surprised to see that we are 13 pts behind with a game in hand (potentially 10 pts). If we manage to beat them next week it's down to a possible 7pts and we still have to play them (potentially 4pts). As I said, I've been out of loop and fully expected a larger gap (prior to the OF games). Ok I'm clutching a big, big straws but on paper we still have the chance to get this down to 4pts. How is that even possible considering the amount of points we have dropped?
  20. I'm sure there's more to it than that. He's come back after the winter break about a stone overweight IMO. He's been awful since the start of 2020
  21. Hopefully kick starts Morelos to. I think the real Morelos is still in Colombia and an imposter returned after the winter break. Well done Rangers. We could have easily let our heads drop after their 2nd but now we have a fighting chance to progress
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