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Everything posted by BlackSocksRedTops

  1. Whit? Good specs matter it seems???? apologies. Either way Kamara has started well this season
  2. Apologies if it's been posted nut I thought there should be a special mention for Kamaras through ball for the 3rd goal yesterday. It was a beauty. Kamara gets a lot of stick so it's good to see him making a contribution like this.
  3. Imagine we were top of the league and there was another lockdown? Do you think we would get the trophy handed to us? ?????
  4. Early second goal a priority and then let's go for it. Get the big man on and the release the hand break Stevie
  5. That's the problem. Jack doesn't get forward enough so it ends up as 2 holding players
  6. Disappointed to see both Jack and Kamara start v St. Mirren at home. Itten on bench, Alfie starts
  7. I tend to agree to be honest. He's a very good player on his day but he can also be very frustrating at times. His weight is an issue to. He's been overweight since the new year IMO
  8. 16.25 million. Take it now!! He's off form and carrying weight. 16 million all but counters our spending on Hagi, Itten and Roofe and leaves us with some change
  9. I don't get the final line? There's not a chance in hell of us coming on 3rd so it's irrelevant. Conversely I hope this doesn't send a signal to the players that 2nd place has got "value". This year is about winning the league. Whatever European doors that opens up is a bonus
  10. Agree but if we are talking about the teams shortcomings, I genuinely feel Tav is fast becoming the elephant in the room. He's undroppable but his defending is more than suspect and his poor decision making and passing often lead to us losing possession. Apart from that he's ok...???
  11. Not really that bothered that we are out but slightly disappointed at our poor ball retention. Morelos looks way off the pace at the moment. Plus points for me were big Connor Goldson and to a lesser degree Helander. Goldson is more captain material than Tav IMO
  12. How many goals has he scored on 2020? I know we've had the big break but it can't be many tbh
  13. Not really changed for us. We still need to score 3 goals ????
  14. I was thinking of most recent games as opposed to just tonight. He surrenders possession too easily for me
  15. I hate to single him out but as we bring in more quality to the squad, it seems evident to me that Tav is a bit of a weak link. He stood out in a team of mediocre players but IMO his distribution and defending have been poor
  16. TBH I'll be looking out for a good performance tomorrow before any chance of us scoring 3 goals. As long as we keep building on the start we've made to the season and put in a good show I'll be happy. Saying that...you never know
  17. Ignore that. Just read about the registration rules. Doh!
  18. I'm presuming Itten and Roofe are not available? Itten has been playing all through July and has 7/8 goals?
  19. Couldn't agree more. Just go for it from the bloody get go. No use signing attacking options and then starting the game with the hand break on.
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