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Posts posted by BlackSocksRedTops

  1. 3 minutes ago, CammyF said:

    Best chance we've had to win a cup in years and players decide not to show up? Questions need to be asked, it might be a one off, but it's cost us a long-awaited trophy in my opinion. 


    If we win the league, this game, result and performance will (rightly) be forgotten about, but May 2021 is a long, long, long way away.


    Saturday will tell us is we are worrying unduly or not.

    May is certainly far away indeed. Especially when you consider we have Hibs, Motherwell and Aberdeen away in the space of a month in the early new year fixtures. First things first though. Saturday and 3 pts. 


  2. Just now, weebluedevil said:

    Our winning streak was going to end at some point. It was a bad night, typical cup game, they were up for it and grew in confidence as the game went on. No excuses really. But...as long as this doesn’t derail our main goal, and in some way it may be a blessing in disguise, as hard as that is to fathom. 

    How we respond at the weekend will be telling. 

  3. 20 hours ago, JohnMc said:

    There might be some gnashing of teeth and hurried memos to the music department at Pacific Quay this morning as Dougie Payne, Travis bass player, has publicly outed himself on the BBC Sport website. Obviously BBC Sport headquarters failed to pick up on Mr. Payne's loyalties before the interview. I'm sure Richard Gordon and Stuart Cosgrove will have a word, can't be having Rangers fans being portrayed as anything but reactionary neanderthals now, former art school indie band rockers not supporting the 'Tic or some diddy team, that's going to confuse the listeners. 

    "But it has to be said that things are going really well right now. Gerrard has really turned things around and the players he has signed have slotted right in. We are not just getting good results, we are playing really well too."

    Due to a previous work connection, I have had dealings with Dougie Payne and the other lads from Travis. They are all bluenoses apart from the singer Fran. Nice bunch of guys tbh

  4. 2 minutes ago, ian1964 said:

    This guy has improved so much under SG, excellent, yet I always think he could do more!!?, he certainly has the ability to keep improving

    Agreed. When he actually starts believing in himself to get forward he could really be a truly outstanding player. He's been doing more of that and he does look threatening 

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