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Everything posted by BlackSocksRedTops

  1. Good to see us utilising the profile of one of our ladies players to tap into a massive market. I also see the Disney+ logo which suggests more exposure. The big question is...will we see baby Yoda at Ibrox sometime soon?
  2. Great group with winnable games IMO. Still laughing at the thought of High Horse FC thinking they would get it easy as they were in Pot 1. Their group is arguably tougher than ours
  3. Deary me Gonzo. It's a small part of an overall rebrand program. Don't panic...our badge still has a red lion. IMO this is simply reinforcing the key motif of the Rangers brand in a fresh and modern way for complimentary marketing. Incidently, I'm an advocate of us wearing black and red socks at all times. Going by your logic, you'll be dead against that now...
  4. Good win and a better 2nd half. Should have been about 11 or 12 tbh. Subs integrated seamlessly and another clean sheet. Happy days.
  5. Well said Bill. Couldn't agree more. We've been way behind on this for years and IMO we've been relying on looking back for far too long. Let's keep looking forward. Take a bow marketing team
  6. Let's pump the breaks. No-one has a clue what's happened here
  7. This. Long balls into channels get defenders turning. Long balls to target men has low returns for me. I would love for once to see SG totally go against type and go into games like yesterday with a different approach. What would happen if WE sat back and made Livingston come out more? Would it open up the play more for balls over the top and counter attacks? In turn stretching the play more. I understand the onus is on us to dominate and take it to them but what's the point of having 80% possession with nowt to show for it.
  8. It's amazing how many long balls the Champions of England hit to Make, Salah and Firminho.
  9. As much as I agree, I think it's unfair to single out Kamara as I feel Jack was equally guilty of this. Jack is very "tidy" but to win the league we need more than tidy. You don't win league titles playing with a central midfield (Davis, Kamara, Jack) that will be lucky to score more than 5 goals between them. They never get behind or beyond the opposition, which frustrates the life out of me
  10. I'm starting to think we'll never win the league if we perservere with Jack and Kamara in midfield. It's just too slow for me. There were so many times we could play quick balls but Jack/Kamara are happy to just saunter and it kills any tempo
  11. Today's game (and games of this ilk) are all about tempo for me. My team talk would focus on going for it from the first whistle and winning the game by half time. No more probing with sideways passing and let's see what happens. Go for the jugular from the off with quick passing from Hagi, Kent and Aribo. There is nothing more disheartening than going in 0-0 at HT away to Livingston. You just know the 2nd half will be a frought affair with our players playing under unnecessary pressure. Games like today have been our downfall over the last few seasons so let's get out there and make a marker while the mhanks are on the naughty step.
  12. Have been thinking that for a while tbh. Especially since they turned over Spurs in London. They look formidable
  13. Nice wee video if you're having a cold beer on this glorious Friday night. Love the acoustic version of Follow Follow
  14. FFS. We are Rangers Football Club. A 150 year old sporting institution that has built its success on power, skill, hard work and determination. Let the opposition say what they want. Just go out and be better than them in ALL departments. End of
  15. Was about to start moaning about our passing not been quick and forward and then bang....3 quick passes and a goal
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