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Everything posted by BlackSocksRedTops

  1. Need Tav and Borna to get in behind and hit the byline. Too many speculative balls into the box for me
  2. IMO, this our biggest test of the season. We now know we can get the better of and beat the bheasts but this is where we have failed in the past few years. We have a lead at the top, the other lot are not on league duty but we face a test on the plastic pitch against a team that will be dogged.
  3. A few observations... If this truly retro, the goalie kit should be yellow. I can't recall our goalies ever wearing purple? Is the price really £68? If so, Wtf. This being released on the same day as Castore announce a deal with Jabba The Hurt leaves me feeling somewhat uneasy tbh
  4. Just watched the highlights again. Defoes goal really is a thing of beauty. If that was scored in one of the major leagues, pundits would be losing it
  5. Today's post Euro picture... 3pts...check. Clean sheet...check. Good squad rotation...check. Bigger picture... 3 pts...check. Clean sheet...check. Good squad rotation...check. More pressure on the Bheasts...check.
  6. Just checked the BBC website and surprise, surprise...are we the main headline after beating a team on their own patch for the first time in Europe in 6 years? Of course not. Instead we are blessed with the story of how plucky Celtic rallied against Milan in a 3-1 home defeat
  7. Will be a very tough game IMO. Didnt they just draw with Brugges at the weekend? I saw that Brugges beat Zenit away from home last night so they must be decent
  8. Utter nonsense. He is very clever player IMO. Oh and Shane Duffy is not a better opponent than lower league fare based on yesterday
  9. I thought he was great in the first half but went off it when he started getting involved with Browninho
  10. Considering he was pitched into a dysfunctional defence yesterday, I thought he did ok. Big Mr Duffy on the other hand. Now that's what you call a melon
  11. I tend to agree with regards to Morelos. IMO he was on the verge of blowing it for us yesterday with his silly slaps and needless nudges. Would really love to have seen Defoe on yesterday for a good 30 minutes.
  12. I like Tom Miller but I genuinely wish he would drop comments like "Rangers have a fantastic discipline record this season..", "Patrik Kimela hasn't done much so far..." Just asking for trouble
  13. Barker...interesting. Stevie G putting a lot of faith in this wee guy. Really hope it pays off. C'mon Rangers!!!
  14. I see the Tims are looking to get Christie involved on Saturday now...
  15. Any talk of their weaknesses leaves me a wee bit uneasy to be honest. As soon as you walk into one of these games thinking you have the upper hand because they have players missing, it sends out alarm bells for me. Hopefully SG will drill it into his players the lessons from last season where everybody had us as a sure thing for the first OF game as they had players missing. We ended up losing 2-0 and never kicked a ball. FFS even Johnny Hayes scored for them. That should be our lesson there
  16. Not one destined for a Christmas DVD release but I'll take 3 pts and a clean sheet after a Euro game all day long. Job done. Move onto the next challenge. PS. Still not convinced about Jones. Very happy for wee Barker
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